Chapter 40: The Wolves Of War

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Skylar POV:

Standing up from behind the crates, I aimed and fired at a steady pace, advancing steadily towards the group. Apparently these actions spurred the rest of the pack on, with Malia and Peter both joining the fight while Scott dragged Deucalion's body to safety. By the time I ran out of ammo, I was within a close enough distance to start hand-to-hand. Taking the time to holster both pistols, I grabbed a knife and began the deadly dance with three of the hunters. Freezing one's hand while kicking another in the stomach, I threw the knife in another's throat before freezing the former's neck as well.

Turning to face the other hunter to deal with, I was met with the sight of Derek slashing the man's back up, effectively and promptly killing him. Noting the rest of the hunters leaving while the remaining were killed by us, I grinned and met Derek halfway. Wrapping my arms around his neck as his went around my waist, we smiled into our kiss. "Two weeks away from each other is too long." Derek mumbled, seeming to be content with just holding me.

"Oh don't be so dramatic." I teased, relishing in the safety I always felt around him. However, I was quickly reminded of our current situation as Deucalion coughing up blood brought me out of my thoughts.

"It's really started, hasn't it?" Malia asked as Derek and I walked over to the rest of the pack, bloody hands intertwined.

"What's started?" Stiles questioned.

"It's an all-out war." Scott stated, standing and turning to us. Derek's arrival seemed to finally dawn on the rest of them, with Scott coming to hug him. Letting go so the two could enjoy their brotherly moment, I elbowed Peter at his annoyed scoff.

"As much as I enjoy the impromptu family reunion, what are you doing here?" Peter questioned his nephew, making me look expectantly at my boyfriend myself.

"I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil." Derek informed, his eyes focused on mine before looking at my little brother. "There were two words written in blood on the wall--Beacon Hills."

"You came back for Beacon Hills?" Scott asked.

"No. Came back for you." Derek didn't meet anyone's eyes, probably not wanting to give me the satisfaction that I had made the right call coming down here.

"Blood and destruction. And dreadful objects so familiar." At the sound of Gerard's voice-over Stiles's police scanner, we all gathered around the jeep. "All pity choked with custom of fell deeds. And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge. With Ate by his side come hot from hell. Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice. Do you know the rest, Scott? Do you know your Shakespeare?"

With Derek being the most well-read Shakespearen from this group, Scott looked to him for help. Derek nodded in confirmation that he knew it and Scott held the button down for him to speak. "'Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.'" Derek recited, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"War, indeed. Welcome back, Derek." Gerard chuckled. "You must all be feeling rather nostalgic. Are you pleased with the little family reunion I've gathered around you, Scott?"

"Yeah, why don't you come join us, and I can thank you in person?" Scott suggested.

"I even have a few visitors for you...from London." Eyes flying up to meet Lydia's at the knowledge of who had moved to London, I clenched my jaw at Gerard's words. "Even someone like Jackson Whittemore couldn't resist coming back to Beacon Hills. Say 'Hello', Jackson." This was followed by pain-filled yells from the once-Kanima, making Lydia wince.

"Do it again, old man! Come a little closer--I'm gonna shove that thing so far up your ass!" Jackson's threats were also heard, although they did nothing to Gerard.

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