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By the time Carley's out of the shower, I've got everything set up. The hot chocolate, complete with whipped cream and a flake, is standing piping hot on the bedside cabinet. There are enough fluffy blankets and pillows to make a ten year old jealous, and the chocolaty goods are all set out. I pop the disc into the player just as Carley comes out of the bathroom, now in a fresh pair of track pants and a Van Halen T-shirt. Even bigger than the Led Zeppelin shirt. At least the smeared make-up's gone.
"Nice outfit." Carley comments, and I laugh. I changed while she was in the shower. I'm wearing this Star Wars shirt I found in a thrift store years ago, along with black leggings that are actually too big for me.
"It's still not as bad as the Led Zeppelin shirt, Carls."
"You wish you were as cool as my Led Zeppelin shirt, Sah." She quips back, the corners of her mouth lifting into the barest hint of a smile.
We snuggle into the bedding and start to watch. I sing along obnoxiously to the theme song, and soon Carley joins in half-heartedly.
More Progress!!
Soon the old familiar debate starring Ross vs Chandler starts up.
"Chandler's a negative, sadistic-"
"Well Ross is an awkward idiot who never grew up! I mean, he still plays with Dinosaurs!" I interrupt Carley's jab at Chandler, but she continues anyway; "homosexual who never got over his parents divorce!"
I honestly don't know why we do this to each other. I've been in love with Chandler Bing since Carley and I watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S accidentally when we were 15 (Daniella switched my Star Trek disc with season 3 as a prank). And Carley's been head over heals with Ross Geller for just as long.
But we always try and prove that our F.R.I.E.N.D.S crush is more superior to the other.

"So no one told you life was gonna be this way...your life's a joke, you're broke, your love-life's DOA..."
" I know my love life's DOA," Carley mutters, so I quickly shove a red-velvet cupcake her way and sing louder: "I'll be there for you...and you'll be there for me too!"
When the song ends and the scene cuts to Monica and Chandler's apartment, Carley throws a chocolate-covered strawberry at me.
"Ross is smarter than Chandler!"
"So? Chandler's happier in life than Ross, he's married and adopting a kid!"
"Well Ross already has two kids!"
"Yeah, and three ex-wives!" I snicker.
"Well, at least Ross and Rachel maintain good comradeship after their break-up, Chandler ran away to the Yemen to avoid Janice."
"At least once Chandler settles down with Monica he stays with her, he's not too scared to make that commitment."
"Ross wasn't too scared to make that commitment; he just knew that eventually Rachel would always want more, want someone better, someone who doesn't have all that baggage behind him." Her words hit hard.
"This isn't about Ross and Chandler anymore, is it?" I ask, pausing the episode.

"Ross and Rachel were never going to last, no matter how perfect they were for each other." Carley whispers. "Just like Chandler and Janice. They worked so well together, but Chandler was destined for somebody else."
I easily catch the double meaning. Carley's Ross, Blake's Rachel, I'm Chandler, Shane's Janice, and Monica is Zac.
I ignore the part about Chandler, and I focus on Ross and Rachel.
"Ross was too scared to make any commitment, wasn't he?" I ask.
"And he was right to be! You see, Rachel leaves in the last episode!"

A memory flash. Carley and I are 15, watching the last episodes of season 10. Rachel's on the plane, and Carley's phone rings.
"Aw, come on, that's my mom. I'd better go." She gets up, and leaves, calling over her shoulder: "We'll finish watching next time."
We never did.
"Carley," I say slowly, carefully, like she might go into shock, "Rachel got off the plane."

"Hey Shane, what's up?" I answer my phone. Carley's asleep, and it's late. I wonder why Shane's calling me.
"Hey Sah, what happened today? Any explanation as to why Blake's in a funk?"
"Oh, he and Carley are over as of this afternoon." I explain the whole story, and when I'm done, Shane says; "Just like that? No talking anything over, no-"
"Nothing. I think-" I turn to make sure my bedroom door is closed. "I think Carley's been waiting for something to end the relationship, for something to go boom."
"Go boom?" He echoes.
"I don't think Carley's ever had much trust in happily ever after,"
"She didn't think she and Blake would last?"
"Can you blame her? After high school, they'll be on other sides of the world. Long distance is hard to deal with, Shane."
"So at the first sign of trouble, she ran?"
"That about sums it up, look it's late, and I've got to go, see you Monday."
"See you ba-uh-Sarah." It feels like someone is squishing my heart in an iron fist when he almost calls me babe. "Oh, and Sarah?"
"Yes Shane?"
"Give Zac a chance." The line goes dead.

I lie awake that night going over what Carley said about Chandler, Monica and Janice.
Too be honest, I don't think it's a fair comparison, because Janice was seriously irritating, and her voice-ugh! Nails down a black board. But Chandler really did love Janice, I mean, they were really serious...but then he faked moving to the Yemen to get away from her.
And then he and Monica happened, much, much later. And they were practically made for each other. Is Shane right? Should I give Zac a chance?
Is Zac my Monica?
So we're back!
And this is a very short chapter, yes, we know. But it's better than nothing, right?
So do you guys think Sarah should give Zac a chance? Are all the F.R.I.E.N.D.S references too weird?
Do you think Carley and Blake will ever get back together?
Let us know, and we'll update soon again, promise! Since school's out right now and everything, we totally have the time!
Storm and Snow

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