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I watch as Sarah slams the door shut, disappearing from view. Man, have I screwed up my life. Well, at least I'm not on drugs.
And there's that Football scholarship to UCLA
I walk away, headed to my car parked just off the road, when I feel a sudden urge to turn around. I see Sarah's long brown hair framing her sad eyes and solemn face watching me. She squeaks, and ducks, probably hoping I didn't see her.
I quirk my lips in amusement briefly, before I remember that she belongs to somebody else.
Before I remember that she can never be mine.

I climb into my car and drive. I keep driving with no destination in mind, my music blaring. I don't even know what music it is, I just know that it's drowning out my own sick thoughts.
I can't believe I did that to Sarah. I can't believe I put her in that position. I told myself I wouldn't, I convinced myself that she was happy and deserved to be with Shane.

So why the hell did I screw it all up like that?

My phone vibrates with an incoming text, and I check it, only to find that I have several.

Mom: Zachary, your father and I need you to look after the twins again tonight. Be home by 5:30.

Ryder: 2015! Where u man? We gon partyyyyyy

Ryder: Cmon. We bi da cove

Sean: U prmsd ud b hme @lunch. Moms frnds driving me nuts.

Mom: Zachary, where are you? You've been gone all day, and we need you here tonight. Come home now.

Sabrina: Hey bby, missing ya. Come see me bi da cove, I gots a surprise for u! ;)

Sabrina: Zacy, where r u? Ily bby, dnt u <3 me?

Sabrina: Y dnt u <3 me?

Sabrina: Fine, you self absorbed ass, if you're that much of a jerk, don't bother ever talking to me again!

Sabrina: I'm sorry, bby. Was drunk. Luv u, pls cme over 2nite. Parents out;)

Mom: Zachary, are you alright? Where are you?

Dad: Son, you need to come home now. Where are you?

Mom: Zachary, are you okay? Please come home.

Mom: Why can't we get hold of you?

Mom: Zachary! Answer your phone immediately!

I groan and steer the car towards home. I get there only to find my mom yelling obscenities at the gardener. When she sees me, her expression turns to one of relief.
"Oh, honey, I'm so glad you're home. I was so worried, I couldn't get hold of you all day." She hugs me.

I suppose normal kid's parents hug their sons all the time, but the last time I remember my mom hugging me is probably my first day of kindergarten.
Well, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

"I'm fine Mom, just lost track of time, is all." Nervously she plays with her diamond earring.

"Well, I'd rather you didn't do that again. That lovely girl of yours, Sabrina, called here earlier, worried out of her mind. She said you'd agreed to meet up today, but you never showed. She was convinced something terrible had happened to you."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Sabrina has my mom eating out of her hands, of course that's why my moms so worried. Sabrina's over-obsessive clinginess got her all worked up and she must've convinced my mom that I'd been in danger.

"Mom, Sabrina's just being a drama queen. And we didn't agree to meet up today." I turn towards the house, my mom spluttering and trying to say something, and head inside, only to be tackled by Mia.

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