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Date day.

I think I've had the longest four days of my life. Each day I went to bed counting the hours until today. Don't judge me. I'm excited to see this guy again! Mainly because he doesn't seem like an ass and he's super cute. Then again, I thought Caleb was the same and look what happened. Anyway, I'm going to stay positive.

I really have nothing to do today, other than wait for tonight. Zac and I finished the assignment during the week, so I don't have that to worry about; and Blake has taken Carley on an all day date. I got a text from her saying she'll chat tomorrow, because Blake told her he has some surprises lined up for her as well. I think today's the day he tells her.

Grabbing the book Infected from my bedside table, I decide to spend the morning reading and immediately get a text from Shane...


Can't wait to see you this evening.

I'll pick you up at around 5:30

Where we're going is still a surprise.

See you later ;)

How sweet! Although getting ready is going to be pretty tough. I don't want to be over or underdressed. I could wear jeans and a T, all cool and casual, but then we may go to a really fancy restaurant or a even dinner at his parents place. Or I could wear a super amazing dress with heels and we go to the movies or mini golf.

Realizing I'm not getting anywhere, I think of calling Carley for some advice and remember that her phone is off. A sad idea runs through my mind. What about Daniella? Okay no! I'm not that desperate. Hold on... yeah I am. Sigh. As much as I hate to admit it, Daniella has had a lot more 'date' experiences than I have, so she must have gone on one or two 'secret' dates right? Plus the worst thing that could happen is her making me feel completely embarrassed for not going on as many dates as she has, say no and make me feel more nervous than I already am. Yeah, no worries.

I listen to the voice in my head, telling me to go to my sister and lazily get out out of bed with a groan. She's in a lounge chair, by the pool taking selfies in her bikini. How unoriginal? Still, I need to actually be nice, if I want her to help me. Ugh, here we go...

"Um hey Dan. Oh my gosh, have I ever told you how super cute you look in that bikini? It totally suits you."

She takes off her sunglasses and looks at me with a suspicious glare.

"What the hell do you want? You only ever talk like that when you need something."

I stand silent, almost embarrassed of what I'm about to ask. Daniella looks irritated and confused.

"Well? If you're not going to say anything dork, you're blocking my sun."

"Okay. I need some advice. This guy asked me on a date and.. um. See, it's a surprise and... I don't know what to wear? You're kinda my only hope right now. Carley's not available and mom would most probably tell me to wear a 'sensible skirt' and my hair in a bun. Please help."

A wide grin appears on Daniella's face and I know exactly why. She's always had an opinion in my clothing choices and I've always told her to stick her fashion guidance where the sun doesn't shine. So she'll now most probably take advantage of me coming to her for advice.

"Little sis. I always knew you'd come running to me one day. Are you scared once this guy sees your clothes he won't wanna go out with you anymore? Shame poor Sarah. Poor badly dressed Sarah." She laughs and it takes every ounce of strength I have not to strangle her.

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