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I swear this couldn't have come any sooner. Finally getting away from school and the drama that seems inevitable. This vacation better come quickly and slowly end.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen, and find my mom consumed by her laptop screen, smiling blissfully. Must be another big client base looking for electronics. Is there any time at all where this woman stops working?

I get to the fridge and grab the orange juice. From here I can see what has gotten my mom so happy. It's not work. She's looking at accommodation and flights for Disneyland.

Wait, Disneyland? The same woman who openly said she would never go near a Ferris wheel, wants to go to Disneyland?

Either that's a mistake, and she's probably smiling at how ridiculous the place is or is doing some research for a friend.

"Hey mom... What's that?" I say confused. I walk towards the kitchen counter where's she sitting.

As soon as she hears me, mom slams the laptop screen down.

"Morning Sarah." Mom says breathlessly. "Oh nothing, one of my friends, asked me to look at something for her."

Nice save mom. I hardly believe her though because there's only one woman that mom trusts and she is just as stuck up, so it's hard to imagine she'd want anything to do with Disneyland.

"Where's dad?"

Moms happy look fades. "Oh, your father went into work early today. There was a crisis with the stock." She gets up and leave the kitchen. I can hear soft cries from her study.

Shane's car honks outside and I feel pretty sad to be leaving mom. Things between her and dad have died down, though it hasn't become any better. Dad is emotionless 24/7 and mom bursts to tears at any given moment.

"So any plans for Christmas break?" Carley asks

"Not that I know of. Plus I'm pretty sure I don't want to go anywhere with my parents. I don't want 'Oh Christmas tree' turning into 'oh you never shut up'." I say imitating my mom. We walk into English and sit down.

"Same here. My parents want to go to some mountain resort thing. It's cool and all but if there's a possible outcome of being stuck in a cabin with my parents and no signal, I'd rather not be anywhere near the mountains. Anyway...and plans with Shane before you leave?" Carley carries on talking but everything fades as soon as I look up.

Zac walks in and his eyes instantly meet with mine. Unlike myself, I see no guilt from him, nothing that suggests any regret from trying to kiss me. In fact, there's more a look of knowledge of something that he knows that I don't. What the hell?

Carley sees why I haven't answered her question about what homework we had and softly flicks me on the side of my head.

"Ouch! What the hell Carls." I rub my head and pout at her.

"You don't think I didn't see what was going on there between you and Zac? Come on Sarah, Shane remember." She looks disappointed and I see how much I could mess things up if I were to do anything with Zac.

I could lose both the guy who genuinely cares for me; more than I'll ever know and possibly my best friend.

I look forward a second and Zac is gone. He's gone to speak to Ryder in the corner of the class, laughing and joking around as if the last few seconds never happened. I keep my head down and doodle on my notebook until our teacher arrives.

"So anything interesting happen at school today honey?" Dad says at the dinner table, cutting into his steak.

"Nothing. Just school as usual."

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