Party Poison (Gerard Imagine)

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"Please!" Frank pleaded, yanking on my hand.

"I said no, Frank. You know I don't do parties..." I sighed, memories playing through my mind.

"You're such a killjoy! Just stay for an hour. If you don't like it, I'll drop you off back here."





"Okay fine! If it'll get you to shut up!" I shouted and pushed myself off the couch and to my feet. He really gets on my fucking nerves sometimes, but he's my only friend. Some days, I wish he wasn't.

He did a small victory dance before pulling me outside and into his car. As soon as the engine started, the Misfits started blasting through his speakers.
I giggled and let my head rest against the window as we drove down the dark street. I watched the houses fly by until we came to a stop in front of a large blue three-story house. Even from inside the car, I could hear Kesha blasting from inside. I already hate it.

Frank opened the car door and climbed out, but stopped when he noticed I wasn't budging, "You coming?" He asked impatiently.

"Nope. Technically, I'm at the party." I smirked and folded my arms over my chest.

"So, you're just going to sit in the car?"

"Yep." I smiled and pluged my ear buds into my phone.

"Party poison..." he mumbled as he began walking away.

I chuckled and put the ear buds into my ears, humming along to The Smashing Pumpkins. I did so for about twenty minutes before I got bored of sitting.
I stopped the music and put my phone in my hoodie pocket before climbing out. I looked up at the house.

Fuck that.

I began walking down the sidewalk towards the direction of my house. As I was walking, I heard what sounded like groaning, followed by a splatter.
I looked across the street and saw a boy with greasy, black hair puking his guts out. He was hunched over, clutching his stomach as it's contents spilled out of his mouth and splattered onto the sidewalk.

I quickly ran across the street, nearly getting hit by a car in the process.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He looked up at me. I could barely see his eyes widen because his hair was covering them. He tried standing up straight, but he toppled over into someone's yard. I could smell the alcohol reflecting off of him.

I kneeled down next to him and helped him sit up, "Take it easy," I said calmly, "Where do you live?" I questioned, trying to figure out what to do with him.

"I-I don't know..." he slurred.

I sighed. I couldn't leave him there, and I certainly wasn't going to take him back to the party where he got drunk.

I yanked him to his feet, and he leaned onto me for support, "Where are we-we g-g-going?" he hiccupped as we descended slowly down the sidewalk.

"You're going to stay with me until you're sober." I replied.

He didn't say anything else until we arrived at my house, "Woah! You have a unicorn?" he exclaimed and pointed to the bush that sat to the right of my house. Poor drunk bastard.

"Yeah... sure." I said quietly, fumbling with my keys, it was quite difficult to get them out of my pocket with him putting most of his weight on me. When I finally did remove them from my pocket, I unlocked the door and guided him to the couch where he collapsed.

While he grabbed the pillow from under his head and started hugging it, I went into the kitchen. I came back with a glass of orange juice and handed it to him. He eyed the liquid for a while then opened his hand, allowing the glass to drop to the floor and the juice soaked my carpet.

"Oopsie daisey!" he giggled innocently.

"Fucking hell!" I muttered and hurried to get a rag. I got down on my knees and tried scrubbing the stain out.

I looked up and saw the boy kneeling in front of me, "Meow!"
I rolled my eyes and kept scrubbing, slightly annoyed. I shouldn't be though. After all, I willingly took a drunk guy into my house.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed him stand up and stumble into my kitchen. Shit.

I got up and quickly ran in, seeing him sitting on the floor rolling a lemon around. I got to admit, it looked pretty adorable. He seemed so amused by the yellow fruit; it made me smile.

I sat down in front of him, "Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat if you'd like." I offered.

He nodded and I stood up, looking down at him. He held his hands out to me, and I grabbed them and pulled him to his feet. He stumbled a bit but managed to steady himself. I opened my fridge and rummaged through it.

"Is a sandwich good?" I asked, embarrassed of the lack of food I had.

"Yeah." he answered.

"What do you want on it?" I pulled out my different meats and cheeses.

He stood in front of the varieties spread out on my counter and pointed to what he wanted. I nodded and prepared his sandwich. After putting the slice of bread on top of everything, I transferred the sandwich onto a plate and handed it to him, "Don't drop it." I warned.

We walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. An awkward silence grew, so I turned the T.V. on. I flicked through the channels for a while until he grunted when I got to the Si-Fi channel. I assumed that's what he wanted to watch so I set the remote down and sat back.
I looked at him and saw the already empty plate sitting on his lap. I grabbed it and set it on the table so it wouldn't slide of and break. I looked at him once again. He was staring at me.

"What?" I questioned with a smile.

"Boop!" he nearly whispered as he placed his finger on the tip of my nose.

I giggled, which made him smile. He took his hand away from my face, only to wrap both his arms around my waist. He rest his head on my shoulder and scooted closer. I felt myself blush. It felt oddly comfortable. Before I knew it, we were both asleep.

I woke up the next morning alone. Was it a dream? My question was answered when I noticed a note sitting next to me.

Hi. I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay here last night. Sorry I couldn't stay long enough to say it in person; I had to get home to assure my parents and brother that I hadn't died. Call me sometime!


Beneath his signature was a phone number.
Gerard... I like it.

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