Chapter 21

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Marissa's pov-

Demi fell asleep next to me. Its hard seeing my Best friend go through this. I grabbed her phone and looked for Dani's number, I saved it to my phone, and put her phone back on the night stand.

Slowly I moved out the bed without waking her, and went to my room. I took my phone and text Dani an idea I had.

M- Hey Dani. Its Marissa Demi's friend.

I waited for her to text which was instantly.

D- Hey what's up.

M- Demi is what's up

D- what is she ok?

M- She been crying a lot today. she really misses you.

D- I miss her to

M- that's why I have an idea

D- what?

M- pack your bags and come to Singapore.

D- Singapore

M- yeah I'll tell you the plan when you get here.

D- do I go now.

M- yes so you can get here in the afternoon tomorrow.

D- ok then thanks for everything.

M-no problem see u when u get here.

I put my phone in the charger and laid in my bed. I smiled at the thought of my plan. Demi is going to love it.

I turned to my side and went to sleep.

Dani's pov-

I started packing my bags instantly after Marissa texted me.

I'm happy I'm going to see Demi. Its been a month since we last hugged, kissed, and just cuddle. I miss her touch, but mostly her big brown gorgeous eyes.

I put the suit case downstairs, and grabed my keys. I wanted to get Demi something special.

I bought my gift and went home. I called a taxi and waited outside till it came.

10minutes later I was on my way to LAX.

'Singapore now boarding' the lady in the intercom said. I walked in the plane and found my seat.

I sat next to a girl that seemed really nervous.

"you ok there" I asked. she turned around and faced me. she looked really familiar.

"yeah its just my first time" She smiled.

"you'll do ok its, not bad until we land, it just gets a little bummby"

"thanks, I'm Becky by the way" she smiled and held out her hand.

"Danielle but call me Dani" I shook her hand. "so why headed to Singapore" I asked.

"its this thing for college we have to do, and you" she said.

"that's nice going to visit my girlfriend at her concert" I said.

"cool does she leave in Singapore"

"no she's touring right now"

"that's awesome" her phone buzzed and she checked it. She turned to me and went back to her phone.

"OMG, your Dani, Demi Lovato's girlfriend" she squealed.

"ya, and by the way you look familiar" I said. my mind raced looking how she looked familiar.

"I don't know, maybe u see me in the crowds" she said.

"no that's not it" I thought. "where are you from"

"I'm from El Paso Texas" she said. It clicked

"now I remember, you were at my parents funeral,"

"oh yeah, your Isabel's cousin" She said. Isabel was my cousin and her best friend. I haven't seen her since my parents passing.

"yeah, how is she" I asked.

we talked about a lot of stuff. which made me think of my child hood memory.

After we talked she fall asleep, and so did I.

The plane was going to land in 15 minutes, so I texted Marissa. I got off the plane and seen a girl with brown hair wearing glasses. I'm guessing it was Marissa.

"umm...Marissa" I asked. She smiled

"yeah, Dani"

"yup" we hugged and went into the black SUV.

"Ok here's the plan, your going to stay at the same hotel as Demi. she has a concert tonight and you'll surprise her when she's on stage" she said.

"sounds good" I smiled and sat back on the seat. I can't wait.

We got to the hotel room and I threw my stuff in the floor. I took a shower, got changed, and laid in bed for a bit til it was time for the show.

My phone ranged and I seen Demi's picture. I smiled and answered it.

(phone convo.)


"hey babe" her voice was different.

"you ok beautiful" I asked.

"to be honest, no, I missed you so much, I know we talk every day on the phone but its not the same".

"I know baby, but just imagine how happy we'll be when you come home"

"home, I miss home to"

"I know"

"Demi its time to get ready" I heard Stacy said.

"ok, well have to, love you"

"love you to"

"bye" we said and hanged up.

I ran to the door and opened it slowly, watching Demi walk out of her room, I just wanted to run to her arms, but I know I can't. I went to my suit cases and looked for wat I was going to wear. I found a red and black plaid button up long sleeve, black skinny jeans, and some black flats with a small bow.

There was a knock on the door. I went to open it to find Marissa.

"hey, here's your pass, I talk to the Demi's team and there find with it"

"Thanks it means alot" I hugged her and put my the pass on.

"now let's go before she sees you" we went inside a small white car and drove to were the show was being held. My nerves were kicking in, I wanted this to be perfect. The driver parked the car, and went around to the back doors. When we got there,they hid me in Stacys 'office'. I sat in her rolling chair til it was time for the surprise.

After hours of waiting Marissa came for me. We went next to the stage and I waited for the perfect timing.

A/N: I think Demni is so cute lol. vote and comment (:

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