978 150 657

Intelligence without Ambition
is like a
Bird without Wings.

Ria's pov:-

Pit. . .pat. . .pit. . .

The sound of the rain drops hitting the glass window soothed me, as I stared at the dark gloomy, grey clouds.

I don't like the rain.

The dull weather, grey clouds, muddy streets, and the sunless skies, pretty much similar to a depressing mood.

But, it was not always this way.

There was a time I believed that whenever it rained, we should put on cute gumboots and jump into the muddy puddles, get dirty and laugh at our friends mud-caked faces.

But, that was until I had people to lean on, to laugh with.

Until I had friends.

"Good Morning class!" Mrs. Jasmine's cheery voice broke my train of thoughts. Rolling my eyes at her fake happy expression, I turned my attention to the book lying on my desk.


"Answer your attendence quickly, we need to move to the auditorium for some important announcements," she said, as she fumbled with the zip of her bright red jacket.

"Hey! What are you thinking about?" Malaika asked, as she put a strawberry-flavoured gum in her mouth quickly afraid that the teacher might catch her little rebellious act.


I was in no damn mood to explain myself or my thoughts.

This always hapened to me whenever I thought about her. My mood goes from happy to snappy within seconds.

Malaika was chewing the gum so loudly that it was honestly irritating, so I decided to leave.

"Where are you going?" she asked as soon as I got up. I pointed towards the line which Mrs. Jasmine had asked us to form.

"Wait! I am coming as well," she said and quickly jumped off the desk and put her hand on my shoulder.

Ugh! Can't people take a bloody hint?!

"What do you think it is about Ria?" Sam questioned, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Samaira better known as Sam, is another girl whom I spoke to frequently.

Yes, she is just another girl and not my friend. I don't go around labeling everybody as my friend.

It's high school and I have only one friend and I am totally fine with it.

Now don't get me wrong. . . I am no nerd or a shy girl. I am popular, very popular infact, but, for the wrong reasons ofcource.

"How am I supposed to know about it, Sam? I am right beside you," I mumbled and walked ahead and she quietly followed.

The school auditorium is a red and white coloured hall which is spacious enough to accommodate atleast five hundred people. After the last group of students entered, the doors closed and we heard our Headmaster speak.

"You kids were called here because we have very important news to be shared. As you all know our school is very well known all over the world-"

"This doesn't seem like news to me, it's more like boasting,"  Sam whispered in my ear.

Ignoring her comments, I focus my attention on the stage where the headmaster stood.

"We are offering our students a wonderful opportunity by allowing them to go and study in Westwoods High, a well known school in London," that captured my attention.

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