206 22 244

When you're happy,
you the enjoy music,
When you're sad,
you understand the lyrics.


Ria's pov:-

I pulled open the curtains and the sunlight penetrated my room. I inhaled deeply and shut my eyes.

It feels good.

Taking a sip of the warm coffee in my hands, I let my thoughts run wild. I still don't believe that it's been six months.

Six months since I am here in London, my dream destination. The place which robbed me of my heart and sanity.

I am happy.

I miss my parents though. Even Malaika. No matter how much I love London, India is my home, my motherland. The culture and the traditions, they are a part of me. My pride.

Shaking my head, I look at the blue Christmas sky.

I look in the mirror and my eyes fall on the delicate necklace resting on my chest. I smiled and let my fingers play with the stone, while my mind jogged back in time.

"You look pretty!" he smirked.


"What? I am just telling you the truth." he shrugged.

"You're making fun of me." I huffed in annoyance.

I will kill Brandon today.

"Never, love. You are too pretty to be made fun of. You are a beautiful person Ria."

"Oh." I stuipdly mumbled.

"See, this is what I mean. You are very precious to me. You're special in your own way, your attitude and arrogance make you different. You are never afraid to stand up against the wrong, and I love that about you."

I stared at him in disbelief. Where the hell is all this coming from?

Zeeve complimenting me? Impossible.

"Say something." he looked at me with soft warm eyes.

"Are you high?"

"High? Yes, I am high, high on love."

My eyes widened at his abrupt confession.

"Zeeve, I don't know what to say."

"Just say yes."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I can't forget all the things you did to me. The bullying, hate letters, the pool incident, you called me a whore, for god's sake! I can't forget all of that."

"It was in the past Ria."

"So what? If it's in the past, doesn't mean I've forgotten about it. Just yesterday we spoke about trust, we need time. This relationship needs time." I tried to explain him.

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