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It hurts when you realise you weren't as important to
someone as you
thought you were!


Ria's pov :-

Zeeve's words were shocking.

Never in a million years would I have ever expected the guy to tell me that he is adopted.

I don't even know how I feel.

Confused. Sad. Sympathetic. Surprised.

Why would he suddenly want to tell me all of his secrets?

Why does he want to play this game with me?

The questions are uncountable but the answers are no where to be found.

So finally I decided to stop thinking that good for nothing bastard and go to sleep.

"Hey Ria" Paige greeted me as soon as she saw me at my locker.


"See Ria I heard what Olivia did and I am disappointed in her. Maybe we judged her wrong. Maybe she is not actually that sweet, kind and caring girl she pretended to be. But that does not mean we have to stop being friends." she said while I just stared at her blankly.

"You can always count on me" she said and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Just like how I could count on Olivia."

"No. I did not mean it that ways Ria. You got it wrong. Please I don't want to lose my only friend"

'Friend,' she scoffed.

'You call us "friends" after all the shit you did, you honestly think we could be friends Ria!' the venom in her voice was hard to ignore.

'Please just give me one chance'

'One chance. Ria you are begging for one chance even after I gave you uncountable chances. You are selfish indeed!'

'No please wait. Please!'

'No Ria I am done with you and your shit. You have caused enough pain and it's high time you leave'

'I need a second chance.'

'Everyone deserves a second chance and the benefit of doubt. You got yours and you lost it.'

'No don't go. Please wait!'

'Goodbye Ria'

'No wait!'
'Zeeve please wait'

'Zeeve, don't leave me!'

'I am sorry. I really am.'

'Just give me one more chance. One more.' I begged.

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