260 53 127

Pick battles big enough to matter,
Small enough to win!


Ria's pov:-

Today is surprisingly glares, mean remarks or sarcastic comments. Everyone seems to be busy among themselves, and I trying to enjoy the peace while it lasts.

"Hey! I am Olivia...Oscar's twin." the girl sitting beside me, in English introduced herself.

She is blonde with bright blue eyes and was around 5foot 3inch. Everything about her screemed 'perfect'. Her hair, make-up, accessories. The shorts she was wearing were enough to show that she was confident about her body and looks, because, not every girl wears booty shorts to school.

I never asked.

I raised my eyebrow at her. Did she not hear the romours yet? Did she not hear about the new supergirl who is not afraid of anyone?

Well, that is clearly impossible, gossip here spreads faster than a forest fire.

"Oscar is the blonde idiot you see around Zee."


An idiot's sister.

"You are really brave, and what you did was really needed, someone had to put that boy in his place and what's better than a girl bruising his ego." she smiled while I smirked.

Criticising my enemy? I think I'll deal with her a bit polietly.

"Ria." I said, while opening my books.

"Oh trust me, no need to tell me your name, the entire school knows it." she giggled.

Or maybe no.

"Won't your brother be angry seeing you chatting with his best friend's enemy?"

"Does it look like I give a damn?" she answered, with an eye roll.

And the rest if the class went by pretty quick, with Mrs. Wilson going on about figures of speech and Olivia talking shit, I didn't even bothering replying to.

"You have to sit with me during the break, I insist."

"No, I prefer sitting alone."

"Please, please, pretty please with strawberry on top."

Ughh...this girl is persistent.

"You mean cherry on top."

"Nope. I meant what I said, because I like strawberries more than cherries."

"I need to see someone." I told her.

"Who Brandon? he won't be coming today."

Stalker much?

I looked at her with a blank expression and just then, my phone vibrated. I checked it and it was indeed there was a text from Brandon.

'Sorry won't be able to meet during Lunch. I'll directly come to your place around six.'


"Why not," honestly, it didn't seem like she'll leave me alone, until I agreed with her.

"So, you have messed up with Zee's his group, his 'girfriend' and the bad boy of Westwoods High himself."

I thought we stated that

"Do I even need to answer that?" I asked her while shoving my books into my locker.

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