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Every story has an end,

But in life, every end has a
New begining.

Ria's pov:-

The rest of the week passed in a blur and soon it was Thursday.

Tonight, I will leave for London.

Mum had been pampering me a lot over the week, but today had certainly crossed its limits. She refused to leave my side and helped me in packing up everything.

"Mum! What the hell is this?!" I lifted up the bag full of medicine bottles.

"Darling, these are the medicines which help you sleep in the night." she answered with a smile.

Hold on! Shw didn't scream at me for cursing. I narrowed my eyes at her.

Something is fishy!

"I know that these medicines help me sleep in the night mum, but what will I do with ten damn bottles!" I asked her, the shock clear in my voice.

"What if the pharmacy in London does not have these pills, tell me what will you do?" she challenged.

She didn't say anything. Is she pretending or she did really not hear me.

Try again!

"Mum, obviously ten bottles won't last for two freaking  years now, will they?"

"Dear lord! You are right. I should have gotten twenty."

She didn't say anything again. Something is definitely wrong.

Try again!

"Fuck no!"

"Ria! Mind your littpe tongue. And you have to three slices of carrot today."

"What?!" So she was ignoring it all this time and here I thought, she wouldn't have noticed.

Now I need to swallow those orange cylinders.

Fuck my little nasty tongue!

The day was over in a flash, and soon, I found myself standing on the airport, with my parents and Malaika. My mom has tears running down her face, while dad is comforting her with a saddness in his eyes. There were tears in Malaika's eyes too.

I don't cry.

Suddenly, an announcement was made and it surprised us all. It was an instruction to board the flight and now that I was actually paying attention I realised it was my flight. I guess dad realised this too, because he proceeded to hug me and this action made my mom shed more tears.

She kept on hugging me, kissing all over my face and crying.

After a lot of hugs , promises and tearful goodbyes, I finally made my way towards the plane.

After getting comfortable in my seat, I took out a Sherlock Holmes novel from my backpack, but as I opened the first page a picture of mom and dad fell down and suddenly I wasn't feeling so strong anymore.

The tears I had been holding for so long, finally escaped.

I am all alone now. No one by my side. No friends, no family.
Only me.

If someone from school sees me like this, it'll be  breaking news for them.

'Mute girl- Ria Khanna expresses emotions, apart from anger!'

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