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We are all searching for someone,
Whose demons play well
with ours!


A special thanks to @RaghaddMurad for the beautiful cover she made.
Thanks a lot!

Ria's pov:-

"It's beautiful." I complimented Zeeve.

"It's nothing. You are simply exaggerating!"

"Nope. It was beautiful amd I would love to hear you play again and again."

"I would love to play it again and again...only for you" he winked at me.

I swear my heart stopped for a moment.

"Since when have you been playing?"

"Since I was thirteen. Sometime after mom adopted me." his face was suddenly gloomy. That mischievous glint in his eyes had died and he looked as though he was remembering something.

Bad memories probably.

"I am sorry." I whispered.

"Maybe a kiss will help lighten up the mood, don't ya think?"

"Nope. But, I am sure a smack or two would definitely bring you back to your senses."

"I think I'll pass."

"Wise choice. I'll see you in the lunch break" I told him while getting up.

"Yep. I should be going too. The bell will ring soon." he answered while putting the guitar back in its case.

Soon it was lunch break and I was sitting in the cafeteria alone so I decided to listen to some music. And soon I was lost in my own world.

"Ria." I turned around to face Zeeve who had pulled out the left earphone.

"One direcrion, seriously?!"

"Got a problem?"

"And, what if I do?"

"Shove it up your ass." I said flatly and turned around.

"Ohh don't be like that!" he whined.

"Ria...Ria...Riiiaaaa" he is so damn irritating.

Once he realised that I am not going to respond anytime soon, he resorted to poking me.

Bloody fucking asshole.

"Zeeve, act your bloody age and not your fucking shoe-size." I finally snapped. Everyone at the table was staring at me.

"Or maybe, he is acting the size of his dick" Brandon commented.

"Brandon!" Paige looked at him wide-eyed while Oscar, Jayden, Blake and Zeeve choose to laugh.

"You really can't shut that trap of yours, can you?" Olivia aske him.

"But you love this trap." Brandon pouted.

"Hey man! she's my sister." Oscar interuptted.

"Your sister has a crush on me."

"She does not!" and just like that Oscar and Brandon started bikering.

But what I found odd was the fact that Olivia never said anything when Brandon claimed that she had a crush on him.

Does she really have feelings for Brandon?

Or, is it just an act?


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