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You can't have a million-dollar dream with a
Minimum work ethic.

-Salvatore Dali.

Ria's pov:-

Today grandpa and I decided to go to my new school Westwoods High. I am very excited. I am here, finally.

After changing into black skinny jeans, a white V neck I put on my brown boots and a white cap with my hair up in a ponytail and done!

I ran down the stairs and saw grandpa reading the newspaper.

"Good morning, grandpa!" I said with a smile.

"Good morning seem very excited."

"Yes, I am super  dream has finally come true."

"Come on, eat up kiddo! After this, you need to go to school to do the paperwork, and then appartment hunting." Miranda added, as she came came in with a plate of pancakes, soaked in chocolate syrup and a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you!"

After eating breakfast, grandpa and I decided to head to school. Actually, last night we did some research on Westwoods High and found that the school is about forty-five minutes away from grandpa's house.

So, after a lot of discussions, bribes and promises grandpa allowed me to rent a place.

But he had his own set of conditions, like he would choose the appartment , I need to visit him every weekend and he would pay the rent.

Now the last one is where we argued a lot. Apparently, he doesn't want me working and taking troubles. After a lot of convencing and along with Miranda's support, he gradually agreed, and we made a deal, he would pay half the rent, so I could save some money from my job.

We talked all the way to school and he kept on telling me that I should still stay with him.

I was telling grandpa about the time I had pranked my English teacher, Mrs.Grace, but was cut off by the car coming to a screeching stop.

"Sir, we are here." the driver informed grandpa.

The school was old but it stood strong and proud. The building was three-storied and had a massive gates at the enterance. A beautiful lawn surrounded one half of the front, while the other half was for parking the vehicles.

The hallways were beautiful with pictures of great leaders and some inspirational quotes.
I was in awe of it's beauty.

Grandpa had requested the principal, more like ordered him, to open the school for a couple of hours so that we could do the paper work today, and also have a look at my classes so it could be easier for me.

What I didn't know was that grandpa is a very influential and important personality in the buisness world.

After doing the paperwork, the receptionist showed me all my classes and gave me my schedule and locker no. She was kind enough to show me my locker.

After doing all the paperwork we left. We looked for appartments near the school...and after a lot of searching we finally came across a flat that was decent enough.

It was a simple two room appartment with an attached bathroom in each room and a joint kitchen and living room. I really liked it and I could tell that grandpa like it too.

So, the deal was finalised. And I would move in tomorrow. Maybe I could find a roommate and we could divide the rent. It would surely become easy.

Now was the most difficult task...grandpa wanted me to work in library, but I wanted to work in a diner so that's where another huge discussion took birth.

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