Chapter 3

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Rebekah dragged me, literally, back to the plantation house, I said" Why do you love torturing me, again?"
She said" Because I can, I'm your older sister."
" Klaus only tortured me because he knew he could get to me, Elijah and Kol were the only nice siblings to me."
" That's not true. Kol was mischievous."
" He was also caring for his little sister."

We got to the plantation house, walking inside and to Klaus, Rebekah said" I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire."
Klaus said" Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless, pregnant girl who's carrying my child."
" Oh, I am so moved Buy your newfound sense of fatherly duty towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven."
Klaus chuckled, then Hayley walked in, saying" The werewolf would like to know what the plan is."
Klaus said" Well, that depends what plan you mean, luv, my plan for global domination or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world, or Raven's plan to stay away from this family and live like she is normal." Rebekah threw, I think, was something for quilting at Klaus and he caught it.
" The plan to rescue Elijah, you know.. the good brother, the one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back."
" In the front, if we're being specific."
" You three said that you would get him back. So is there a plan, or what?"
" Okay, well, firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy. He's my friend, albeit one who is unaware that I am trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend nonetheless, and secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently, and thirdly, sister, please."
Rebekah said" And thirdly, the plan, as you have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back."
I looked at them, are they crazy? Have they gone mad?
Hayley said" That's not the whole plan, is it?"
" Oh, please. Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical."
Klaus said" That's only the plan A, luv. There's always a plan B."
Hayley said" And what's plan B?"
Klaus said" War." Oh god.

Plan A failed as normal, I walked into the palace, Marcel came to me,
He said" Here to make the same as Klaus?"
I said" No, but your little sons and daughters are scared of the Originals? Quite ridiculous, don't you think? They're scared of 3 Originals moving in, there's already three, Elijah would make 4 Originals. Now as much as I despise my siblings, I will stand for my family, Marcel, don't think I won't kill to get Elijah back." I sped off before he could even get another word in.
Thierry was fraternizing with the enemy, he's in love with one of the witches. It's quite funny, since he's supposed to kill witches.
Rebekah brought Soph to the house, and then Klaus went in, I followed in pursuit. They told her the plan,
Sophie said" Are you out of your mind? No way."
Rebekah said" It's very simple. We need you to perform a teeny, tiny locator spell to help us find our brother."
" Witches who practice magic in this town get caught, and they get killed."
Klaus said" Yes. About that, it seems you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal. Marcel's secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic."
Rebekah said" Girl about yay high, cute as a button, anger issues."
Sophie said" Davina? Where have you seen her?"
" I don't know. The little brat erased my memory right after she threw me out a window with her bloody mind."
Klaus said" Let me cut to the chase. Davina has elijah. You witches, I assume, want to get Davina away from Marcel. We dont know where she is. Ergo, we need magic."
Sophie said" Davina would sense it."
Rebekah said" Unless, of course, another witch, say, a traitor to the cause. Katie, for example, was to perform much more powerful magic that would create a smokescreen concealing your very small spell from Davina."
" Katie doesn't deserve to die."
Klaus slammed his hands onto the table standing," Sophie Deveraux... you're in no position to be so principled. You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be. How many times have the vampires been one step ahead, known something they shouldn't? Your sister executed in the public square for practicing magic.. who knew she'd be caught? Did she even attempt to flee?"
" She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi."
" And who, pray tell, of marcel's valued inner circle. Manages his business at the docks?"
" Katie's boyfriend Thierry."
Klaus went to Marcel, to talk about Thierry. Rebekah was going to the bar, to speak with Cami. Which is weird since she tried to kill her just the other night.

I was at the cauldron, making sure Klaus' little plan didn't backfire on him. I smirked as Thierry killed the vampire Klaus compelled. Marcel has started a war with us, but now we're winning.

I sped to the very stupid Gala, stopping next to Klaus, He looked at me, I nodded, then he looped my arm with his. We walked in,
Klaus said" Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, I must say." Then I saw Cami, that will most definitely distract Marcel,
" What's she doing here?"
Rebekah said" What better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human, new girl in a room chock full of vampires?" Rebekah walked off, going to speak with Cami,
I said" You left her in charge of a distraction, good going, brother."
I walked away from him, but listened in to their conversation,
Cami said" Is he the infamous on-again/ off-again?"
Klaus said" He's the brother, actually, and my sister is right. You do look stunning."
" You clean up pretty well yourself."
" Don't be fooled, Luv, I'm the devil in disguise."
Rebekah said" You two chitchat. I need booze."
I stopped listening, then walked to the bar, ordering a bourbon then walking away from the bar. Knowing for sure, Rebekah would be back.

We three were watching Cami and Marcel dance, Klaus said" You really are a hideously evil, little thing, aren't you?"
Rebekah said" Nonsense. They're perfect for each other. You wanted Marcel distracted. Voila." Then Diego came in and started whispering to Marcel," My cue to leave." She left, Marcel walked over to Thierry and grabbed his neck, pushing him against the wall. Klaus and I watched as Cami saw the whole thing, Klaus smirked, I looked at him. I whispered" War's begun?"
Klaus said" Not quite. Go home, little sister, after all, you don't want in this."
" He took my brother, Klaus, I'm in this whether I like it or not."
Then I sped off, going back to my apartment, I slammed the door and slid down it.

I was sitting next to Rebekah, I had gotten home but felt like I needed to be with someone so... Why not my older sister. Klaus walked in,
Rebekah said" Well, tonight was an epic failure."
Klaus said" On the contrary, sisters. Tonight was a masterpiece."
" Are you mad? Katie died before Sophie could complete the spell."
" I'm well aware. I killed Katie."
" You what?"
" There's no way our little suicide witch wasn't gonna try and take out Marcel with her. I saved his life, and in doing so, I now have him exactly where I want him."
" Sophie trusted you. I trusted you against all my better instincts."
" Wake up, Rebekah. The witches are on no one's side but their own. This girl, Davina, that's all they want. And when they have her, what do you think happens then? A truce? Of course not. They will use Davina's power against all of us."
" Even if you're right, the plan was to find Elijah, and you failed us."
" You always did lack faith. By protecting Marcel, I've cemented his trust, so much so that he's agreed to return Elijah to us, and when the time is right, when he has told me everything I need to know about Davina, I will have her for myself."
I started backing away, but Rebekah walked closer to him,
" I have all the faith in the world that you'll get what you want, Nik. You always do, no matter what it costs for the rest of us. You disgust me." She walked away, grabbing my arm, dragging me along with her.

In Between Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora