Chapter 21

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I was with Davina and Josh, Josh was basking in the sun, He said" Have I told you that you're awesome? Because you are, along with the sun, daylight rings... that guy jogging in the tank top."
Davina said" Josh, now that you have a ring, I think you need to leave town."
" Whoa, wait. We're breaking up?"
" I'm serious."
" Yeah. I know. Serious is kind of your default setting, which is why you need me around to lighten you up. Ergo, not leaving. Hey... you okay?"
" Just witch stuff. Marcel came to me yesterday. He wanted a cloaking spell. He's gonna make a move against Klaus, a big move."
" Wow. Okay. Guess he forgot to call me. Rude. Well, did you help him?"
" Yes, because I don't want him to get killed, but if Klaus finds out--"
" Hey, look. If Marcel has got a plan, maybe Klaus will buy a clue, realize he's a negative on the popularity chart, and go into Vampire Retirement. I hear Palm Springs is nice."
" Klaus isn't the only thing we need to be afraid of. Look. If there's a war coming, promise me you'll go before you get caught up in it."
Josh nodded, I said" And by the way, I wouldn't let you or Josh near the war to start with. Josh, remember I can compel you."
Davina said" Thanks for not being on Klaus' side."
" I'm neutral party, but he's still my family. And Palm Springs, really Josh?"
Josh said" Hey, it's just a place."
" Klaus is more European than that, His retirement would be more Berlin, Germany or Paris, France." Josh chuckled," Come on, Davina, we need him here to keep you from being a stiff. That's also why he's not dead yet, he's funny and sarcastic, hence the reason I haven't let my brothers nor Marcel kill him."

I was now with Hayley and Elijah, Jackson and Oliver have gone missing with the stones to make the moonlight rings. Elijah called Klaus," It appears our wolves have gone astray, Brother."
Hayley said" They should've been back hours ago."
" We need to find them."
I listened to Klaus, as he said" Well, that might be a bit tricky. You see, we've located their car on a back road in the middle of nowhere. I suspect they've been shanghaied."
" And you didn't feel the need to share this information?"
" It was my intentional present you with the problem only after I'd found an appropriate solution."
" Well, do enlighten us."
" I'm closing in on it as we speak. The only person who would be bold enough to snatch my wolf allies is the one who has the most to lose."
" Marcel."
Hayley said" No. He'll kill them."
Klaus said" Genevieve assures me that Marcel has procured a cloaking spell. The only witch who will aid Marcel is Davina. I just need to get one last bit of leverage before I pay her a visit... and there it is." I sped off, it's Josh, there's no other leverage for Davina but him.
I got there, as Klaus jumped down and in front of him, He said" Hello, Joshua."
I said" Klaus! Don't!" Then he bit Josh," No!" I ran to him and tried to pull him off Josh but he grabbed my neck and started choking me.

Klaus threw Josh and I into the greenhouse, where Davina was, Davina ran to us, She said" Josh! Raven! What happened?"
Josh said" I'm sorry."
Klaus said" Joshua went and got himself a werewolf bite. Well, a hybrid bite, technically, but it will kill him just the same."
Davina said" Why are you doing this?"
" I blame you. After all my overtures of friendship, you once again sided with Marcel, forcing me to do horrible things to someone you care about. I'm not without mercy, Davina. I can cure him, but you have to cooperate and tell me where to find Marcel."
" Why, so you can kill him, too?"
" Marcel chose his path. Seems unfair that Josh should have to suffer for it."
Josh said" Davina, please.."
Davina said" He's at a warehouse at the docks, Thierry's place."
Klaus said" You see? That wasn't so hard, now, was it?"
He started walking away," What about Josh?"
" Well, he'll live another 24 hours or so. I may need you, and Joshua serves as wonderful leverage. The next time I ask a question, answer quicker. And to make sure my sister doesn't try to stop me..." He bit me, I gasped as he let go and walked out,
I said" Ah, he's such an ass."
Davina said" Can that kill you?"
" No, but it's gonna be a bitch to deal with, take care of Josh, I have to get far away from both of you."
" Why? You need to stay here, it's safe here."
" I'll be fine, remember can't die, Josh on the other hand can die, so watch him." I got up and sped away from them,
There was an explosion at the docks, probably Marcel's plan to stop Klaus but that probably didn't work.

I got to the compound, I said" Klaus! Come on!" I nearly fell but Elijah caught me,
Hayley said" Klaus did that to you?"
" Yeah, he did."
Klaus walked out, with a smirk on his face, He said" Hello, dear baby sister, why don't you tell them why?"
" I was with Davina and Josh, I tried to save Josh from getting bit."
Elijah said" Give her your blood, this instant, Niklaus."
Klaus hummed," I don't think I will, Brother, you see she betrayed us... again. She needs to learn a lesson. She hasn't even started hallucinating."
I said" Klaus, Nik, come on, stop playing tough guy for once in your damn life!"
" There it is. We both know who her visions will be about, Brother, put her in her room and make sure she can't get out."
Elijah carried me to my room and made sure every entrance was locked, he put me on my bed,
I said" Elijah, don't let him do this to me, please, brother."
Elijah said" You're safer in here than out there." He chained my hands to the bed post, then walked out, I sighed and then closed my eyes.

" Come on, baby sister, it'll be fun." I looked at Kol," Come on! Please?"
I said" Fine, but if we get caught.."
" I'll take the blame, as always and anyways Nik and Elijah wouldn't dare hurt their baby sister, who can't do no wrong."
" I can do wrong, a lot of it!"
" Sure, little baby, now let's go get dinner?"
" Alright."
We went overboard and killed a lot of people, then I saw Nik and Elijah, they grabbed Kol and then daggered him. I screamed" No! Don't! Let him go!"
Elijah said" He's dragging you down with him, Sister, you need to stop."
" He's only doing what's in his nature! You've killed people, Nik has killed people, Rebekah also, I've killed people. But you always seem to only punish Kol when he does."
Nik said" Looks like you need a lesson as well, Baby sister."
" No, Nik, don't, don't! Please, Nik." He walked to me and then Elijah was behind me, he held back my arms and then Nik looked at me while daggering me, I gasped then everything went dark.

I woke up to screams, what's happening? What the hell did Klaus do now?

In Between जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें