Chapter 20

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I was sitting with Elijah and Klaus, Klaus was in a rather foul mood today so I was sitting on the inside next to Elijah. Klaus said" Seems rather uncivilized to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one."
Elijah said" Yes. Far better to practice your process of grief, isn't it, Klaus? Denial, Rage, and hoarding coffins in basements." I took a sip from the drink Elijah poured, then Hayley sat down," I'll warn you, Hayley, Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today." I nodded, looking at Hayley,
" Sod off."
Hayley said" What's the deal with these moonlight rings? Oliver's trying to start a revolution every 5 seconds. People are scared, angry, and frankly, I'm tired of stalling."
" It's a day of peace, Hayley. Try and Enjoy it. In the meantime with all manners of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us."
," Awesome. Then we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you two both realize that I'm very capable of looking after myself."
" The rings are in progress. I will live up to my word. We will find and punish whoever launched the attack on the Bayou. And you will return to the compound for your own safety. But right now, I'm gonna finish this bottle... and the next in the hopes of drowning the demon that has chosen today to haunt me. Cheers, Mikael. Impeccable Freudian timing." He took a swig of the bottle,
Elijah said" Elaborate. Have you dreamt of our father?"
" Go ahead. Have a good laugh."
" I can assure you there isn't a piece of this that I find even remotely amusing, Niklaus, especially considering I've been dreaming off him, too, and Raven."
" What?"
" If you are also seeing him... perhaps our elusive, unknown enemy is orchestrating a further attack."
" Well, then what better way to punctuate a day of peace... than by killing someone?"

We saw Genevieve as she entered the shop, She said" You disappeared from the party." Elijah and I stood behind her since she turned to Klaus.
Elijah said" Would you care to explain why you would choose to torment us with visions of our father?"
" Your father? I didn't. I-I wouldn't."
" Of course. How foolish of me. It must have been that other witch that's been parading through our house in scraps of lace."
Klaus said" I know how talented you are with your tongue, Genevieve. Might I recommend you use it to provide answers? I would so hate to tear it from your mouth."
She said" As much as I enjoy these repeated accusations of wrongdoings, I don't know what you're talking about. But if you've all been seeing your dead father, I can try to get you answers."
" Fine. Go."
Elijah said" Niklaus, don't you dare-"
" Go." She walked out," You don't trust her. And you're right not to. Only a fool would, but she certainly wants us to, doesn't she?"
" Let me guess. There's something of benefit for you in all of this, isn't there?"
" I need a witch to make those rings for the wolves. Perhaps we'll get both answers and cooperation..."

We are at the funeral, walking down the street, Hayley coughed,
Elijah said" You alright? You look-"
Hayley said" A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?"
" I was going to say, you look lovely."
" Do you think I was the target of those bombings?"
Klaus said" Of course you were the target. Were I to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill. I would string you up for all your worshipers to see."
Elijah said" I believe that was my brother's way of telling you he'd like you to return home with us. Perhaps try a different approach, Niklaus, with fewer references to murder."
" As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will for the sake of my child."
Hayley said" One bad dream, and suddenly you want to be a responsible daddy."
He wrapped an arm around her shoulder," Let me put this in perspective. My father lived to torment me. It is not my intention to become him. The cycle of misery ends with my child."
Haley pushed his arm off," Mm, you forgot one thing in your attempt to plead your case. She's not your child. She's ours." Then she walked ahead,
Elijah said" Very heartfelt, Niklaus."
Klaus said" I hate funerals."

I heard Hayley coughing, I sped over to her as she coughed blood,
I said" Elijah!" Then she fell,
I heard Genevieve say" Klaus!"

Elijah carried Hayley into the compound, Klaus cleared a table and Elijah placed her on the table. Genevieve said" I can help."
Elijah said" Don't you touch her."
Klaus said" Let her be, Elijah. She was a nurse."
Genevieve said" There's a spell I can do. Klaus, get chamomile from the pantry. She's trembling. Your jacket, Elijah."
Elijah said" She's not breathing. I can hear the baby's heartbeat, but not hers."
Genevieve started saying some spell, Klaus bit his wrist and put it against Hayley's mouth, Elijah said" She's still not breathing. It's not working." Then he broke a chair.

Elijah said" I'm taking her to a real doctor."
Genevieve said" If you move her from here, my spell will break. There won't be enough time to get her to a hospital."
Klaus said" Will the baby survive is delivered now? I'll rip it out of her myself." Elijah and I grabbed him, holding him back,
" Hayley will bleed to death."
" I won't loose that baby."
Elijah said" I won't lose either of them."
Genevieve said" I know what to do. Get my bag, the Gris-Gris pouch. Now!"
Hayley woke up, gasping for air, Elijah said" Hayley!"
Klaus said" You're alright, Luv. You're alright."
Hayley said" I saw him, and he tried to kill me. I saw Mikael."

Hayley moved back in, I'm in my room, my phone dings, it's from Diego,
Can you meet me?

I got up, then replied,
Yes, where?

Roof on Bourbon

I sped to Bourbon street then jumped to the roof, Diego was waiting, and the second I landed, his lips were connected with mine.

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