Chapter 19

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I still live in the compound but I don't leave my room unless Josh needs me in any way.

I was with Hayley, in the Bayou, she was practicing contractions,
Eve said" that's it. Inhale and release."
Hayley said" I guess this means no epidural, huh? You sure I can't do this thing in, say, a hospital, the place with the doctors and the drugs?"
" Honey, the werewolves have been having babies out here since before you were born. Stop worrying."
" Okay. Then what, Eve? I don't even know what it's like to have a mother, let alone be one."
" Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do."
" I hope so. as fun as it is to image Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone."
" I somehow doubt that."
Then I saw Elijah at the door,
He said" Pardon the interruption. I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising."

We got Jackson and Oliver, I was standing next to Hayley as she was leaning against a pole.
Elijah said" You're making a grave mistake."
Oliver said" So you're just worried about us. Is that it?"
Jackson said" Look, Elijah, we know all about your brother's reputation, but if there's even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse..."
" Our gift."
" Then, Honestly, we don't really care what he's really after. Won't have to."
Elijah said" I see. There are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation."
Oliver said" Apparently, most of them see us breathing the same way."
" You signed a pledge, and you looked me in the eye as you did so."
Hayley said" We don't want to fight, Elijah. We just want a better life."
" Well, Allegiance with my brother will guarantee you anything but that."
Then we heard a motorcycle outside, Jackson said" What the hell?" Jackson, Elijah, and Oliver walked outside, I followed in suite.
A man said" Which one of you is in charge?"
Jackson said" Who's asking?"
I said" Elijah!" Then sped to Hayley as a bomb went off, I hit the ground as the explosion pushed us back.
I stood up, and looked at Hayley, Oliver said" Hayley, are you okay?" She got up and looked around, we saw a little kid standing next to a hurt and in pain person, we walked to the kid, Hayley said" Its okay. Here. Come here. Oh, god. Jackson!" Jackson walked over," Here. Get him away from here." The little boy went to Jackson and he walked away, Elijah walked over. We crouched down next to the man, and Elijah pulled up his shirt,
Elijah said" Wolfsbane."
" It must have been in the gas tank. You're the fastest. Take him, and anyone else who can't walk on their own, in the barn." Elijah pulled the guy up," It's okay, Elijah. I'm fine. They need your help. Raven, find the kids."
I nodded then sped off, I stopped as I saw 2 kids cowered behind some blankets, I said" Hey, it's okay, come with me, okay?" They nodded, I walked to them and lifted them into my arms. I tilted my head as I heard more bombs, I screamed" Elijah! There's more!" Then bombs started going off, I looked around, I sped off and dodged the bombs, then one went off right behind me, I pushed the kids out of my arms and pushed them further away. I fell to the ground, I heard my spine break, I screamed and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw the kids, I said" Go find your pack, I'll be okay. Go get somewhere safe." They nodded then ran off, I breathed out, then I was lifted up, I looked behind me and saw Elijah. He pushed my spine back in place and then he let go of me as I healed, I stood up and looked at him. Then I sped off, I wasn't being around him, He's got this handled.

I got behind Hayley, I said" Was it Marcel?"
She said" No. But I think he knows who it is."
" Oh, great. Bitch Witch or Casino bitch?"
" Casino bitch."
" Alright, let's go kick some ass."
" Klaus told me not to get into any trouble."
" Well... then don't. I need to beat someone up, possibly to a bloody pulp, so I'll do it."
" We aren't going to yet. We need to get back to my pack."
" Fine. Let's go."

Once we got back there, Oliver was leading something while Elijah stood by, leaning on a tree. Hayley and I walked to him,
Hayley said" You stayed."
Oliver said" Come morning, they will know that we are not cowards."
" What's going on? What is he doing?"
Elijah said" He's making a move for power in the wake of tragedy. He's not alone. There was another attack after you left."
" What?"
" Your friend Jackson will need your help. They will want vengeance... blood for blood... and, unfortunately, in troubled times, people do not look for the best... but rather the loudest."
Hayley ran to the cabin.

Once I returned home, Elijah was already here. Someone knocked on my door, then Klaus said" Sister, unlock the door."
I said" No."
" Open the door, now, Raven." I walked to the door, and opened it, looking at Klaus," I can see that you are still angry over our little secret."
" Little? Klaus, that was my life, and it's not little, it's forever."
" Why are you still angry about it?"
" Klaus, you all lied to me for my entire life, and you even got Kol to lie to me, how far did you have to let him off his leash to do that?"
" Well, I just threatened to stick him in a box again. Now, Elijah has joined my side, how about our little sister? Where do you stand?"
" With you, as always, but don't think I'm not still angry about you lot lying to me."

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