Chapter 12

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I was sitting on the stairs, Klaus called a stupid meeting for some sorts, I was locked in my room till Elijah let me out. Marcel was downstairs, I saw Klaus walk in with Thierry,
Klaus said" Dearest Brethren, your attention, please. No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the garden for the crime of killing one of our own, and I personally decided to issue him with a pardon. I hope you'll welcome home Thierry. Welcome home, mate." Uh-oh, this reeks of trouble,
Marcel said" You're in a good mood. You should visit Mystic Falls more often." Ah, Klaus did leave New Orleans for a bit, visiting Mystic Falls, and now he's come home, very happy.
" Well, As much as I might like to, I have pressing responsibilities here. Now, as you all know, the witch Davina is no longer with us. Without Davina, we can no longer monitor the activity of our witch neighbors. However, since their Harvest failed their magic will soon be gone forever. Until then, I say we keep them on their toes. Diego, I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the cauldron."
Diego said" Let's do it."
Klaus walked to Marcel," Marcel, I hoped you would join Diego."
Marcel said" Nah. I'm gonna take a personal day."

Marcel and Klaus were arguing, then I heard Diego say" Hey, guys, we got a problem." I walked out and followed them, knowing well, that this is going to be bad.
We got to the cauldron,
Diego said" We came to mess with the witches, just like you said, and these two, they went missing, found them like this.. not even staked, just dead." I looked at the marking on their heads, oh no, that's the same mark we saw on the mayor, a long, long time ago. And that man is not to be messed with, especially if he can kill a vampire with no weapon. Marcel walked away,
Klaus said" Where are you going? Someone has to account for this." Marcel turned around,
He said" You want revenge, get it yourself. That mark is tied to some bad mojo, any of y'all got any brains, you'll head back to the compound and stay the hell out of this." He walked away,
Klaus said" We're gonna find whosever did this, and I will show them what suffering is."
I said" Klaus, I'm getting the hell out of here, just think back a long time ago, hopefully you'll understand why I'm scared as well." I left without a single word from him, he knows when I'm scared of witch, it's bad.

Once they came back to the compound, Elijah walked to them, looking at the bodies.
Klaus said" Someone will die for this."
Elijah said" Remarkably, I don't disagree. However, I would like to know where they learned such dark magic. I had hoped never to see that symbol again." I walked downstairs,
" I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us. Clearly, some upstart witch is salvaging old tricks. I'll do for him as I did the other. Diego. When night falls, I want you to gather every vampire in the Quarter. Get me the head of whoever did this and put it on a stick."
Diego said" Yeah. That's gonna be a problem. Everyone is freaked out, man. We haven't had witches killing vampires in a long time. Marcel made sure of that."
" Marcel has run off like a scared child. You lot are left with me. Now, who of you will fight to defend our home?" No one stepped up," Not a single one of you will stand with me, so afraid are you of this new threat? You should know better. I'll handle this myself." He walked out, Elijah looked to me,
I said" Oh no! Not happening, Elijah. Little sister is not going to calm down the angry hybrid brother this time." He nodded, I sped up to my room and laid down, thinking of the enemy that we once fought with, the one who started this sacrificial magic.

It was Marcel's welcome home party, he'd just returned from fighting in the war. I saw Marcel talk with Rebekah but she was still very angry at him for leaving her in a box for 52 years. I heard Klaus say" There he is, our war hero triumphantly returned." They hugged," Oh, Good to have you back, Marcellus. Welcome home." I ran to them and jumped onto Marcel's back,
I said" Ever leave me for that long again with these two boys, I will snap your neck a thousand times, over and over."
Nik said" Why, little sister?"
" I had to ender the two of you for far too long, all will be forgiven if you allow me to drink again."
" You're still too young, 16, I recall."
" I've been 16 for more than I'd like to count, now let me drink."
" Fine, little one, you may drink."

I watched as Nik and Marcel took another shot, Nik said" The prodigal son has finally learned to hold his liquor."
Marcel said" The army'll do that to you."
Elijah said" Well, its good to have you back. Niklaus was beside himself in your absence."
Nik said" Now that you are here, perhaps you could help settle an argument. You see, you've traded a war abroad for one here in the quarter. Some rogue with wants to piece of the city we built, and Elijah, for reasons beyond my comprehensions, insists that negotiation is our best recourse."
Elijah said" Yes. On the topic of your failed comprehension, you neglect, as a soldier, Marcel has seen not only how small the world has become and how fast news can travel, but also the very horrors of war itself. Surely, Marcel would agree with me. The best way for us to defend our home is by exercising discretion."
Marcel said" So who's the witch you want to kill?"
Klaus said" His name is Papa Tunde. I think he's a charlatan."
Then I saw him come in, I said" Well, Marcel shall be able to decide that for himself."
Marcel said" You invited him here."
Klaus said" Of course. We're not savages, are we?" Then he walked over to them," Thank you for accepting our invitation, and welcome. I hope you'll allow me to play the role of host. If there's anything you need... anything at all."
Papa Tunde said" Pleasure before business, then. Ha ha ha!"
Unfortunately, I knew Klaus' little plan but I was not apart of it, fortunately.

I walked downstairs, I heard Elijah say" Rebekah is not answering her calls."
Hayley said" You worried about whoever killed those daywalkers still being out there?"
" Frankly, I'm worried that she had something to do with this. She's very displeased with Niklaus, perhaps even conspiring with others. Thierry, is it?"
Thierry said" That's right."
" My sister is rather fond of you. Strange, she's not typically drawn to unremarkable men. Would you care to explain your sudden magnetism?"
" I don't know what you're--" I sped down before Elijah could even do anything and grabbed Thierry by the neck and pinned him against a wall.
I said" You can either tell us what you know or I can have my brother distribute tiny pieces of you throughout the quarter."
" She asked me to keep an eye out on witch stuff. I found something, and when I showed her, we were jumped by some guy. He desiccated her with his touch."
" Like a coward, you left her."
" What was I supposed to do, fight some warlock that took out an original?"
Hayley said" Where was this, exactly?"
" The docks, warehouse 57. I was just doing what she asked. You cannot tell Klaus about this." Elijah took over and threw him into another wall,
Elijah said" We shall take that into consideration." We turned to walk away,
Hayley said" Im coming with you."
" No. Stay here. Compound is safe."
" Rebekah is in trouble. I'm going." I rolled my eyes and then walked out, leaving the two,

Once we got to the warehouse, we saw Rebekah, Elijah and I said" Rebekah." Then ran to her but was blocked by a boundary spell,
Hayley said" What's happening?"
Elijah said" Some kind of boundary spell. Someone is channeling her. Typically, it's a lethal process, but, because she's an original, she cannot die. Instead, she's an endless source of power."
" So what are we supposed to do?"
" You have to get her out of here."

We're on the phone with Sophie, Elijah said" You're not listening. We cannot enter the circle. There's some kind of confinement spell or... If I can't remove her, we can't break the link."
Sophie said" It's a convoluted spell. It's like a witch's recipe. You can spoil the balance by adding a more potent ingredient, a mystical binding agent.. I don't know... volcanic ash, rock salt, anything up to and including eye of newt."
" What about the blood of a witch?"
" Do you have the blood of a witch?" He hung up, and then looked at Hayley," I need a favor."
Hayley said" The baby. She's a quarter witch." Hayley walked forward, and held up her wrist to Elijah. Elijah bit her wrist and then she bled onto the salt, which started breaking, Elijah stepped in and picked up Rebekah. He sped her out of the circle, breaking the link.

Rebekah ran off, probably to kill Thierry, then Elijah went after her to tell her off about her going against Klaus.

Klaus was talking with the others, I was in my room, covering my head with pillows.

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