Chapter 10

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I was laying in bed as my mind started wandering into our first times in New Orleans.
Rebekah and I heard that the Casket Girls were coming into New Orleans. So we decided to see them in, knowing well, we'd get a meal since men around here were quite excited about the little lambs.
We got there and men were beating on the carriage, I sighed then looked at Rebekah, We attacked everyone, draining them and having our dinner. The door opened and the culprit of this looked out, Rebekah dragged him out and fed from him. We walked back to the door, We said" Oh, there, there, Little Lambs. All the bad men have gone away. Vous Etes En Securite ici. Pardonnez Le Desordre."
You're safe here. Please forgive the disorder." Us girls have got to stick together. Now, is there anything you want to take with you?" We left the site of the carriage.

I opened my eyes as I heard Rebekah say" Sister, I know you're in there! Now come open the door."
I got up, opening the door, looking at her," What do you want, Rebekah?"
" Come join us at the palace."
" Already told Klaus, No, Already told Elijah, No, It's not happening, Rebekah."
" I need my sister there, 2 brothers, 1 sister isn't fair."
" Being dragged between your siblings isn't fair, either. But I had to go through it, and it's probably gonna happen again, and again, again, just like the last billion times."
" Oh, come on. Remember this day?"
" Yeah, we got the Casket girls, quite a night. But that was a long, long time ago, and it's over now."
" Sister..." I closed the door and heard her walk away, sighing annoyed at me.

I got a text from Josh,
I'm stuck at Cami's.

I sighed, then sped to Cami's,
I said" Where are they, Josh? Are they getting the hell out of dodge?"
Josh said" Yes, they're taking my car. Thanks for not taking Klaus' side."
" Hi, I'm his little sister, whom he's tortured for a 1,000 years. Naturally, I'm not on his side or any of my siblings."
" Sibling rivalry?"
" No, just sibling hate. I'm gonna go help Cami and Davina, if I get my neck snapped, it's your job."
Josh nodded, and I sped off, searching for them.

Once I found them, Cami was looking around, I saw Klaus, I stood in front of them, Davina said" What?"
I said" Turn down this alley, don't look back." Cami saw,
She said" We need to get off this street."
They walked down the alley way, I sped off but my arm was grabbed, I saw Elijah. I saw Tim, Davina's little crush/ knows forever, Klaus smirked as he saw the concerned look on my face. He said" You're teamed with the witch, aren't you?"
I said" No, of course not, Klaus."
" You're lying."
I sped out of Elijah's grip and sped out of there, I stopped, then leaned against a wall.

Once I found Davina again, she was heading into the compound, I looked at her, she nodded her head. I heard Klaus say" Well, I'm sure you'll have your chance. Hello, Luv. Silence is golden, Timothy. Thank you."
Tim said" Davina?"
Davina said" You got me here. Now let him down."
Klaus said" Well, first, we have to have a little chat about you returning to the fold."
Marcel said" What did I say, Klaus? I got this. D, what happened? Why'd you run? Talk to me. Hey, I can make it right."
Davina said" How, by threatening my friend?" I looked at Tim then to Klaus,
Klaus said" Actually, that was my idea. Apologies. I've been known to go too far to make a point, but I do always get results." He took a few steps closer, I started getting in front of Davina, but she grabbed my wrist, keeping me next to her.
" You pretend to be so confident, but I know the truth. You're afraid everything can see what you really are.. An animal..." she raised her hand and Klaus screamed, falling to his knees. I breathed heavily," A beast..." she made Elijah and Marcel go back, then made Klaus even in more pain, I flinched," Why don't you show us your real face? That's enough of you." She let Klaus go,
Elijah said" Davina, you don't have to do this."
" You, you looked me in the eyes and lied to my face, pretended you wanted to help me."
" Listen to me. You call yourself the noble one, but you're a killer just like your brother. For 1,000 years, you fed on innocent blood. Why don't you choke on it?" He started choking on blood, my eyes watered, Davina moved to Marcel," And you, I trusted you. I loved you, but you were just using me to stay in power. You don't care about me."
Marcel said" You're wrong."
" When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe I should boil you in bronze."
" I care. I took you in like you were my own blood."
Then Rebekah stabbed him," Come on now, luv. Don't tell me you were falling for that. Isn't it time for us girls to have a chat? Now, that is impressive and well-deserved, in my opinion. Now, before you turn on me, I have a surprise for you."
Josh came in, Davina said" Josh, what are you doing? Get out of here."
Rebekah sped to him and started choking him, saying" Now, if I were Klaus, I would rip Josh's head from his neck, feed it to a nightwalker, and that would be the end of your friend... but hurting people is such a boyish thing to do, like how Klaus compelled your fiddler on the roof, and, while I am many things, I'm certainly not my brother. It's okay, Timothy. You can come down. No one is gonna hurt you."
Tim said" He told me I couldn't climb down off this beam."
" Then don't climb, silly. Am I the only smart one in the room? Jump."
Tim jumped and Rebekah caught him and put him onto the ground, Tim and Davina hugged, Tim said" Davina, how did you do all that? How did I even get here?"
Davina said" I'll explain everything, I promise. Why are you doing this?"
Rebekah said" Seems to me that you're the one holding all the cards, but you don't know who to trust. I've just proven that you can trust me. Now I'd like to show you one more thing. Won't take long. You can bring your friends."

I heard choking from the garden where Rebekah took Davina, Josh and Tim. I sped into there and saw Davina choking, I looked at the water, Klaus poisoned the water. Rebekah got on the phone, I looked at Josh and Davina.

Davina woke up, gasping for air, she hugged Josh, then turned to Tim,
she said" Tim. Tim? Tim? Tim, Tim, wake up. Tim, please wake up. Open your eyes. No, no. Please wake up. Please don't leave me alone."

We walked into the compound, Davina in Rebekah's arms, Marcel walked to us, He said" Is she okay?"
Rebekah said" She's devastated and exhausted. Where's her room?"
" No. I got her. I got her." He took her from Rebekah's arms, and I sped off before I could be in the same room as Klaus alone, after I practically betrayed him and Elijah.
I'm so screwed, I'm already on Klaus' bad side.

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