Chapter 45

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We attacked a man,
Elijah said" Kol, are you quite done?"
Kol said" Bother, Elijah, is all this truly necessary?"
" Brother, the road is a major thoroughfare. If the bodies are found, word of our presence will spread to Mikael."
Rebekah said" We have run through autumn and winter, through sleet and snow. Are we cursed to forever live in fear of our father?"
Finn said" I should say yes, sadly."
Elijah said" Finn, please. Niklaus."
Rebekah said" Do we have any idea where we are running to next?"
Kol said" Why not just do what we've all thought of doing? Split up."
Nik said" We swore a vow."
" Your vows haunt me more than father himself. At least he can't chase us all. I say we take our chances."
Finn said" Perhaps Kol is right."
" Thank you, Finn. Yeah, I've always said eldest is the most intelligent."
" Stop talking. I take no joy in our assent but I do wish to sleep in a bed. To bathe in a bath, to feed of proper food. If we divide..."
Elijah said" No, brother. Niklaus is right. We made a vow. Family above all. Always. Forever."

Freya and I were on the floor with Hope, Freya said" She's getting bigger by the second."
Elijah said" Thank you for all of your care."
" Tomorrow's the full moon. I can help you bring Hope to Hayley if you'd like."
" Won't be necessary. You deserve a night off."
Then Nik said" I'd offer to accompany you myself, but I fear my fragile ego could not endure the litany of insults Hayley has no doubt prepared."
" Yes I doubt that your presence is particularly welcome anywhere."
" My own brother, greeting me with such disdain. What do you think, Freya? Is he still angry for my part in Hayley's curse? Need I remind him it was my ploy that kept her alive."
" Of course, Forgive me. So you would call this an act of heroism even as you bask in her torment."
" Perhaps I'd be more sympathetic if Hayley apologized. After all, it was her that tried to run off with my daughter."
Freya said" Oh, if you two must poke at one another, may I suggest doing it elsewhere?" Elijah walked away, after looking at Hope," Nicely done. At this rate you'll drive the entire family away."

Kol and I walked up to a Nik,
Kol said" Who's ready for the next course?" 
Finn said" You're all filthy gluttons."
" And you remain ever the dullard."
Rebekah said" Such pretty clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste."
Elijah said" Rebekah, we have discussed this endless-"
" No, you've discussed this. None of us had any say in the matter. This lot we're traveling somewhere, their cart is full of silks and finery. Six of them. Six of us. Wherever they were off to. Why can we not simply go in their stead?"
" Masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know, whose customs we cannot begin to understand. Ridiculous."
" You saw the castle down the road, it was practically a gala. This bunch were headed there the... Look at them, they're not any better than we are. We could live as they do, at least, for a time. Think of it. Elijah, we could hide in plain sight. We could live ordinary lives.."
" Silence." He walked over the cart and pulled back some silks, a man popped up then ran, we got to the other side and blocked him.
" Well, aren't you a handsome one."
Kol said" He looks like dessert to me."
The man said" Wait, wait, wait! I can help you. Now, I am the personal servant to the Count de Martel. Of the very estate you just mentioned. I was sent to escort these guests to his home for a lengthy stay. I know their customs as well as the Count's habits. If you mean to pose as the family you have slaughtered here then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse."
Rebekah said" Please can we keep him?"
Elijah said" Rebekah, no. What is our most important rule?"
" Never Leave alive someone who has..."
We said" Seen what we are."
Elijah said" Thank you very much. A practice that has served us very well indeed." He walked forward,
Finn said" She has a point. He may be of use."
Kol said" A proper family squabble." Kol And I smiled,
Nik said" Perhaps we should put it to a vote. All those in favor of letting him live?" Rebekah and Finn raised their hands,
" Those inclined to gut him?" He and Elijah raised their hands, Kol and I counted as one vote since we think far too alike." Well, Nik. What shall it be?"

Vincent and Cami walked up to me and showed me pictures of a murder.
I said" You don't think this was me, do you?"
Cami said" No, but..."
" One, I'm far too lazy to actually use ropes. Two, I don't kill someone and leave a body. Three, Last night I was taking care of Hope. Four, I wouldn't lie to you. Did you ask Marcel?"
" Yes, we Did. He says it could be Klaus. What do you think?"
" I have no clue, Nik has been on his best behavior but... he tends to run off the track sometimes, this could be one of them, I'm not sure."
" Thanks."
" Anytime, and Vincent, don't blame me for murder again." I walked away from them, and left the bar.

I was with Elijah and Hope since I really needed to get away from the Quarter. Elijah was sitting up the food for tonight's full moon. A car pulled up, I stayed crouched next to Hope's stroller, a man with a gun got out.
The man said" Hell of a spot for a picnic."
Elijah said" Yes, If you can tolerate the mosquitos it's actually rather serene. Finger sandwich."
" Trouble is, you're trespassing. This whole area is now property of Kingmaker Land Developement. In two years, it's gonna be golf courses and condos." More men got out of the car, all with guns.
" I take it you're not on the board of directors."
" My team and I are animal control. There's been an influx of wild predators. My boss pays top dollar to, uh, wipe 'em out."
" Wild predators."
" Wolves, If you could believe it. Killed a half dozen last night. This baby can take a head clean off." Elijah turned the stroller around," Anyway, um, I'm gonna have to ask you to clear out. ASAP." He grabbed Elijah's shoulder and Elijah broke his arm while I stayed with Hope. Elijah dealt with the other two then grabbed the first one.
" Call off your men. You leave this place. You seek another line of work. No more dead wolves."
" I'm an independent contractor. There are other teams out there. I don't have the authority to-" then Elijah snapped his neck.

We walked into the castle, Servant boy said" There. You see the Count de Martel? You address him as Your Grace. All the other nobles as 'm Lord. And when you speak to the Count, you should speak of hunting. He loves his hawks and his hounds. And, um, bow deep, m'lady Rebekah, m'lady Raven, He also relishes a healthy cleavage. For God's sake, all of you, stop looking up." He moved a strand of Kol's hair then mine,
Kol said" Touch me or my sister again and I'll tear your arms straight off." I smiled,
Finn said" Behave, Kol, or I will bury you in the ground to rot."
I said" I'll bury you first." Glaring at Finn,
Rebekah said" This isn't going to work, is it?"
Server boy said" Just speak as we practiced. And know that you look lovely, m'lady."
Nik whispered" Are you worried, Brother?"
Elijah whispered" We are placing our lives in the hands of a stranger, Niklaus."
The Count said" Lucien, you were sent to fetch the Comte du Guise."
Lucien said" Indisposed, Your Grace. Gout. May I present his children. The Lords Finn, Niklaus, Elijah and Kol. Also the Lovely Ladies Rebekah and Raven."
" Your father never mentioned you to me in all our dealings."
We all practically looked at Elijah to answer this. Elijah said" Yes. Your Grace, do Forgive us. Father was forever distant with his travels and, Uh, we were largely raised by servants. However, I do know that Father would consider it a glorious honor that we should be introduced to society by your noble hand, Your Grace."
Nik said" Your Grace, I look forward to hearing tales of your hunting escapades. May I present our sisters?" I moved from Kol's side to stand next to Rebekah,
We said" Rebekah and Raven de Guise de Rochefort en Seine." We bowed, knowing he was looking at our cleavage," Charmed."
Kol and I were looking around,
I said" We need to be separate votes from now on, so things like this don't happen."
Kol said" Discuss that with Elijah, and pull your dress up, Have you gone mad?" He pulled the front of my dress up, making sure it covered my cleavage.

I arrived back at the cabin and saw Freya with Hope, and Elijah gone. I said" Where'd he go?"
Freya said" I don't know. He said he needed to handle something that he didn't want Hope to see."
" Alright, And you're totally tipsy, so I'm staying here and helping you care for the sleeping baby."

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