Chapter 60

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I turned to see the guards from the Strix, I said" Marcellus, I will not hesitate to snap their necks!"
Marcel showed up, He said" Guys, back off her, she hates being trailed and she won't hesitate to rip your hearts out, she doesn't care."

Freya and I walked into the main room, to see Lucien, He said" Ah, Freya, Raven. Would you mind telling your security team that I am a dear and beloved friend of the family?"
Freya and I said" Oh, that might be overstating it. For now, let's go with necessary acquaintance."
" Mmm, flattery will get you everywhere."
" What do you want, Lucien?"
" The question isn't what I want. It's whom. See, I've known the Mikaelsons for 1,000 years.-" I sped off, not in the mood to hear Lucien's annoying voice.

Elijah said" Are you quite sure?"
Kol said" I saw him with my own eyes. Finn must have come back when Davina resurrected me. The spell was tied to the blood of the Mikaelson line. Either it worked on him or he found a way to hijack it. Either way, the only how I care about right now is how long I'm going to make him suffer before I kill him."
" Restraint, Brother. For now."
" Why? Finn is clearly the one spreading rumors about missing white oak. He's luring Nik's enemies out of the woodwork. It's all part of his tedious revenge fantasy."
Freya said" You're wrong. Those rumors began before either of you returned. Finn's innocent."
" Innocent? Pardon me, luv, but Finn has tried to kill the rest of us more than once. He is an enemy to our family."
" He is our family. Finn's return is an opportunity to mend old wounds and fix what's broken."
" He didn't just drop a bloody vase. He murdered me."
Elijah said" You seem certain."
" Are you honestly siding with her?"
" Time And again, Finn has demonstrated nothing but contempt towards this family. So you tell me, how can you be so certain that he would return to us in peace?"
Finn said" Our sister knows me well. Though, perhaps, you're right to doubt my intentions. By all means, let's discuss our family quarrels. I believe we're long overdue."

Freya and I were keeping Kol away from Finn even though I really didn't want to. Kol said" Take a swing, huh? All these sidesteps and parries, even the way you fight is boring."
Finn said" You know, it's an odd critique, considering all your flair and flourish couldn't keep you from being bested the last time we faced each other." Kol pushed Freya away and tried to get at Finn but then Lucien pinned Kol to the shelf by his neck,
Lucien said" Perhaps we should let them fight. After all, they can't actually kill each other."
I said" Lucien, let him go before I tear out your heart."
Elijah said" Behave yourselves. Particularly considering we will be confined here together for the foreseeable future." Kol pushed Lucien away, walking to Elijah,
Kol said" What does that mean?"
" I believe the term is staycation. You see, Niklaus isn't the only one who's inspired revenge fantasies. Right now, we are all at risk. So... while Marcel works to retrieve the white oak, I recommend we dispense with all of this posturing. Get down to some good, old fashioned family bonding."

Kol was glaring into nothing, I sighed then said" Kol, Mischief, stop glaring into nothing and since we're trapped in this house with the one person we both hate. Let's do what we do best." Kol looked at me then smiled, that got his attention,
Kol and I were spying on Finn and Elijah,
Elijah said" So, tell me. How was hell? Is it warm this time of year?"
Finn said" You always had a penchant for idle chat."
" Well, perhaps we could discuss something a little bit more constructive?"
" Do you intend to threaten me into being a better brother?"
" Depends. Why are you here?"
" Could you believe me if I told you I had changed?"
" Have you?"
" Yes. And no. All that time trapped alone in Freya's pendant, I was able to reflect on what we have become over a millennium. I'm still sickened by what you are. But I'm done trying to atone for past sins."
" It is curious, the way you speak as though you and I are not the same."
" We are not the same. You see, I still have a chance at some small happiness. And I'm going to take it. My proposal is simple. Allow Freya to put me back in a witch's body. Let the two of us go and I promise never to look back again." We walked away,
I said" I'm going to my room." I walked up to my room and closed the door, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and then started drinking.

Elijah dragged me from my room to talk with Kol, because he's obviously planning something.
Elijah said" Whatever it is you're planning, Don't."
Kol said" He cursed me to die, Elijah. Slowly. In front of her. If nothing else, I owe him for that."
" Perhaps. And perhaps, the best revenge is simply to expel him from our lives altogether."
" No. He doesn't get to live happily ever after."
" I haven't made my final decision. I only ask you stay your hand."
" That's not your decision to make." He broke the glass as his eyes changed,
" Control yourself." Kol threw a table, he can't," Unless you can't."
" It's worse than I remember. The rage, the hunger. I'd like to blame my anger on Finn... but it's been growing worse since I came back. I never did learn how to keep it in check. I never really cared to."
" And now you do."
" I couldn't live with myself if I hurt Davina. But hurting the ones we love, whether we mean to or not... that's just what we do, isn't it?"
" It is what we are." I hugged Kol, as a tear slipped down his face.

I sped into the Hall as I saw Kol and Finn fight, I hissed and pulled Finn off Kol and Finn slammed me into the wall, Kol grabbed him and they proceeded to punch each other Till Kol threw him through the doors and out into the main part. Kol held up a candle, Freya said" Kol, Stop." Kol didn't listen as usual, and then Elijah sped to him,
Elijah said" Enough."
Kol said" This isn't your fight."
" I told you to stay your hand."
" Fine." He threw the candle," I'd rather take my chances out there with white oak then stay here with you lot." I breathed heavily, Kol walked out with Davina,
Freya said" Elijah..."
Elijah said" He'll Be Fine. Marcellus paid us a visit. The last remaining white oak in the world... right here. Sister, if you would be so kind." Freya started a fire and Elijah threw the bullet into it, Finn grabbed it,
" Brother."
Finn said" Little witch has condemned me... to this. To remain a beast. Elijah... I can't bear an eternity with no hope of escape. Can you?"
Elijah said" Finn, give it to me. Give it to me." Lucien then grabbed it then tossed it to Elijah,
Lucien said" Come on, then. After all this time, go on and destroy it."
Finn said" Elijah, forever is a burden that nobody should have to bear."
" You cannot keep that white oak in this house, Elijah. It is already a Beacon, drawing your enemies to you. Perhaps the best solution is obvious. Entrust it to the one who loves each of you most."
Freya said" I can cloak myself. If it has to exist, at least I can take it far away, hide it under 1,000 spells, somewhere where no one else will ever find it. Until the day comes when... you are ready for release." He handed over the bullet to Freya.
I went back into my room and closed my eyes, it's about to get worse for sibling rivalry.

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