Chapter 35

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Rebekah said" That is just not my chin, Nik. It was much more delicate."
Nik said" The only delicate thing about you, sister, is your ego."
" Placed beside the behemoth size of yours, certainly." I sighed then let my head drop before looking back up,
Elijah said" Could we dispense with this fascinating dispute for a moment... and return to the subject of our supposed long lost sister?"
Rebekah said" There's not much to discuss, Elijah. Said she was Freya then darted off into the night."
" And you believed her?"
" I met the girl in a mystical loony bin. She could be anyone, telling any lie. But she did seem familiar somehow."
Nik said" And how is she still alive? A question as ridiculous as its possible solutions... given this family's annoying predilection for cheating death."
Bekah said" I don't know, Nik. Just telling you what she said."
" Did you happen to ask if by some similar miracle, our Aunt Dahlia lives as well?"
" I barely had a chance to-"
" On the list of questions, it'd be nice to know... if the woman who placed a curse on the first-borns of this family is still breathing air."
" Let me turn back time and do it to your liking."
Elijah said" Enough. Both of you. If she is who she says, we'll find out soon enough. For now, it is imperative no one learns of Hope's existence. This has been our salvation thus far."
Nik said" Unless Hayley's husband to be starts flapping his gums. Perhaps, I should take preventative measures and separate him from his head."
" Jackson will do nothing to jeopardize that wedding."
Bekah said" Hayley's getting married? What in hell else did I miss?"

Rebekah and I were searching for Nik, Rebekah said" Nik? Nik?" He came out of the room,
He said" That was Aiden. Finn has Marcel."
" What? Why?"
" I don't know where they are, what they are doing... or what specifically to do about it. This family makes me want to murder people."
Then Kol said" I see my timing is as impeccable as usual."
" Well, the traitor thinks he can just waltz in here like he's welcome."
Rebekah said" As gracious as your apology better be... you're still getting one hell of a slap-"
Kol said" Wait, Wait. I understand the irony of what I'm about to say. But I came here because I need your help."
" Figure our how to undo your body swap, then we can talk about help."
" You don't understand, Nik. Finn has locked me in this body. No more jumping. He's put a curse on me, Nik. I am dying. You don't believe me."
Nik said" You're hardly the champion of truth-telling."
" Of course. Why would a brother expect his siblings to leap to his aid."
" Spare me the pity party, Kol. Your recent actions merit a certain allowance for disbelief."
" Look, I know what I've done. But I won't apologize for trying to pull one over on you. You deserved it. But I don't deserve to die. Certainly not at the hands of my own family."
" What kind of con are you playing?"
" The con I hate the most. The truth."
Rebekah and I said" He's not lying. Even as a boy, Kol never lied once called out on the act. He may play dirty pool... but he's not lying."
" Nik, I was helping Marcel for Davina. Finn has him. He's trying to get a secret out of him. Something he thinks Marcel knows about you." oh, no, baby Hope," He's right, isn't he?"
Nik said" Marcel doesn't know anything about anything."
" Well, you better hope that that's true. Because believe me... Finn has the means to get it out of him."

Kol said" So, What is the secret, anyway?"
Nik said" The term secret... implies something only known by those who have earned the right to be aware of it. Start the spell."
" Well, it's easier said than done. Finn is channeling the power from our parents. He's a lot stronger than some week-old witch and I can do."
Rebekah said" Now, Hang on. I might not be trained, but I-" the set up broke due to her," Blast."
Nik said" We need a stronger witch. Call Davina."
Kol said" No, no, no. I-I don't want her to know that I'm sick."
" Then do a better bloody job."
" I just need time."
" The spell that Finn cast to lock you in your body, do you remember it?"
" I was a little distracted by the murder-y part."
" If we can use his own spell, once he's locked in his body... I can end our collective woes with a brief snap of the neck. All I need to do is pull it from your memory."
" No, no, no. I'm not allowing anybody into my mind. Do you understand?"
" You came into my home asking for my help. This is it. It's not a request." He grabbed Kol's head, then after less than a minute, he let go, and Nik was pissed.
" See? I'm guessing just by the look on your face, that it worked." Then Nik sped to him and then threw him back into a wall.
" You come simpering for brotherly love and the whole time you're plotting against me with that dagger. You're no better than Finn."
" Threatening me makes you better than Finn, does it?"
Rebekah said" Both of you, just stop it."
" I came to you because you're my family. I see whilst you and Rebekah and Raven and Elijah all hang portraits and share secrets... I'm the odd one out. Wanna know where Finn is? Find a way to kill him? Then you can figure it out yourself." He pushed Nik to the ground with magic and then pushed Rebekah and I into chairs. Once he left, Rebekah and I stood up,
I said" Your temper will be the end of you one day. Just know that."

Nik ran into my room, explaining everything rather quickly,
I said" Oh, my god."

Nik said" I would've said the same about finding you. Yet a flock of starlings later and here we are."
Rebekah said" We won't let him get to her, Nik. But you need to remain calm."
Kol said" Our Brother doesn't do calm." Then Rebekah passed out and I was slammed into the wall, Kol made Nik bleed,"Oh, you're angry, are yo? Well, join the party. I've been here a thousand years. I was building that dagger to protect myself against you, Nik. I'm not the bad guy in this chapter of our family's story. I'm the wronged. I'm the dead but never mourned. And whilst you got everything that you wanted... I got a family who didn't care if I lived or if I died."
Nik said" Oh, shut up." He stood up and then sped, then slammed Kol into the wall on the other side of the room," We've all suffered. We've all been wronged."
" Go on. Go on, finish it off. Go in, kill me." Nik let go of him and he fell to the ground,
" I'm not gonna kill you, you idiot. Despite your behavior, you're still my brother."
" Just the one you dagger, repeatedly."
" I've daggered all of you. Each for your own good. If you don't agree with my motives, Fine. I never claimed to be the bastion of temperance. But stop this drivel about being singled out and unloved. You are a Mikaelson. You're my blood. And I need you. I need you by my side."
" What does it even mean, Nik? Hm? You talk about family. Family this, family that. I haven't earned the right to share your secrets, have I?"
" No. You haven't. But by all means, Brother, prove yourself. It's not too late." They both stood,
" Finn wants your blood. He promised to heal me if I delivered it."
" You know where he is?"
" You've got to tell me why he wants it. Look, Nik. You've gotta trust me, for once in your life, and I will stand by your side. I promise."
" You would risk your life to help me?"
" I know enough about dark magic to know that I'm hexed. There's no reversing what Finn's done to me. Which makes him a murderer and a liar. And if I'm gonna die, I'll be damned if he gets what he wants."
" Finn has been dead to me for a long time. Tonight, I intend to make that official. Help me... then I will share my secret with you."
" He'll be in the bell tower of the St. Louis Cathedral. Go inside my head. Find the spell. Let's finish this." I flinched as Kol screamed as Nik got inside his head.

We got to the tower, Nik said" Well, where is he? Is this a trick?"
Kol said" He said he'd be here, I swear. This is the remnant of a spell. Ancient. It's impressive."
" Admire it's artistry later. Tell me what he set in motion."
Rebekah said" Kol. What is that?" Kol grabbed what she pointed at then said some incantation, then we saw a Runic Tile." Runic Tiles. What's it mean?"
Kol said" It's a symbol. For baby. That's it, isn't it? Your baby's still alive."
Rebekah said" Finn tricked us into running about all day thinking he was looking for a way to find hope."
I said" When he knew where she was all along." Nik pulled out his phone, calling Elijah." I'm going to them. I'll be back or I won't." Then I sped off but I saw Nik give me a quick nod.

Once I got there, I saw Cami's car, I sped faster then got into the car, she screamed, I said" Shh, Shh! It's only me!"
She said" Oh, my god. Raven."

Once we got to the house, nearly to the house, the car stopped, I looked at Cami then looked at the house. I gulped then the house exploded, Cami said" Oh, my god." The car started,
I said" Cami, drive." She turned the car around and drove.

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