Chapter 71

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My siblings knew I was very pissed off, Todd was still with Mary, and Hayley was coming back to The Quarter. Leaving my child alone with Mary, in the bayou, with no one to protect him. I punched the wall, breathing heavily,
Nik said" You have a temper today, don't you?"
I said" Nik, if you don't shut up, I'm going to snap your neck."
" Is this about Todd being left alone with Mary?"
" Of course it is, Nik. He is my son, and he's around someone who hates me and my family."
" You are quite the paranoid one now."
" Yeah, kinda comes with the job of being a vampire, who's a Mikaelson, with a young child, who is very new to the supernatural world."
" He'll be fine, Hayley assured that."
" Fine, the only reason I'm fine with this is because Hayley promised me that Mary wouldn't speak of our family."

Nik was getting ready for the party tonight, Elijah said" Well, you've outdone yourself."
Nik said" I'm inclined to agree. It's such a shame these lovely linens will soon be red with blood."
" Violence must only be seen as a last resort, or it will only weaken our position."
" Yes, well, I'm a creature of very specific habits."
" Brother, please remember, the plan tonight is to create a false sense of security. A little music, a little champagne, some stealthy reconnaissance. No bloodshed. Do we understand each other?"
" They threatened me, they threatened my child. Bloodshed is inevitable."
" And how do we protect Hope from all of this? She worships you, Niklaus. She must not see the monster."
" I do not wish for her to see me as a monster, but I cannot sit idly by while threats to our family go unanswered."
" They won't. Now, let me do this. Please. And should any turmoil arise, should anyone dare to disrupt our kingdom, let them answer to me." Nik nodded,
I said" No bloodshed, Brother, what's the fun in that?"
" Sister, please."
" No, you see Elijah, they also threatened my child, My child! You both know very well that I refuse to love anyone but this family, because of the danger of loving someone outside of this family. He's a child, and I love him so much, he's my child, and quite frankly, I would give up life if it meant that he could live... I would leave this family, if it meant he would be safe from our enemies."
Nik said" She is right, Elijah, she's never loved anyone outside from us."
Elijah said" Sister, I will make sure no one hurts this family, I promise you, no one will hurt my nephew."

The party has started,
Elijah said" My dear friends. Tonight, we celebrate an alliance between our family and Marcel Gerard. Unfortunately, as is his custom, Marcel is unfashionably late. So until such a time as he graces us with his presence, let us all raise a glass and salute the glorious city of New Orleans."
Nik said" But, before we do, my brother and I wish to acknowledge a painful truth. Our relationship with this city, and indeed with most of you, has been long and complicated. We hope you will be put at ease knowing we intend but a brief and peaceful stay. Let this evening be a respite from past grievances... and an opportunity to forge new friendships. Cheers."
Everyone cheered, now we wait.

Josh walked to me, I stood straighter and looked at him. He said" Help me find my friend."
I said" Marcel? You see, Josh, I can't do that."
" Why, he's practically your brother.."
" He was, but that was before he nearly killed my siblings, and held one of them captive for 5 years, Joshua. So, go ahead, look around... I don't even know where he is." Josh nodded then walked off, I sighed then hoped I don't have to kill Josh. He's stepping into marked territory.

We were watching over the party, Vincent is looking for the culprit. Elijah said" You seem confident."
Nik said" Well, Vincent is an expert, powerful witch, motivated to expose evil and protect his flock. Besides, he knows if this doesn't work, we'll be forced to kill everyone here." We saw Vincent look at us then back to a man," Him. Bloke by the stairs."
" Niklaus. Raven." As Nik and I attempted to walk away," Remember the deal we made."
" Well, you want first crack at our foe, be my guest. I spy a lady in need of accompaniment."
I mumbled" I hate you guys." As Elijah and Nik walked away,
" We know."

I was hiding behind the wall, listening in to Elijah's conversation.
Elijah said" Private, yes. Yet you brought these two fascinating Neanderthals." I smiled,
The guy said" Well, given your reputation, one can never be too careful."
Vincent said" Not unless you have something to worry about. Which you do, because you're the high priest of the Hollow."
" You seem to have made up your mind about me. Not really fair. After all, you're the one who allowed the Hollow into this world. See, your ancestors were the only thing holding it back. And when you severed that link, you allowed it to go free. And it has been feeding and growing in power ever since. See, I wonder if it will want to show you its appreciation. Perhaps by letting you see your dead wife." Vincent punched the man, I sped out and attacked one of the men with him, as Elijah got the other. Then the two witches started at each other,
Elijah said" That'll be all. Both of you!" Vincent stopped," Leave us." Vincent walked away," Sit down. Sister, leave." I huffed but walked away nonetheless, I walked downstairs... not before grabbing my bottle of whiskey. I took a swig of the drink then leaned against the wall, and I observed the party.

I saw Elijah, He said" Ladies and gentlemen... Ladies and gentlemen, we have here an errand boy of the Hollow. A disciple of the very darkness that threatens to devour our city, your loved ones... and mine." He held him over the railing by the neck, oh god," Now, whether or not you despise us, my family will do everything in its power... to remove this scourge from New Orleans. I recommend you do the same..." Elijah stuck his hand inside of the man's chest, and pulled out his heart, then dropped him to the ground. Oh, you idiot!

Elijah asked," Did you retrieve all of the weapons?"
Nik said" Well, I don't know. Let's confirm with Dominic, shall we? Oh, wait, we can't. His corpse is currently burning in a Dumpster. I try to avoid bloodshed, you become the town executioner."
" Let me handle this."
" Why exactly should I do that?"
" Hope."
" You see, it's precisely because of her that I have to assert my involvement. So, brother, tell me what you know."
" This thing wants to be reborn. This morning, Vincent said that whenever it resurfaces, it does so in four distinct locations. I can't tell why."
Hayley said" It's looking for something. Four things, by the sound of it. And I'm pretty sure that I have one of them. My parents were killed protecting this from one of the Hollow's followers."
Nik said" We've seen this time and time again. When a witch wishes to be reborn, its remains are required to complete the spell. You've just found a piece of our enemy."
" Lucky me. Who has the other three?"
Elijah said" Dominic. Dominic said that he had found something here."
" What? There's just, like, a bag of bones laying around that I didn't know about?"
Nik said" No. Just one in particular." And I know exactly which one he is talking about. Nik walked off, We soon followed. He got to his safe and took the painting off, he opened it and the bone, in question, was gone. It was Papa Tunde's dagger," Dominic's death was a distraction."
Elijah said" They used our own deception against us."
Hayley said" This thing has followers everywhere. They've infiltrated the entire city. If they get to the other bones before we do..."
I said" They may well try to raise this monstrosity. And it will come for us all."

In Between Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora