Chapter 40

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I was walking around the Quarter, following Hayley, Jackson and of course, Hope. I saw a man walk up to them with a flower, I walked closer, listening in,
the man said" Flowers, Miss? A gift for the child."
Jackson said" No, we're alright. Thank you."
" Are you sure? Black Dahlias are in bloom. They're quite lovely." Hayley tried to walk away but the man grabbed her arm. I sped to them but Nik beat me, grabbing the man's neck,
Nik said" Show yourself, witch."
I stood next to Hope's stroller,
Hayley said" Klaus." As I saw Jackson's eyes go blank.
Jackson said" I am here. I am everywhere. And I intend to take what is mine."
I said" Its her."
" Hey, What Just happened?"
Nik and I said" Dahlia."

Nik said" Isn't that the point of a fortress? It does a better job protecting you... when you stay within its walls."
Hayley said" Okay, we get it. Let's just figure out what we're gonna do."
" What I would like to do is take a strong leash-"
Elijah said" Children, Please. Niklaus, your ire is justified, however Hayley is quite right. We need to find a new strategy. Freya, if you Please."
Freya said" This spell you described. Dahlia calls It kenning. Using proxies to watch her enemies from afar. But I've never seen it done on quite this scale."
Hayley said" Awesome. So basically every hurricane-chugging, boob-flashing tourist on Bourbon street... is a potential spy."
" The good news is I know a little bit about how her magic works. This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us."
Rebekah said" Well, come on. Should work like a charm. Bottoms up." I grabbed one of the glasses, looking at Nik, he's thinking.
Elijah said" Niklaus, is there something you wish to contribute?"
Nik said" I prefer biscuits with my tea."
" Of course."
" Besides, our minds are far too strong... to be invaded by kenning spells. No, what we experienced was a test." I started drinking the tea after I saw Elijah drink it," Dahlia's watching to see how we respond to aggression. She's preparing for battle. My guess is sooner rather than later."
Hayley said" If she was watching us she'd know we have our own army."
Elijah said" She also knows where we are. Given the immense nature of her power, we simply have no idea what to expect. What we need is to create a new stronghold, something that Dahlia knows nothing about. A sanctuary from any witchcraft."
Freya said" That's a fine strategy. I offer another. We could use Jackson to trace her magic back to its source. Find out exactly where she is."
Hayley said" Fine. Do it."
Nik said" Good, then it's settled. Off you pop to your respective tasks. Me, I've always been of the opinion that the best defense is a good offense. So I'm gonna find a way to murder that godforsaken witch." Oh god.

I found Nik, and he was talking to Mikael... what the hell is he doing now?
The glass broke at the window they were sitting at, I whimpered slightly then sped back to the palace.

I said" What happened while I was out?"
Rebekah said" I saw Dahlia channeling Freya."
" Where is she?"
" I told her to leave."
I nodded,
Elijah returned home soon after I did, and he wasn't happy about Freya gone.
Elijah said" What do you mean she's gone?"
Hayley said" She was a risk."
" She's almost the one person who understands the enemy we now face."
Rebekah and I said" Both of you just stop it."
Hayley said" I was protecting Hope. From someone it is obvious none of us trust."
Elijah said" Correct. We've done nothing but doubt Freya. Nevertheless she kept her promise and she saved your life. We certainly haven't demonstrated the same kindness towards her."
Rebekah said" So, What the bloody hell do we do now?"
" There is a Jazz Club in Algiers by the name of The St. James Infirmary. Marcel has acquired it and Josephine is fortifying it as a sanctuary against magic. Pack your things. Marcel will escort you and Hope there tonight at 9:00. You, wait with me."
Rebekah said" What for?"
" If Freya should return, we'll be here. Now, whether we trust her or not, we cannot win this fight without her."

Freya walked in, Elijah said" Freya."
Freya said" I saw her. dahlia. She intends to make her move tonight. Klaus And our father will be her next victims."
" And you have returned to warn the very people who would cast you out."
" I understand Klaus' mistrust, as I do yours. But I did not come this far to see my family die at the hands of the very evil... that I've tried for so long to escape. I'm begging you. Help me save them."
" Tell me what you need."
" Dahlia will lure them into a trap. She prefers places of darkness. She'll be drawn to any site that's been steeped in death."
I said" Well, welcome to New Orleans."
" Oh, no, I'm talking about... dark power created by a massacre. Sacred ground that's been stained in the blood of the innocent."

We got to the church, Elijah and I hidden behind the doors, Freya was meant to distract Dahlia. While Elijah and I got Nik. Freya said" Enough." As Dahlia started with Mikael,
Dahlia said" My Freya. You do realize that this so called family of yours... is simply using you for your power."
" No. You're the one who used me. For a thousand years. No more."
" So Be It." Mikael attacked Dahlia once she started on Freya, Elijah and I ran to Nik, and I bit my wrist before Elijah could and put it to Nik's mouth. Mikael said" Stay away from my daughter." Nik woke up, standing up, as his skin returned to normal.
" Don't you know... I'm too powerful to kill?" Elijah sped forward but Dahlia pushed him back, Nik grabbed a knife then jumped to Dahlia but she disappeared, and he crashed into the table. Once he stood, he looked back at us.
We were standing in the church, Freya sitting next to Mikael, we heard Dahlia say" We all have weaknesses. You came here, United, hoping to exploit mine. And in doing so, you lost the one thing that you could have used against me. The weapon you created. Now rendered useless." She dropped it into fire," Now that we've dispensed with that little trinket, perhaps we can focus on the issue at hand. After all, I seek only that which is owed to me, nothing more. Give me the child, and you all may live. Deny me, and, well... you've had a taste of my power. I can't imagine you hunger for more."

Rebekah said" Well, that sounds like a bloody fiasco. Where's Dahlia now?"
Elijah said" She could be anywhere." We looked at Mikael," There wasn't a trace of her at the church."
Freya said" She's done with us for the night. No doubt she wants us to take some time to wallow in our defeat."
Nik said" Defeat? I disagree. We saw her face, we took her measure. If that's the best she's got, quite frankly, I'm unimpressed."
Mikael said" Her aim was not to impress us. She wanted us to reveal our sole weapon. And like fools, we did."
Rebekah said" Am I hearing things, or did Nik just exchange words with our father?"
" Rebekah. I'd know that wicked tongue anywhere. What mischief have you gotten yourself into now? No doubt the bastard's doing."
Nik said" Enough. My patience, like this fence of a reunion, is at an end."
Elijah said" Agreed. There really is only one question here. What exactly are we doing?"
Freya said" This was not my plan. You rushed it and made But a single weapon. Of course she took it from you. And now we've lost what advantage we had... and used up the very materials we needed to kill her."
Nik said" That's a bit histrionic. Your materials are easily found. Let's take stock, shall we? There's an ample supply of your blood. Norwegian soil is hardly scarce. What else? Yes, the ashes of dahlia's Viking oppressors."
Mikael said" Only priceless relics gotten with great difficultly at a museum. Lost due to your worthless strategies." Nik sped to him and pinned him to the pillar with the white oak stake against his heart.
Freya said" No."
Nik said" If I feel even the faintest touch of your magic... Freya, I will end him with a flick of my wrist. You don't seem surprised."
Mikael said" Betrayal is in your nature, Boy."
" No. I wasn't born like this. Her, you fight for. Lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know. Yet there was a time when you knew me... as your son. A time before all the disappointments, the revelations of betrayal. There were moments when all you had to do was be my father. And even then, you despised me, didn't you? I want to know why."
" I don't know. I just did."
" Are those your final words?"
" Freya... I'm so sorry. I love-" Nik stabbed him, killing him.
Freya said" No!" She started sobbing, falling to her knees as Mikael caught fire.
Nik said" Viking Ash is indeed rare. But all you really need is a burning Viking corpse." He walked away, Freya stood back up to lash out at him but Elijah grabbed her again.

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