Chapter 66

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Hayley and I were searching for one part of the cure, when I heard a cry from the alley way,
Hayley said" That's a baby. What the hell is a baby doing out here?" We followed the sound and then saw a little one wrapped in a blanket, in a cardboard box," Oh, poor baby. Come'er." She walked to it and lifted it up, I looked at it and smiled a bit, then took the little boy into my arms,
I said" Hi, there, Little one." Hayley looked at me,
" We should keep him, Hope's gonna need a play mate and you need something to make you happy."
" I'm happy."
" No, you're not, Raven. It's only been half a year, you should try to be at least a little happy and not faking the entire time."
" Okay, i'll keep him. Hope's gonna have a cousin, God, that sounds weird."
" Oh, yeah, it does. Come on, they're not here." I carried the little boy in my arms and looked at him, I smiled again and looked at Hayley.

Hayley and I walked upstairs, into the attic, I walked to Kol's casket as usual and Hayley walked to Elijah's. I crouched down and opened his casket, moving his hair, I smiled a bit then closed my eyes. We're so close to the cure, only one more werewolf and we can bring them back then go get Nik, then we'll be a family again... maybe not for long but I'll still be able to talk to them.
I walked to Todd's room, I leaned against the doorway, and looked at him, he's 6 years old.

Then we heard a vehicle approaching, Todd said" Is that her?" I said" Let me check

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Then we heard a vehicle approaching, Todd said" Is that her?"
I said" Let me check. Stay here." Hayley and I walked out of the house and to the porch, seeing Mary's truck pull up. We walked out to meet her,
Mary said" Well, aren't you a sight?"
Hayley said" You're sure no one followed you?"
" I've been avoiding trouble since well before you were born. Now, where's that little girl?"
" Did you find it? Mary, please. After all this time, I am this close to getting them back. We found a cure for Freya's poison, We got a witch to syphon Rebekah's hex."
" So you're really gonna do it? Cure 'em and then wake 'em up? Did you ever stop to think, Hope might be better off without 'em? And Todd?" I hissed, starting to get angry,
" Raven, go inside."
I said" Mary, I know you hate us, but Hope is my niece, and I will not let her go without her father, uncles or aunts. I need my siblings back, and when they do return if you want me to leave so bad I will. I'll leave Todd with Hayley and leave, and I'll take Kol Mikaelson with me."
" Raven, go inside, now." I sped inside and breathed heavily, my eyes changed till I heard the small voice of my little one,
Todd said" Mommy?" I changed back," Are you okay?"
I said" Yeah, I'm okay, darling, go play, okay?"
" Okay." He walked off, I sighed then closed my eyes.

Todd and Hope had met Mary, I was very anxious about leaving Todd alone, I was paranoid. Hayley closed the truck's door, then I walked over to Todd and led him away from everyone else. He said" Do you have to?"
I said" Yeah, I do. But I'll be back before you know it, and It won't just be Hayley and me. You'll finally be able to meet your family, and then mommy will be super happy."
" Okay, Mommy, I'll miss you."
" I'll miss you too, my little fox." I kissed his head and lifted him up onto my hip." Now, Be Good, Don't run off and preferably, don't leave the house."
" Mommy."
" Okay, Okay, only the garden, but no further, and be nice to Mary, even though she doesn't like our family, she is Hope's family. And don't be like me in any of the stories I've told you."
" Can I be like Uncle Kol?"
" No, most definitely not, that will get you into more trouble than you bargained, darling, just be good like your Uncle Elijah." I kissed his head again then put him down, walking over to the truck after kissing Hope's head. I got in and then Hayley opened the door, getting in.

I said" Maybe I should call again..."
Hayley said" Raven, it's okay, Todd is fine, Mary won't let anything happen to him or Hope."
" Mary doesn't like me, or my family, which is also Todd's family and Hope's."
" I know how you feel, but Mary won't let anything happen to them."
" Hope and Todd aren't the same, Todd is human and he's not the strongest of them, and.."
" It's Alright, Raven, you know I wouldn't leave Todd or Hope in anyone's hands that I didn't trust first."
" Alright, let's just hurry and do this, so I can get back home to him."
" I know, I miss her already too."

We found the werewolf, and now all we need is to extract her venom and then we can get my siblings back then we can get Nik. Hayley was listening in on her conversation, I was watching from the other side of the bar. The wolf got up and walked to the bar, Hayley walked over to her.
I walked out, then saw Keelin hit Hayley, I groaned then sped to Hayley and then sped to the other side of the wall.
Hayley said" Do not do that again."
Keelin said" I'm not going without a fight."
" Would you relax? I'm not here to fight you. I need you. You're the last of your pack. That makes you special for reasons that are too complicated to explain."
" I don't care about your problems."
" You should. Because there are others who know how important you are. And they will come for you."
" Look, I have a life, a career, relationships. Someone tries to take that, they're gonna have to kill me."
" I'm sorry. We don't have time for this." She knocked her out then grabbed her, we sped off.

We got everything set up, Keelin woke up, Hayley said" Relax, I'm not your enemy. If I left you where you were, you'd be dead already."
Keelin said" Let me guess, we're on the run from Vampires? You have the same stink they do." I raised my eyebrow and looked at Hayley,
" I'm special. I'm a hybrid. Half vampire, half werewolf and considering that I saved your ass, you should show me some respect."
" How do I know you weren't the one that led them to me?"
" Does it matter? They know who you are and they want you dead. The only way to survive is to do exactly what I tell you."
" Its not like I have a choice. Hey, look, i don't know what kind of pervy stuff you're into, but i am not that kind of girl."
" This is a device to extract your venom. And before you ask, yes, it will hurt." we uncovered the coffins, then opened Freya's,
" Why are you doing this to me?"
" Im trying to save my family. Keelin, the people in there are dying. The only thing keeping them alive is a sleep spell, and the only one that can cure them is her. She's a witch, and she left me instructions on how to wake her up early. The only thing I'm missing is your venom. Once she gets on her feet, I can give her the ingredients I got. And, with any luck, no one has to die."
" So if i give you what you want... will you let me go?"
" You have my word."

Keelin said" You got my venom. When do i get to go?"
Hayley said" As soon as i know it works."
" And when will that be?"
" Believe me, you'll know when you see it."
" So, you have to wake up Sleeping Beauty, right? How do you do that?"
" You know, you ask a lot of questions." Hayley stabbed Freya with a needle, then Freya woke up, gasping." Freya. Are you okay?"
Freya said" Did you get the ingredients? Good, i need to begin. If I can't turn all that into a cure... Elijah and Kol are going to die."
Freya started once she got out of the coffin.
I said" How much longer do we have?"
Freya said" Maybe an hour. Assuming they live that long."
Hayley said" Do you have everything we need?"
" Venom from the 7 packs, along with Klaus' blood. Infused by my magic and magnified by the Dark objects. Its going to take all of my strength and more than a little luck, but... it should be enough to fashion a cure to save my brothers."
" Should? What do you mean should?" Then we heard cars approaching, oh great," We got company."
Keelin said" Hayley, let me go, please. If it's vampires, they're gonna kill me."
Freya said" They must have been tracking her. Hayley, i need more time." Then Hayley was gone, I paced back and forth, biting at my thumb, then I drew blood. It healed over then I stared at the coffins, biting my thumb again and continued to pace back and forth. I couldn't focus on a single thing, till a hand was on my shoulder, I turned around quickly and saw Kol. I smiled and then hugged him, I wrapped my arms around him and my eyes watered.
I whispered" I missed you, so much. I missed the lot of you, so much."
He whispered" We missed you too, I missed you the most, my Little adventure."
Rebekah and Kol went out to sustain their hunger, Elijah was with Hayley, I smiled, now... lets go get Niklaus Mikaelson back.

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