Chapter 58

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Well... Elijah told Freya the secret we've been keeping,
Freya said" You daggered Rebekah... And you're just telling me now."
Elijah said" She sacrificed herself in order to protect us. And to protect her, I told Niklaus and I'm telling you. No one would've known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora has taken my life and Raven's."
" The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family and foe. Rebekah was fallen by family, that leaves Friend and foe. You and Klaus have a lot of foes."
" Just one or two."
I said" Thankfully, not many friends." Freya looked at me, I put my hands up in surrender.
Nik came in with a boy,
Nik said" Freya, Raven, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend. One of my trickle down sire-lings. Long story. Stefan, this is Freya, my brand new older sister, also a long story. Stefan
need a favor."
Freya said" You're an old friend, are you?"
Stefan said" Well, that kind of depends on your definition." I looked at Elijah, Elijah avoided my stare, oh what he trying to keep from me.

Nik said" Stefan Salvatore is not the problem, but if you are so determined to find foe amongst friends then look no further than Marcel. After all, did he not steal Jackson's heart and deliver it to the very people bent on harming us?"
Elijah said" Marcellus is the least of our troubles. The Strix would still be clamoring over Hayley's heart if it weren't for Marcel."
" And now, Aya and her mob are free to break the sire line. You know, we have made many glorious enemies over the years, Brother. But if they sever their link to us, then they will all come for our heads."
" Not without the white oak."
" Aurora has the last of it."
" Then she dies first."
" You once told me you wanted to use her head as a footstool. Why wait?" Elijah's phone vibrated," Hayley. Yes. I see." He hung up," It's the Crescent Wolves. They found Aurora."

We got there, then we saw Aya, oh god. Aya said" Hello, Gentlemen."
Nik said" I had planned on taking a different head tonight, but yours will do just fine." Then she pointed the gun at Nik," I am getting so tired of having that vile weapon pointed at me." Then she pointed it at Elijah,
Elijah said" Creator destroyed by his own creation. I suppose there's a certain poetry to that, wouldn't you say, Niklaus? Shoot me and you die."
Aya said" True. For now." Then the witch started saying a spell then snapped our necks.
I woke up in some trap, I stood up along with Nik and Elijah.
Aurora said" Oh, Nik. The funny faces you make when someone surprises you."
Tristan said" So good to see you all again, especially today."
Nik said" How the hell are we here?"
Aurora said" Ooh! I know the answer to that one. It's representational magic. Something in this room represents each one of us."
Tristan said" Apparently, it's what allowed Aya's witches to drag you to this chambre de chasse she created for me."
Nik said" Perfect. We find what represents us, we break free."
" Well, you can certainly try, but until then, my Strix are preparing a spell that is unlike any other in history. We are going to sever the link which binds your lives to ours."
Elijah said" Are we now? A second rate Napoleon desperately trying to leave his mark on the world with those filthy little claws."
Nik said" Even If, in the end, he's left with nothing but the scars of his failures."
Tristan said" Oh, rest assured, it will work. Soon our fates will no longer be tied to you."
Aurora said" And once that's done, as your bodies remain helpless and your minds remain here, Aya will use my white oak to fulfill the prophecy."
" So you see, today, you die. And with your sire lines torn from you, you die alone. Until then how shall we pass the time?"
I woke up, gasping heavily, I saw my brothers, I hissed and tried to move but I was trapped in a Barrier spell.
I said" What the hell?! Davina, let me out, now!"
Davina said" No, I can't do that, Raven."
" Davina... Please, let me out."
" Why? Just so you can kill everyone here?"
" No. so I can go, do whatever you want, I don't give a damn. If they die, well... we can still get Kol back, if they don't, It doesn't matter to me." I really hope they can't hear what I'm saying because I'm dead if they do, but it's all a lie.
" Seriously, Raven? Have you reached the border of insanity?"
" I'm Kol's other half, so my border of insanity has been gone for a while now, so just let me out."
" Fine. But don't try anything."
I nodded, she broke the barrier spell and I stepped out, Another witch came in and said a spell, I felt every ounce of energy leave my body, then everything felt foggy. I sped out of there as fast as I could manage.

Once I got back to the compound, I held onto the wall, Marcel sped to me and grabbed me, holding me up.
Hayley said" Raven, what happened?" She walked to us and bit her wrist, holding it up to my mouth, I drank her blood.
I pulled away from her wrist, once she nodded when my skin turned back to Normal. I said" I don't know, a witch said a spell, I was with them and then I wasn't. We have to get them back."

I was with Marcel, he was on the phone while I listened to Stefan and Lucien.
Lucien said" Actually, I'll be doing most of the heavy lifting since the Vampires we're facing Are what? Seven times your age? Is this really the best help we can get?"
Marcel said" Doesn't matter. We're not getting their bodies back. Strix from all over the world are flying in to make sure that this spell goes off, they're guarding every entrance and exit."
" Well, you're their leader. Call a meeting, schedule a retreat. Order them to stop."
" No, no, no, I do that, Aya has no problem staging a coup."
" Marvelous. I guess, it's on me to come up with a grand plan then."
Hayley said" No need, Lucien. Freya figured out a way to get the boys out of the chambre. She just needs a strong enough power source."
Freya said" I'd channel Finn, but he's all for letting our brothers perish so I'll channel Lucien. The older the vampire, the better the battery."
" We're gonna buy her some time, keep the Strix occupied."
Lucien said" Wait, So you want me here holding hands with the leftover sister while you take the two toddlers and the weakened original and tackle the Strix? You must be jok-" Freya snapped his neck,
Stefan said" That was impressive."
Freya said" Oh, I work better with quiet."
Marcel said" Wait, So the plan is that the four of us are gonna keep 100 of the world's most ancient Vampires occupied?"
Stefan said" Well, there could be another way... all you have to do is get us to the front door."

Stefan said" Are we close?"
Hayley said" A few more minutes."
" That's a cute kid."
" Yeah. She is."
" She the reason you're here?"
" In a trunk with a stranger, going into a fight we may not win? She's not the only reason, but yeah. Maybe I just don't want her to grow up without a father."
" I guess that depends on the father. I could've done without mine. If it weren't for my brother, I probably wouldn't have survived that guy."
" So he stood up for you, and now you're risking your life for him?"
" Yeah. Something like that."
" You know, I never understood the brotherly bond until I met Klaus and Elijah. They hurt each other more than anyone, but... they are vicious when it comes to protecting each other."
" And the ones they care about?"
" So who's on your homepage, huh?" I stopped listening in, not really caring, I looked at Marcel.
I said" You do realize how much crap is going to happen once we get there, right?"
He said" Yeah, is Raven Mikaelson, nervous?"
" Hey, Hey, Hey, I'm nervous for you, kid. You can die by wood in your heart, I cannot."
" They have white oak bullets."
" Shut up."
Once we got closer, I slid into the under seat and covered myself with his jacket.

Once it was time, we started our plan. Hayley and I got inside and then to the room where they were. We walked in and Hayley broke the neck to one of the guards. Davina said" Marcel!"
Marcel said" I'm sorry, D. We need to get them out of the water now."
" No!" Davina pushed us back with her magic. Elijah woke up, and killed one of the witches, we jumped into action and then all was left was Davina. Nik woke up, and jumped to her but she stopped him." You've had your time!" She pushed him back into the water and started to say the spell again to break the link. Then the water exploded, Marcel was in pain, So was Nik, then after the spell was over, Davina fell. Elijah jumped into the water to Nik, Nik said" I felt them leave. My sire line is broken."

Once we got back to the compound,
I said" Wake me up when Kol comes back from the dead." I walked up to my room and fell asleep.

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