Chapter 50

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I was leaning against the doorway, looking at my brothers. Why didn't I go with Rebekah like a smart sister would? Freya walked in,
She said" May I ask what happened?"
Nik said" We had a little chat about the past."
Elijah said" I politely informed Niklaus that I'm not his enemy. And though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us, a fact that required a little bit of gentle persuasion."
" And so I reminded our brother who angered them in the first place."
Freya said" And after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?"
Elijah said" That we expose and destroy our first sired."
Nik said" Couldn't agree with you more. You see, gentlemen know when it's time to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction."
I said" This, Freya, is actually pretty civil for our family, see... most fights ended with the vampire getting daggered in the heart and being placed in a coffin for at least a decade." Nik sped to me and we stood face to face,
" I will still put you back into a coffin, Little Sister."
" Enough with the coffin threats, Nik, they don't scare me anymore."
" Are you sure about that, Sister?"
I hissed at him,
Freya said" Are we going to stop them?"
Elijah said" No."
Nik smirked then turned away from me, I went to punch him but he turned and grabbed my fist, breaking my arm, I flinched and then tried to punch him again and he grabbed my hand and twisted it back, snapping my wrist. I healed then tried again and again to punch him, then he just let me punch him, till I was exhausted and not angry at him.
Nik said" And that's how you make an original stop wanting to kill everything in sight." I didn't care to talk back, I just fell but he caught me before I hit the ground and then Elijah stood up and took me into his arms, he carried me to my room and laid me down before walking out.

Elijah and Freya were calling Rebekah who was hurt or something, I got up and walked to them as they were heading back to Freya's bell attic.
Once we got there, Freya started a locator spell, She said" Mikaelson blood tracks Mikaelson blood. I should be able to find her." Elijah grabbed a knife and cut his hand, the blood pouring into the bowl underneath," I don't understand. Why bring Rebekah into this?"
Elijah said" They Want all three sires. Tristan and Lucien kept us occupied here while they hunted Rebekah."
" She's strong. She cannot be killed."
" Prophecy says otherwise."
Freya started the incantation, I looked at Elijah. I leaned against the doorway and stared off into space,

I twisted the vines, I heard a noise but ignored it, it's one of my siblings probably being reckless. But what should matter we heal, we cannot die. I heard another noise but continued to twist the vines then someone tackled me, we rolled down the hill, and then stopped, I looked up and saw Kol.
I screamed" Kol!" He laughed and got up, holding out his hand, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, he laughed groaning as he hit the forest floor. He turned onto his back and stared up into the sky, he smiled, then turned his head to me, he smiled again, He said" Raven, Sister, What If we could fly like birds?"
I laughed saying" We'd be hurt more than we eat, Kol, how many trees would we fly into?"
" Loads Of trees."
" Yes, Where's the others?"
" Off, finding a place deeper into the forest to hide."
" Shouldn't we be with them?"
" Yes, they sent me off to fetch you, But... we'll return to them before dark... possibly."
" Kol, Elijah and Finn would be furious with you."
" I don't care what they speak of, if they wanted you so badly, they should have came to fetch you theirselves."
" You're evil."
" I know." I laid my head on his arm and then closed my eyes," Are you tired, Raven?"
" Yes."
" Did I frighten you that bad?"
" Yes."
" I'm very sorry."
" I can hear the smile in your voice, Brother, you are not sorry at all."
" You know me well, little one."
" Yes, I do, very well." He laughed and then I fell asleep.

I came back into the present world, when I heard Elijah say" Rebekah cannot fight them alone."
Freya said" I tried. She's of no mood to listen. Perhaps you'll have better luck."
" It's Marcel. Your timing's perfectly horrendous." I listened in,
Marcel said" Yeah, Well, I need your help. Hayley caught one of Tristan's guys tailing her. Knocked him out, brought him to the gym for a little Q and A. Problem is, it's Shen Min."
" Marcellus, do I need to remind you that Shen Min was known as the Red Sorrow before he was a vampire? You execute him immediately."
Freya said" Elijah."
" Before he wakes, tear that heart from his chest." Then he hung up,
Elijah turned to me,
He said" Do not go to the gym."
I said" Fine." I leaned against the wall again and then waited for Elijah to return to his body.
Once he did, I sped off, he following after me. Once we got to the gym, I sped in and Elijah nodded to the wood, I grabbed it and then staked him as he had Marcel and Hayley by the hearts. Elijah looked at Hayley,
he said" Are you okay?"
Marcel said" I'm fine. Thank you for asking."
" Marcellus, next time I ask you to take out the trash... try not to dally."
I threw the body onto the floor, then looked at Marcel,
I said" Marcel, kill when told to, come on, you know how dangerous this guy is."
Elijah pulled Shen Min up, the stake still in his chest, lower chest.
Marcel said" Between blood loss and that bite, I'm not so sure you have enough time to get answers."
Elijah said" Then let's make the most of it. I have questions." He pulled the stake out," I want answers." Shen Min got up, I was a step ahead of Elijah and stood in front of him, grabbing Shen Min by the neck and, stared into his eyes,
I said" Why were you following Hayley?"
Shen Min said" I was ordered to remove her from the playing field. She is an obstacle to the thing we truly want."
" Which is what?"
" Davina Claire."
" What do you want with Davina Claire?"
" Tristan needs her to activate a weapon to use against your family."
" What weapon?" He didn't answer, I squeezed tighter on his neck," Forgive me. I'm having a little difficulty hearing you right now. Speak."
" I'd rather die." He threw me into the fence and then took off his daylight ring, and burned himself to death.

Freya and Marcel walked into the gym, Elijah said" Where is Rebekah?"
Freya said" We need to call Klaus."
Rebekah was missing. We have no idea where she is. We just know that the Strix Have her.

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