Chapter 32

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Nik is taking Cami to the house, dragging me along with him cause he just loves to keep me in sight and he doesn't trust me around Kol... I mean, I don't blame him, first chance I get I'm kicking Kol's ass for reasons only Kol and I know.
I said" Wake me up when we're there."
Nik said" You can't possibly sleep that long."
" I want to say something along the lines of I've been daggered by you countless times... but I'm not, because my anger is all focused on our wily brother."
Cami said" She really hates him, doesn't she?"
Nik said" Very."
I said" Sleeping now." I closed my eyes and fell asleep, not up to hearing Nik talk with Cami.

Once we got there, I sped out of the car and to the front porch, I opened the door and smiled at Hayley, I held Hope's hand, smiling at her.
I heard Nik say" Camille, this is Hope." Hayley walked out, I followed her,
Cami said" Oh, my god. But I- You said- I though she was..."
" The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death. I hope you understand. Once it's safe for you to leave here, our secret cannot leave with you." Camille nodded, she walked up to Hayley and looked at Hope.
Camille said" Oh, she's perfect."

Nik said" Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe... which, to start, means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn."
Cami said" Once he figures out what you've done, he's gonna go off the deep end."
" And that's exactly why we need to keep you out of harm's way. Hayley, Raven and I will return home and take care of my wayward brother. Elijah will remain here with you. He's been experiencing some side effects since his ordeal as our mother's captive. Best he stays and convalesce."
Elijah said" A single violent outburst at a filthy roadside cafe... and one never hears the end of it."
" Well, Cami has a way with minds plagued by demons, brother. You two can bond. Well, if you'll excuse us, we best be on our way. Rebekah should have woken up in the body of Angelica Barker. Once she has cut the ties of Miss Barker's former life, she'll make her way directly here. You should expect her shortly." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, I whined as he dragged me through the house, and out the door.

Once we arrived back in the French Quarter, I said" Can I at least torture Kol?... I won't kill him... well, unless he provokes me."
Nik said" That's why you're not torturing Kol."
" But I want to have fun, and I've been wanting my revenge for him for hundreds of years."
" You'll get your chance."
" I better."

I saw the Werewolves and Vampires in the same space, I looked across the way to Hayley. I raised my eyebrow and she just smiled, I turned around and found Nik, he was walking to Kol's area.
Nik said" Settling into your new accommodations?"
Kol said" Well, I would have preferred my old room. Seeing as its filled with a dusty nursery and a hybrid... I thought it best not to complain."
" I brought you something. In honor of your return to the fold. I believe it's your favorite, or at least it used to be. La Fille Verte."
" Ding dong. Wow. The witch is dead. Or undead. Whichever. Cheers." The bottle broke and we looked to the door as we saw our brother,
Finn said" Where is she?"
Nik said" Finn. Please, join us. My, my, you look peaky. Doesn't he look peaky?"
Kol said" He does look peaky."
" You feeling alright?"
Finn said" Don't make me ask again."
" I assume you're referring to our mother. Fear not, she's tucked away somewhere perfectly safe. You'll never find her."
" You think you've won. Let's see how long that arrogance lasts, Brother." Then he walked out, there was rumbling, I gulped then looked at Nik.

Nik and I reached out to touch the barrier keeping us trapped in here and it burnt our hands. Kol said" Did he really just trap us all in here?"
Nik said" He certainly did. Which means we have a witch problem. You're a witch. Fix it."
" And what the bloody hell do you want me to do about it?"
" Well, considering the crowd, you'll be more motivated to find a solution. I can easily out wait our brother's antics. You, on the other hand, might find yourself looking appetizing to some fellow prisoners."
" I'm gonna need some help."

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