Chapter 36

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It's night, Hope was wailing,
Cami said" Its Okay, sweet girl. I just need to find a payphone."
Cami pulled into a store and got out. I got out and we got Hope out, we walked to the payphone. Well... the only reason we had to find a payphone was because I was so worried about Hope when we left the compound, I forgot my phone in my room and didn't notice till I got to Cami.
Cami dropped the quarters,
she said" Damn it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're being so brave. The least I could do is watch my-" then we heard something move, I stood in front of Cami," Whoever's out there... if you try anything, I will gouge out your eyes."
Then I heard Elijah say" Actually, Camille, it's probably not necessary."
" What the hell happened back there?"
" That's a discussion for the car. Let's move." We walked back to the car, I got into the back and put Hope into the car seat.

Once we got back to New Orleans, which was very much Nik's idea, Hayley is going to love but hate this. Hayley walked into the center,
she said" You brought them here? Finn could be anywhere."
Nik said" I've taken precautions. There'll be no uninvited guests at your wedding. And after, your pack will be the first line of defense to this home. No more running, Queen." He walked off, Hope was given back to her mother.
" Hope, this is Jackson. Jackson... this is hope."

Elijah and I found Nik drinking whiskey, Elijah said" I thought your daughter's return would Please you."
Nik said" I'm overjoyed. And I'll be even more so provided you do nothing... to dissuade Hayley from going through with this wedding."
" Is there something you wish to discuss, Niklaus?"
" Everybody knows you're in love with her. But Hayley has a duty to this family, and so do you."
" I was under the impression this was Hayley's choice. Tell me you did nothing to bully this decision."
My cue to leave, I sped out of there and stopped in the hall.
I found Aiden and glared at him, Josh told me everything, Aiden said" I'm sorry?"
I said" Oh, no, no, no. Aiden, you hurt Josh, you better be lucky that he told me not to hurt you back." I walked away from him and went to get dressed.

Once the wedding was about to start, I was sitting next to Josh and Marcel, Josh and I said" Davina." She turned to us and sat down, Aiden walked out, he said" Do you mind?" Davina and I moved, and let him sit next to Josh. We saw Hayley walk out, I smiled, then watched her walk down the isle. Mary started saying the ritual thing, I don't know, I wasn't paying much attention. Jackson and Hayley started saying vows, then they kissed. The wolves were now Hybrids... technically?
I sped upstairs as I heard Nik walk away, Elijah said" I know that look." I sped to the balcony and saw Nik's face. " I've seen it often. What are you planning."
Nik said" I don't know what you're talking about."
" Jackson marries the mother of your child in our home... solidifying his rule over the wolves you yourself once sought to control. Talk to me."
" Let Jackson have Hayley. Though he isn't fit to lead an army tasked with protecting my daughter... his reign will be short lived."
" Niklaus, you can't honestly believe I'd allow you to harm Jackson... on the day of Hayley's wedding."
" He's not one of us, Elijah. He's mortal. Mortals perish."
" What are you doing?"
" Confide in me, Brother. How does it feel when you see Hayley look at him?"
" Niklaus, I'm warning you."
" Face the facts you're even now forcing yourself to deny. You want Jackson dead... just as much as I do. In fact... I think you want it more." What's he planning? He walked away from us and downstairs.
I said" I'm not watching him all night, Brother, your turn." I walked away from Elijah and back down to Josh.

We were walking in the street of New Orleans, band playing, I shook my head as Josh tried to get me to dance. I said" Not happening, Josh. I don't like dancing and I have 2 left feet."
Marcel said" No, you don't. You dance perfectly, and I've seen it."
" Marcellus, shut up." He smiled at me, I rolled my eyes and went back to Davina.
Davina and I said" You okay?"
Josh said" Yeah, totally. My boyfriend and his buddies are super wolves now. It's gonna be awesome."
Davina said" Hey, at least your boyfriend showed up."
" Oh, come on." He twirled Davina, smiling,
" Is that-" she walked off, I looked at Josh, then we continued to walk.
" One twirl, that's all I'm asking."
I said" Fine." He twirled me, as I laughed at him for smiling.

I saw Aiden kiss Josh, I smiled widely then sped over to Josh and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. Nik came down with Hope,
He said" Ladies and gentlemen... May I have your attention, please? Hayley, if you would join me... I'd like to propose a toast." Hayley walked over to him and took Hope into her arms, standing next to Nik," I want to welcome you all. As you know, last spring Hayley and I had a daughter. Due to tragic circumstance... she was lost, Now she has returned Home. Her name is Hope. And she will live here among you. Her pack. Her family. We implore you... protect our daughter. Teach her. Love her as one of your own. Jackson. I invite you and your bride... to live here... uniting your proud and noble people... in peace. Welcome to the family, mate. To Jackson and Hayley."
What the bloody hell is Nik planning? I want to know. Now.

Rebekah came up to me, she gave me that look, I said" Oh, no. Kol." She nodded, we walked off to find Elijah. We found him talking with Hayley, Rebekah said" Elijah." He looked at us, he saw the looks on our faces.
We walked to Nik, He said" Must you intrude on every moment?"
Elijah said" I'm not here to quarrel, Brother."
Rebekah said" It's Kol. I couldn't help him. He's not gonna last the night." We walked out of the compound, heading the cemetery where Kol was with Davina.
Once we got there, Elijah said" I'm afraid that's not an opinion."
Nik said" Always and Forever is not just something you weasel out of, Brother."
I said" You can't weasel your way out, Mischief."

We were helping Kol, Davina was saying an incantation while the 4 Of the well siblings were next to Kol.
Kol said" All my life... all I ever wanted was... you lot... to care about me." He started coughing, I looked away, I can't do this, I can't loose him again. Rebekah and I held him on her knee,
She said" Kol... listen to me. You don't have long. You're going to die. But you will die a witch... and we will consecrate your body. You will join the ancestors of the French Quarter... and those spirits can be brought back. And I promise you, Brother... I will not leave this body until I find a way to bring you home." He started coughing again, I closed my eyes and stood up.
Davina said" I tried a different spell."
Kol said" It's okay. I'm not scared." He laughed, then he died. I turned away from him and hid my face in Elijah's shoulder.

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