Chapter 52

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Freya was making something around Tristan so he couldn't leave,
Freya said" The spell is complete. Tristan cannot cross the boundary of his own will, but we can enter and leave as we Please. I took the liberty of injecting him with hibiscus and mugwort to counteract any vervain in his system. All you have to do is compel him to give you the longitude Of Rebekah's location."
Elijah said" He says he's immune."
" I'll find some other way to make him talk." She picked up a knife,
" Will you?" Elijah walked to her and she handed over the knife,
" You're still upset I tortured Aurora without your permission."
" Oh, Freya, I'm obscenely fond of torture, but yes. When I'm entertaining, I like to be the one to choose precisely when and how we violate the guests."
" Fine. How should we proceed?"
" Devastate his body, infiltrate the mind, and steal the information we need. To that end, I invited a friend."
Hayley walked in with Hope on her hip,
She said" Elijah, I got your text."
" Unless she's violently teething, I don't recommend this as a daycare."
" Jack's gone, and I don't know if he's coming back. I also really don't wanna talk about it. So, which one of yo will take Hope while I take my anger out on this pompous dick?"
I said" Come here, baby girl." I took Hope into my arms and Freya and I walked away from the room.

I went back into the room of course, seeing as I want to see Tristan get tortured. Tristan was screaming, Hayley said" Don't be such a baby, or I'll give you something to really cry about."
Tristan said" You mistake me, my lady. I cry out only in grief. I was so struck by your beauty when I saw you at the gala. And now, after this affront to my person, I'll be forced to pluck those lovely almond eyes from your perfectly shaped skull."
Elijah said" My goodness. I could watch this forever. If only my sister wasn't trapped in the bottom of the ocean. Let me ask you again, Tristan. The coordinates, please."
" If I tell you, you'll just kill me."
" The alternative is significantly less pleasant."
" Um, I think I'll hold off on any confessions. At least until the Strix arrive to free me. And burn your home to the ground."
" I think the pompous dick could use a little more persuasion."

Hayley left, because Mary, Jackson's grandmother was at her home, with Freya.
Freya came back and done a spell to make Tristan weak,
Freya said" He's as weak as I can make him. If I push further, I might kill him."
Tristan said" Weak as I am, you still won't take from me what you seek."
Elijah said" It's an unpleasant thing, delving into such a depraved and repellant mind. Tristan, unless you would like me to fetch the chainsaw, I recommend you give me what I seek." He went into Tristan's mind and then came out,
Freya said" What did you see?"
" Just flashes. He's resisting me still. There's something else. It was a word. What is it, Tristan? Hmm? What is Cepheus?"
Marcel said" What's next, charades? While you guys host the world's most messed up game night, you've got bigger problems."
" Freya, would you mind dealing with this situation, please?"
" Oh, no offense to your lovely sister, but you and I need to talk. I'm here on behalf of the Strix. And I'm not leaving without Tristan."

We were walking down the hall,
Marcel said" Elijah, look the way I see it, you don't have a choice."
Elijah said" Is that so?"
" How long before the Strix decide to come get their guy? And if they destroy half the quarter in the process-"
" I can handle the Strix."
" Oh, you can't even handle Tristan. He's about to OD on wolf venom, and the only thing you can get out of him is Cepheus. Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. The guy has been around for a millennium. He can withstand all your vampire mind games. And if you end up killing him, we lose Rebekah for good."
" So what are you suggesting here, Marcel? I simply hand over this wretched fiend and stand idly by as you set him free?"
" If I take Tristan, make it look like I busted him out, I get in tighter with him and the Strix. I can find out where Rebekah is and keep them from declaring war on the Quarter. If you trust me."
" I will not release that filth."
Elijah and I walked away from him and upstairs,
" Elijah I'm not finished."
" Why don't you run along to your little friends, and remind them that any attack on me is a really bad idea."
" But that's not gonna work. They're as stubborn as you are."
" So stay away from them, Marcel. Before I interpret your behavior as an act of betrayal."
" That's the thing, Elijah. See, I betrayed you before I even got here." Vampires surrounded us, I hissed and then started fighting, Elijah fought Marcel and won of course. I ripped out hearts and tore heads off, Hayley got Elijah out of something, then Marcel staked Elijah,
Hayley and I said" Elijah!" I hissed then tried to kill Marcel, he grabbed my fist and then snapped my neck, I fell to the ground.

Freya said" This stake was imbued with dark magic. It's strong enough to take down even you."
Elijah said" So, apparently, the Strix have no shortage of weapons."
Hayley said" Well, at least they don't have Marcel."
" I'm not so sure about that."
" Look, I know he attacked you, but he could have used that thing on you, and he didn't. And, for what it's worth, he did save me."
Freya said" And he healed me. A few minutes more and I would have been dead."
Elijah said" Do I need to remind you that because of your beloved hero, Tristan is free, Rebekah is lost. This prophecy threatens to devour us still."

Elijah said" Strix have numerous corporate assets, including private airlines. One of them specializes in cargo jets. Now, according to Marcel, a vessel they favor the most has the codename Cepheus. Records show this flight here left Marrakesh to Miami the very night our sister was taken. Now that we have the course, all we need to do is match the path."
Nik said" With the latitude I plucked from Aurora."
" X marks the spot. The very moment we have our sister once again, Tristan and Aurora no longer have any leverage whatsoever, and we are free to deal with them however we choose. I recommend something delightfully gruesome."
" Just make sure you leave Aurora to me."
I said" And who do I get to kill?"
" No one."
" Oh, not happening, Nik, Elijah."
Elijah said" You would've killed Marcel if he gave you the chance."
" Yeah, I would've. I'll kill anyone I need to."
Nik said" That is why we're doing this... for your own good." Elijah grabbed my arms,
" No, No, no, Nik don't! Please, Nik! No, don't!" He daggered me, I fell into his arms,
" This is for your own good, we'll wake you soon." Then everything went dark.

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