Chapter 5

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“We're going to start the morning off with a five mile run. Up and at 'em,” Four yelled as a bunch of people groaned. We all pulled on an outfit for PT and our combat boots.

After our nice long run and some other PT, we started training with guns. Four went through the basic safety before standing us each in front of a target.

It seemed simple enough. Feet shoulder width apart. Hold the gun like so. Aim the gun. Squeeze your hand. Don't pull back on the trigger.

I missed. Then again. And a third time.

“Alex,” Four said, stepping up behind me. “Don't jump. The barrel is pointed the other way.”

“I am aware,” I said.

“So relax and try not to jump,” he said. “Try again.”

I relaxed everything in my body before lifting the gun again. I clicked the safety off before aiming the gun and firing three more shots.

“Not bad, Stiff,” Peter said from beside me. I opened my eyes wider to see three shots in the middle of the targets “face”.

I rolled my eyes at Peter before I pulled the gun back up and shot three more rounds.

Always fire in rounds of three.

I don't know why that's a thing, but it's what Four told us.

The rest of the morning and well into the afternoon was spent working on shooting different types of handguns.

“Alright, before I dismiss you guys,” Four said. I really just wanted to get to dinner, even if I had to sit by myself to eat. I'd never exerted so much energy in a single day before.

“I wanted to congratulate you all on how well you're doing. It's your first full day here and most of you can already fire a handgun accurately. Your final test for Phase One will consist of an obstacle course where you will have to fire multiple type of guns. Now, go eat dinner and get some sleep. I'll be in to wake you all at 5:00 am,” Four said.

We all started walking towards the cafeteria. Everyone had split off with their friends, so I was stuck walking by myself towards the back of the group. We were just outside the cafeteria doors when someone tapped on my shoulder. I spun around, and Uriah was standing there.

“Hi,” I said.

“How'd it go?” He asked as we got into the cafeteria and headed for the food.

“Pretty good once I relaxed,” I said.

“Let me guess, handguns?” He asked. I nodded in response as we headed to our table.

“I mean it could have been worse,” he said.

“You did not see my first three shots,” I said.

“It could've been like an assault rifle or something that would've knocked you on your ass,” he said.

“That is very true,” I said before I started to eat. Four and Zeke joined us fairly soon after we sat down.

“You did really well today. I must say, you're kind of a natural. I mean, I don't think Tris even hit the target,” Four said.

“She'll learn,” I said. “I bet you were pretty terrible at first too.”

“That I was,” he said before he and Zeke started telling us stories about their initiation experiences.

Alexander Eaton || A Uriah Pedrad Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now