Chapter 50

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"Dauntless borns. Go with Uriah. If you still need a tour get out of my faction," Four snapped.

"Transfers, you're with us," I said. "I'm Alex, and he is Four."

"Let's go for a tour," Four said using his mean leader voice. We led the transfers all over the compound and ended up in the transfer dorms.

"Embarrassment is something we irradicate quickly here in Dauntless," I said.

"So, who's rooms and bathrooms are these?" The Amity transfer asked.

"All of yours," Four said

"No way," he answered, blushing a bright red color.

"You will live," I said. "I was the shyest person when I arrived here."

"You have five minutes. Find your stack of clothes and change. Then, bring your old clothes here. We're going to burn them. Burn the last physical ties to your old faction," Four said. "Go."

Four and I stood beside the fire, watching the flames so they didn't grow out of control. Each initiate brought his or her clothes over and dropped them in the fire.

"Alright, dinner is this way," I said, leading the initiates down to the cafeteria. Along the way, Uriah met up with us. He was carrying the twins.

"Hi babies," I said, taking AJ from Uriah and cooing to him for a second.

"Aw, look at the softy," Josh, one of the Erudite transfers, said.

"I will kick your ass," I snapped at the boy. I bounced AJ slightly as I walked, smiling at him as he babbled away. He can say Dada and a few other words. He likes to grab onto hair, so even though my hair is short, he tends to pull my hair a lot.

When we reached the cafeteria, I turned to the initiates before speaking to them. Four had disappeared off to his pregnant wife, leaving me alone to deal with initiates.

"Four and I will be in at five am to wake you up. Have fun and explore, but you should probably get some sleep at some point. You're now on your own," I said. They headed into the cafeteria and Uriah and I walked over to our usual table.

"If you wanna stay here with the twins, I'll bring you back a burger and cheese fries," Uriah said.

"God I love you," I said. He kissed my lips quickly as he handed me Maeve and headed off to get us all dinner.

"There's my favorite future brother-in-law," Zeke said, sitting down at the table.

"Hi Zeke," I said.

"Hi shorty," he said. I rolled my eyes as he grabbed AJ from me.

"Where's Shauna?" I asked.

"She said she wasn't feeling up to dinner and when I tried to stay with her she wouldn't let me," he said. It sounded odd, but I shrugged it off.

"How's your mom?" I asked.

"Better, and so is Kyle, thanks to you," Zeke said. Uriah returned, sitting down beside me with the tray of food.

"Thanks, babe," I said, taking my food. I broke off part of a fry and gave it to Maeve. She grabbed onto the plain fry and started trying to eat it.

"Aww," Tris cooed as her and Four sat down. She stole Maeve from me, giving me the space to eat my burger. I've mastered eating while holding one of the twins, but I don't usually have to because someone is always stealing them from me.

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