Chapter 37

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The next morning, Four made Uriah take Marcus to the holding cells about half way between here and Dauntless. I stayed here in Abnegation with Four while he made arrangements for Jeanine's arrest. I was busy downing my second cup of black coffee, which I found disgusting but the only source of caffeine in Abnegation, when Victoria made it down the stairs.

"Alex, explain everything, including us," Four said, taking a brief moment away from his phone conversation to give me orders.

"Who are you two?" Victoria asked as she started to make herself some plain oatmeal for breakfast.

"Marcus's son's from his first marriage. My mother died when I was three. My given name is Alexander, and his is Tobias, but do not call us by that," I said.

"How did your mother die?" She asked.

"I don't know what the official report was, but Four and I were told she died in her sleep," I said.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said. She seemed genuinely sorry, but I wasn't paying much attention to that.

"I have to ask you a question, but you can't get angry about it, okay?" I asked. She nodded before taking a seat across from me at the table.

"Did Marcus ever hit you, or abuse you in any other way?" I asked.

"No, God, no," she said, but it appeared like she was lying.

"Well, that's surprising, but I'm glad to hear it," I said.

"What?" She asked.

"Well, his favorite pass time used to be wailing on me for being gay or Four for just being around," I said.

"He's yelled a few times, but I've never been hit," she said.

"Has he hit like the wall or furniture when he gets angry?" I asked. She nodded timidly, not wanting to answer my questions.

"Shh," I said. "It's okay. If you want, we can press charges against him."

"No, don't," she said.

"Here, I'm going to leave my cell number with you, so if he does ever hit you, then you can call me," I said, scribbling the digits on a piece of paper.

"Thank you, hon," she said.

"Um, just one more question. How old are you?" I asked.

"I'll be 17 in a few weeks," she said.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said.

"Don't be," she said.

It was quiet for a few minutes before  Four summoned me into the living room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You're in charge of the Dauntless here while I'm gone. I'm going to go help detain Jeanine. She'll be tried in Abnegation in a few days. We'll investigate her underlings over the course of probably the next year or so and get someone who isn't corrupt in there," Four said.

"Want me to call them all in or what?" I asked.

"Call a meeting. Tell them they'll be home sooner than expected. Probably tomorrow. Also inform them not to fight with each other," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Matt and Jay," he said. I rolled my eyes but promised to address the issue of fighting.

"I'm leaving. I'm going to send Marcus back, and hopefully no one saw him being escorted out," he said.

"Want me to deny it?" I asked, referring to the arrest.

He shook his head before leaving. I ran upstairs and holstered my gun, connecting it to my belt, before heading outside.

I quickly sent out a mass text message to everyone staying here in Dauntless.

Meeting in ten. Meet at Marcus's house. ~Alex

I sat down and waited for everyone to start showing up.

Ten minutes later, I stood up and stepped up onto the top step so everyone could see me.

"Listen up," I yelled. "I'm supposed to address the fighting issue we've had," I said, shooting glares at the two boys that were involved. "Anyways, do not fight anymore or I'll take away dessert."

"You can do that," someone said.

"Yes I can. Anyways, we'll be heading home early. Possibly tomorrow," I said, earning cheers from the group.

"Hey, I have a question," Rae yelled over the cheering. I knew she had been assigned to this end of town, so I had a feeling I knew what was coming.

"Bring it," I said.

"Was Marcus Eaton arrested last night?"

"Yes, Marcus Eaton was arrested last night for interfering with a Dauntless investigation. He will be released today without any issues," I said, explaining the situation.

I dismissed everyone before heading back inside for more coffee.

Alexander Eaton || A Uriah Pedrad Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin