Chapter 35

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"Uriah," Four said harshly, nodding his head in the direction of Marcus's house. We all walked in and Four started barking orders. I took his laptop and headed to the table.

"Come on," I said, trying to will the computer to load faster. It took probably five minutes before I was hacking away at Erudite's servers.

"Alex any progress?" Four asked as I tried about the fifth different way to get past there firewalls and what not. It's been a couple hours already, and Marcus and his new wife went to bed not long after we got here.

"I'm almost through the firewall, but once I get it down I have maybe ten minutes before they track your laptop and come after us. They'll release those pictures and the story as soon as they realize that I got through their firewall," I said.

"Well then work quickly," he said and went back to questioning the kid about what he knew. When Four realized he wasn't going to get the kid to open up about anything he made Uriah try.

I heard Uriah's strong voice yelling at the boy, and I knew he'd scare the kid to no end before long. I blocked out his voice and went back to hacking.

"Finally," I yelled as I got past the firewall.  I deleted the report on Abnegation and the pictures before rebooting different systems. I had only been messing with them for like five minutes when they got me blocked back out.

"Four, Uriah," I yelled, closing the laptop gently.

"What?" Four asked rather harshly.

"I got in and deleted the report and the pictures that went with it. I doubt anyone will believe it without the pictures. Someone should probably call Tori and tell her to up the Cyber security," I said.

Four nodded and grabbed his phone. He walked out the front door and I could barely hear him talking.

"Good job, baby boy," Uriah spoke as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I returned the hug and smiled at his words. He always had this way of making me happy.

"Thanks, Uriah," I mumbled. I kissed his lips quickly before Four walked back in.

"Alex," Four yelled and the kids eyes snapped up to him as his harsh voice scared the boy.

"Yes Four," I said. He nodded me over and I walked away from Uriah to Four.

"Try and interrogate him," Four said. "His name's Felix."

"Will do," I said.

"Oh, and Tori said thanks," he said. I nodded as Four walked over to Uriah and took him into the kitchen.

"Felix, my name's Alex," I said, sitting down in a chair across from him.

"I already told the other two that I don't know anything," he said.

"Well, you must know something. I mean, you're working for Jeanine herself. Your IQ's gotta be like 170 or so," I said.

"It's actually 175," he said.

"Wow, I wish my IQ was that high," I said.

"It's not hard to fake out those tests, ya know," he said, looking at me for the first time.

"Really?" I asked in attempt to keep him talking.

"Yeah, you've just gotta practice spotting patterns and making your simple math skills quicker," he said. "Or just call up Ansel, he does IQ tests and he'll fake the results for you."

"I, uh, I guess I'll have to keep that in mind then. Is there anyone else like Ansel working in Erudite?"

"Everyone there is buyable," he said. "All you have to do is ask the right questions to the right people, and BAM, whatever you need done is done. Like take Theo for example. He's amazing with words and he'll write whatever you want the public to believe, so he works in Jeannine's publicity board."

"Do you think maybe Dauntless would be able to get Theo to write something for us?" I asked, knowing who he was speaking of.

"Well, everyone has a price."

Alexander Eaton || A Uriah Pedrad Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now