Chapter 24

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"Alright, my house so I start. Everyone know the rules?" Zeke cheered. I glanced at Uriah before nodding. He had explained everything to me throughout the day, so I was hoping I was ready.

"Good. Now, first victim is, Four. Candor or Dauntless?" Zeke asked, leaning back into the couch with his arm around Shauna.

"Dauntless," Four replied beforeor lifting his beer bottle to his lips.

"Let Alex throw knives at a target you're standing in front of," Zeke replied. I tensed up at that, knowing Four would kill me if I cut him.

"How many knives?" Four asked, seriously considering the dare.

"Three," Zeke said.

"C'mon Alex. Uriah you can be our witness if you want," Four said. I stood up and followed him toward the door before Uriah caught up and interlaced our fingers.

"Just throw them off to the side some," Four said. "I trust you."

"Is it bad that I'm more nervous for this than you are?" I asked as Four unlocked the training room.

"You'll be fine," he reassured me. I grabbed the knives before he headed off towards the target. I glanced at Uriah, only to notice he had his phone out videotaping me.

I closed my eyes for a second and ran through the motions in my mind. I opened my eyes, aimed for a spot about two feet from his right elbow, which he had bent out away from his body, and threw the knife. It hit right where I aimed for, and Four let out a chuckle.

"Is that the best you got?" He asked.

"Perhaps," I said before taking aim for the space between his bent elbow and his body. I released the knife with ease and watched it fall directly where I had aimed.

"C'mon, Alex. You can do better than that," he taunted.

"Uriah, where should this one go? Maybe we could give him a haircut," I suggested. Four's eyes filled with panic.

"Why don't you pin his sleeves to the target," Uriah suggested.

"Sounds good to me," I said taking aim for the extra of his sleeve on his left arm.

"Fuck. Alex you cut my arm," Four yelled at me.

"I meant to," I said, turning and walking towards Uriah.

"What? How'd you know about that conversation?" He asked.

"Tris and I are friends," I said. We headed back up to the apartment as Four debated with himself if the cut was actually as bad as he thought it was.

"How bad is it?" I asked as Four sat down with Shauna and her first aid kit.

"Nothing a Band Aid won't fix," she said. I turned to head back into the living room with Uriah.

"Hey, Alex," Four said, stopping me in my tracks.

"Yeah?" I asked turning just enough that I could see him.

"Nice throws," he said, nodding in respect.

"Thanks," I said before nodding. I returned to the living room and sat down beside Uriah while he and Zeke watched the video again.

"Tris, come see this," Zeke said.

"Good job Alex," she said after watching the video. I nodded in thanks, but didn't actually say anything.

"Alex, I think you might be better with those knives than Four is," Zeke said.

"Hey, I heard that," Four complained.

"That was the point," Zeke retaliated as Four and Shauna returned to the living room.

"Alright, Uriah. You're dare is to-" Four started but Uriah cut him off.

"Don't I get a choice?"

"Were you seriously going to choose Candor?" Four asked.

"No, but that's not the point," Uriah said. "But, you may proceed."

"Thank you. As I was saying, you're dare is to call your mother and tell her Alex is pregnant, but she has to be on speakerphone," Four said. Uriah grabbed his phone and dialed the number before putting it on speaker.

"Hello, David speaking," he answered the phone.

"Hi David. It's Uriah. Is my mother home?"

"No, she's not. Can I take a message?"

"No. It's fine. Thank you, though," Uriah said before hanging up.

"Fork over the hoodie," Four cheered.

"That's not fair," Uriah said. "It's not my fault that she didn't answer."

"You didn't complete the dare," Four said.

"That isn't fair," Uriah complained.

I rolled my eyes before leaning over and whispering to him. "You know I'm good to leave whenever, but you won't leave until someone's lost and someone's won. Throw the game and we can get out of here and be alone."

I heard Uriah swearing under his breath as he pulled his hoodie over his head.

"Tris, Candor or Dauntless," Uriah asked her?"

"Dauntless," she said. Her voice was confident, but underneath that you could almost tell she was nervous.

"Play seven minutes of heaven with Four," Uriah said. Four grabbed her hand and led her off to the guest room while Zeke started the timer.

"What's seven minutes of heaven?" I asked nervously.

"Usually seven minutes of making out away from everyone. I mean you can totally just talk or whatever, but it's usually making out," Shauna said.

I nodded before leaning closer to Uriah. He kissed my temple gently before whispering in my ear. "If I throw this, you gonna put out?"

"Can you not put it that way?" I asked quietly while nodding.

"We could always make some BS excuse about why we have to leave," he mumbled quietly in my ear.

"I forgot my meds," I mumbled.

"You're not on any, baby," he replied.

"They won't know that," I said.

"What are you two whispering about over there?" Zeke asked just as the timer went off. Shauna got up to go get them.

"I-uh, I forgot to take my meds. We've gotta leave," I said, standing up and grabbing Uriah's hand.

"You're not on any meds," Four said.

"Things go on that you don't know about," Uriah said.

"Let em leave. They're just going to go have sex," Zeke said, causing me to blush a deep red.

"Well, you're not wrong," Uriah said, grabbing his sweatshirt before leading me out of the apartment and back to ours.

Alexander Eaton || A Uriah Pedrad Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now