Chapter 31

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The next day, Uriah and I got dressed and packed our bags way earlier than needed. We talked about anything and everything until he suddenly got serious.

"I'm worried about you," he said.

"I'm worried too, but we'll be right across the street from each other and this shouldn't last too long," I said, kissing his lips reassuringly. He returned the kiss and tried to deepen it to a make out session, but I pulled away.

"We have somewhere to be," I said, grabbing my own duffel bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

We headed to the leaders offices where we were all meeting before leaving for Dauntless.

"Alright, you all have your assignments. The leaders will alternate days being back so we aren't left here defenseless. Tris and Tori will be here by themselves for the first week. They know how to contact the rest of us should the need arise," Four said. We all headed out to catch a train to the Abnegation compound.

"Alex," Four yelled for me.

"Yes, sir," I said.

"Do you want to stay with the Prior's?" He asked.

"I'd much rather, but there was that last block we have no one stationed on. One of us should stay there," I said.

"I'll take that block. Uriah is with the Prior's, so you'll have to stay with Marcus," he said.

"I will be fine. I can handle myself. If it gets to be too much, I'll take a walk or something. Get a break from him," I explained.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded in response as Uriah looked at me skeptically.

"I don't want you staying there by yourself," Uriah said.

"Babe, we have to protect Abnegation, and as much as I hate it, he is their leader," I said.

"Alex, I just don't think it'll be good for you being back in that house," Uriah said.

"Four told me to stay with Marcus. That's as good as an order. Besides, maybe it can help me heal somehow," I said. We stopped talking long enough to jump off the train and roll with the momentum.

"Alex," Uriah said, grabbing my hand. I squeezed his hand tightly, trying to memorize what it felt like against my hand.

"I don't want to disrespect anyone," he said as we walked down Main Street in the Abnegation section of the city. I could hear his voice shaking with nerves.

"You're a leader. They'll treat you as an equal. The Prior's are really sweet people. You'll be fine. I promise," I said. I lead him up to the door of the Prior's house and knocked.

"Tr-" Mrs. Prior started before trailing off after realizing her daughter wasn't here.

"I'm really sorry, but there was a change in plans last minute. Tris volunteered to stay back with Tori and run our faction for now. This is Uriah," I said, introducing him politely. "He'll be staying with you for now. I'm Alex. I'll be staying with Marcus."

"Wait, aren't you Marcus's son?" Mr. Prior asked.

"I was," I said.

"Are the rumors true?" Mrs. Prior asked.

"Honey," her husband said, stopping her.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," I said. "I must be going. I'll be right across the street. If he causes you any trouble, give me a call. I'll set him straight."

He chuckled lightly before whispering in my ear, "I don't think you want to do that."

"Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Prior," I said. I turned to Uriah and kissed him quickly, we are Dauntless after all, before heading for Marcus's house.

Alexander Eaton || A Uriah Pedrad Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now