Chapter 19

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The next morning, we were all up at six to get ready for the ceremony at eight o'clock. The air buzzed with excitement as we all got dressed and someone played music off of their cell phone. Dauntless issued us all cell phones after our final test.

“Alex, c'mon. You'll look so much cuter if you let me spike your hair,” Christina said.

“Why?” I asked, attempting to dry my hair from my shower this morning.

“Cause you will,” Tris said.

“I don't see why you have to do that. I'm perfectly cute enough without that crap,” I protested.

“You don't just want to be cute enough though,” Christina sang as she walked over to my bed.

“Fine, but if it looks dumb, I'm washing it out,” I said.

“Whatever,” she said before piling the gel into my hair.

Once she was finally done, she set off to do Tris’s hair and makeup. I glanced into the mirror, still not used to the fact that I can look at myself whenever I want. I had to admit, Christina did a pretty good job.

“Alex, there's someone here to see you,” Peter yelled from the doors of the dorms.

“Who is it?” I questioned.

“Who do you think it is?” Uriah responded. He walked, well half walked and half danced, over to my bed and threw himself across it.

“Hey, um that's my bed. Get your own,” I said, shoving him. He dramatically rolled over onto his back and made a big scene of the whole thing, causing us all to laugh.

“But yours is so much comfier,” he whined.

“They are literally the same beds. Now, get up so we can go get breakfast,” I said.

“But babe,” he whined.

“There's gonna be chocolate cake,” I said in response and he shot up.

“You two are the cutest,” Christina commented.

“Thanks,” Uriah said before kissing my forehead. “By the way babe, your hair is really cute today.”

“Thanks, babe, but all the gratitude is due to Christina,” I said. She made a big show of bowing and looking around angrily when no one applauded her.

“Amazing work Christina,” Uriah said, causing me to pout dramatically.

“Am I not cute enough when Christina doesn't do my hair?” I asked, faking hurt.

“You're adorable babe, and you know it,” he said before kissing my lips quickly.

I smiled happily as Uriah and I headed to breakfast. Dauntless was alive with the excitement of initiation being over. Everyone was talking quietly among themselves, but it added up to quite a bit. Most people were showing off their tattoos and piercings, even if it meant going shirtless.

“Are you nervous?” Uriah asked as we sat down to eat.

“Surprisingly no,” I said. “Are you?”

“Not really,” he said.

“You have no reason to be. I'm pretty sure you're like top in the class,” I said.

“You've gotta be pretty close,” he said.

“Yeah, but you, Tris, Marlene, all did really well,” I said.

“Well, Mar and I have been here since we were born. And you and Tris have been working your tails off,” he said.

“Yeah, do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work you'll still come in second?” I asked.

“Nope,” he said. “I only ever aim for number one, because I know I will always be number one.”

“Well, you are a little bit conceited today,” I said.

“If you have to insult me, use words I understand,” he said.

“You're a little self centered today,” I said.

“I'm self centered everyday, but your needs still come first babe,” he said.

“I love you Uriah,” I said.

“I love you too babe,” he said.

“Alright if all the initiates could please make their way to the stage in the Hub,” Four said.

“Let's go babe,” Uriah said grabbing my hand and leading the way.

Alexander Eaton || A Uriah Pedrad Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now