Chapter 29

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The next morning, my alarm clock was going nuts at 6:30. I groaned, and rolled over to turn it off. I barely succeeded as Uriah pulled me closer to him.

"Babe, c'mon, we've gotta get to work," I said. He kissed my forehead in attempt to get me to give up.

"No we don't," he mumbled into the kiss.

"Yes, we do," I said getting up and grabbing clothes. "I'm going to shower, and you're butt better be outta bed when I get out."

I showered quickly before getting dressed in a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt and styling my hair. I groaned at the fact that I had to go to work, and headed back into our bedroom.

Uriah was sitting on the bed with a pair of jeans on and holding his t-shirt. I walked over to him and sat down, cuddling into his side.

"As much as I like this view, you need to put your shirt on for work," I said.

"Mm, or we could just not go to work," he said.

"Yeah, well, we need money so," I said, shrugging slightly. "And there'll be cake at breakfast."

"Let's go," he said pulling his shirt on and handing me one of my sweatshirts.

I slid the black zipup sweatshirt on and grabbed his hand before heading down to the cafeteria. Uriah and I sat by ourselves since the cafeteria was fairly empty. The peace was greatly welcomed here in Dauntless though.

"Holy crap Zeke, mark it in the history books. Alex is wearing his own clothes," Four said. The two sat down at the table with Uriah and I and immediately started in on me.

"Yeah, yeah, keep talking," I said. "It's your fault. Since I have work today and everything."

"Oh, speaking of which, did Uriah tell you about the switch?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, shuddering at the memories.

For some reason Uriah seems to get through to me. When I started to shut back down it was because I was shutting him out of my life completely. I never really wanted to, but my conscious was telling me that he didn't truly love me. I know that I was wrong, especially because of all the crap he put up with from me. I pushed him out, and he stuck by my side. Now, I know I'm in too deep with this boy to ever truly push him out.

"So, are you guys ready for today?" Four asked.

"Yeah, let's get this started," Uriah said, cheering.

"Yeah, so when I'm in Erudite," I said.

"You'll only be there probably once a week. Everything else can be done via phone call," he said.

"Okay good, because I'm not sure how long I could last in such a stark white environment," I said.

"I'll explain everything once we get there. Uriah and Tris are the only new members to leadership and Alex is the only new Ambassador, so this ought to be fun," Four explained.

"Let's hope so," Uriah said.

"Where is Tris?" I asked.

"She was gonna shower before coming down to breakfast," Four said.

"So, are you two living together now, or what?" I asked.

"Yeah, but you would've known that if you ever left your room," Four said. Sometimes it seemed as if this ulterior persona of Four faded away entirely and he became Tobias again. It never lasted long, but I loved when it did. I really missed Tobias, and I'd never been able to figure out how to get him to come out more.

"Not cool Four," Uriah said becoming defensive.

"Chill, Uriah," I said, grabbing his hand.

"Yeah , Uriah, chill," Zeke said.

"Leave him alone," I said.

"Knock it off all of you," Tris said, sitting down at the table beside Four. He leaned over and kissed her temple before offering her some food off his plate.

"Hi, Tris," I said softly.

"Hey, Alex. How're you feeling?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"Good, thanks," I said. We talked for a few more minutes before heading up to the leadership offices.

Alexander Eaton || A Uriah Pedrad Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now