Chapter 45

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"There's my favorite son," Hannah said opening the door to Zeke's apartment.

"Sweet Mom," Uriah said, hugging her.

"Oh, he brought you too," she said, still talking to Uriah.

"No fair, Alex does not get to be the favorite," Uriah complained.

"Oh, I sure do," I said, hugging Hannah.

"My grandbabies," she said, stealing AJ from me. Shauna joined her and stole Meave away leaving Uriah and I carrying everyone's presents.

"Heyo," Zeke said, taking the bag of presents from each of us. "Did ya get me something good?"

"Only cause Dauntless was fresh out of coal yesterday," I said.

"Ouch," he said faking offense as we made our way to the living room where there was a huge tree.

"So, what'd ya get?" Four asked.

"Why're you here?" I asked.

"Well, Tris and I had no one to celebrate with but we are family and you are marrying that kid so we all are basically family," Four explained. Sure enough, Tris was sitting with Shauna cooing to Meave and AJ. Hannah must've headed back to the kitchen to work on dinner.

"He told you all?" I asked.

"He asked my opinion," Zeke said.

"And my permission," Four said. "And I'm assuming you said yes."

"Um, yeah, I did," I said.

"Yo, Zeke, where Kyle?" Uriah asked, walking up to us.

"You don't wanna know," Zeke said.

"Yeah, I do. He's my brother and I love him," Uriah said.

"He's at his father's celebrating Christmas with him," Zeke said.

"Why the hell would you allow him to go to his father's?" I asked angrily.

"Because, we have no proof that he ever hit Kyle," Four said.

"When he comes back bruised is that gonna be proof enough?" I asked. Four looked at me and said all he needed to without ever opening his mouth. I needed to calm down and I knew it.

Uriah wrapped his arms around me and started whispering to me that he loved me to try and get me to calm down at least a little bit.

I spun in his arms so I was facing his chest and took several deep breaths to calm down and collect myself.

"Sorry about that. I'm good now," I said a few minutes later.

"That's good because it's present time," Zeke said, making us all form a circle around the living room.

"Where's my daughter?" Uriah asked, looking at Shauna.

"Right here," she said, handing Maeve back to Uriah.

"Where's my son?" I asked.

"Have him back," Tris said as AJ started crying. I took him from her and he calmed down almost instantly.

We all exchanged presents and took turns opening them. The twins enjoyed their new toys and blankets. Zeke got them their first set of Nerf guns. They were too cute, so of course Uriah got his phone out and started taking pictures of them like crazy.

We all basically got each other movies or new shirts. Zeke and Uriah have some running joke about giving each other gift cards that are wrapped a bazillion times in paper and duct tape. Uriah even added zipties this year.

Shortly after we were done, there was a knock on the door that Zeke went to answer.

"Look who's here," Zeke said, walking in with Kyle on his hip. "David said he is sick so he doesn't want him anymore."

"Come here," Hannah said, rushing over to her son's aid. I joined her, having picked up basic first aid during my school years.

"Kyle, baby," she cooed to him.

"Daddy hit me," he said, crying softly as Hannah reached for him. That was odd. If his dad had hit him he should be gravitating more toward Hannah than Zeke or Uriah.

"Kyle," I said softly. "Did Daddy do anything else?"

"Said not to tell," he said. My heart hurt for him.

"Four, can we do anything?" I asked. He nodded and promised to take care of it.

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