Chapter 1- Storm

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"Good day. We are here, looking for Lady Jacqueline Francheska Lagdameo." I greeted the officer in charge at the gate. We didn't know that the Philippines is this hot when we arrive. Lucas, the Duke of Heron insists on wearing a suit. And now, we look like we stayed in the sauna because of sweat.

"Do you have an appointment?" He asked. 

"I'm afraid we came here without her knowledge. May we request you kindly help to communicate with her and please do tell her that Lucas Stanford, Duke of Heron and Henry Lightwood from Cordonia is here and requesting for her presence?" I said.

 The officer is staring at us as we came from a circus.

I can sense that he is thinking to call the police when his phone ring. He answered the phone without removing his eyes from us.

Lucas spoke in French.
"Can they bloody open the gate and let us in?" he asked. I look at him and replied in the same language.

"Wearing a bloody suit is your idea, not mine. Now, shut up. I am trying to be civilized in here."

"Sir." The officer called my attention. "Go straight on this road. Turn left on the first street. You will see a building at the end of the road." 

"You can call me Your Gra..." I gave Lucas a nudge on his ribs just to shut his mouth.

I didn't expect a young lady at the Administration Building waiting for us. She is tall, taller than most women we saw in this country. She has a rosy white complexion, a beautiful face, and a heart-shaped lip. She smiles at us when we alight.

"Lucas Standford, Duke of Heron and Sir Henry Lightwood." She greeted. "What a pleasure to see both of you here in the Philippines." She looks utterly familiar. 

"Oh good, you know us. Where is Jacqueline?" Lucas asked. I saw the young lady raise one perfect eyebrow. 

"Your title has no effect on us...Your Grace." She mocked. I almost smile at her comment. Who is she? 

She's wearing skinny jeans that hug her long legs and a polo shirt. 

"I'll call Ate Jack. Follow me, you both look like you went on a marathon." She walks ahead of us and we followed her. She let us sit in one of their meeting rooms. 

After a few minutes of calling, the young lady said to us. "She's on the way." 

"You haven't introduced yourself." I politely said. She looked at me with those light brown beautiful eyes.

"I'm Xykie." She replied.

After 2 years

Cordonia... my home. As I stare at the tourist that is gathering for the annual parade from my horse, I remember the two ladies that started this whole world fiasco on one fateful day during Cordonia Day years ago. Those two commoner that brought us changes years after they stepped on my land. They brought the Princess, not by choice.

My country is not perfect as other countries around us. And having a King that needs my service, I vow to protect the kingdom with my whole life. That's why I choose to be a knight.

"Everything is in order, Sir." One of the guards reported to me. I nod at him and he went back to his post. Now, I started to learn Princess Jacqueline's native tongue... TAGALOG. I need to understand her. William can speak and understand it and so was the queen. I need to catch up with them or else... the security will be a breach.

I scan the crowd again... something is not right. There is this calmness that I hate the most. The calmness before the storm. I am a cynic person and I don't trust that easily. I have negative thoughts that sit on my mind all the time. And the Prince always jest on me about it. He is more on the diplomatic side while the Princess and I are on the skeptical side. And if my guts say there is something wrong...then there is something wrong.

I call one of the guards.
"Get some men, double the guards," I told him.
"Yes, Sir." He replied.

"Good morning, Sir." A lady with big blue eyes and blonde hair greeted me.
I nod at her and continue to scan the crown.
"You have a fine horse in here." She continued.
I heard the invitation... but I am busy right now.
"Thank you, my lady" I replied.
"Sir Henry, if you are free later...tonight. I will leave my back door open. Just in case you like to have" She seductively said. She doesn't care about propriety and decorum. She doesn't care if everybody around us heard her invitation.
"I suggest you lock your door tonight as tourists are in the area this time around, Good day," I replied and tap my horse. He started to walk, the guards gave way to me. The parade is starting now anyway. I better follow them even though I know that Princess Jacqueline would be armed with her knives.

A commotion caught my attention when both Prince William and Princess Jacqueline passed. I guided my horse in that direction. At least ten guards are pointing their rifles at a lady whose face I can't see.

"What happened in here?" I asked.
A young guard replied in French. "This tourist dared to call the Princess on her name and tried to stop her horse earlier."
I nod at him and he went back to his position. Pointing his raffle at the poor tourist who doesn't know our law.
"Tourist... Speak your name." I said. She is shaking. Both of her hands are up.
"I am Xykie." She said. She lifted her face and I saw those beautiful light brown eyes again.

This is the WRONG I felt earlier. The storm has come.

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