Chapter 10- Lost

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I thought Xykie will have a suitcase that's why  I brought my motorbike just to annoy her. Because girls like to bring a lot of things when traveling. So when she appeared from the palace wearing skinny jeans, white rubber shoes and a white t-shirt with a denim jacket and a bag pack on her back, I don't know if bringing my bike is a good idea.

She had a wicked smile when she saw my bike.
"Let's go?" She giddily asked. She looked thrilled.
"Can I drive?" She asked excitedly.
"Hell, no," I replied. I climbed in my motorbike and Xykie immediately climb too.
I gave her a small helmet that I bought yesterday. She put on the helmet without even care if her hair will be a mess.
"Hold on to me," I told her.
"Of course." She replied.

I felt her hands on my stomach and my body became stiff. Christ, this is a bad idea.
"I think we need a car. I am not sure you can ride a bike." I told her. We can still stop at my house and change it to my car.
"Pffff... I can ride a bike. Don't worry too much about me." She replied taunting.

She tightens her hold and I can feel her whole body pressing into my back. I gritted my teeth until my jaw hurts. I turn on the bike and started this hell of a journey ride.

  "Ang ganda dito." I heard her said this after we passed the city. We are now in the countryside. Hills and fields are what you will see... Herds of sheep and cows and goats can be seen. Shepherds were under the trees.
"Henry, stop there," Xykie said but I ignore her.
"Stop...stop." She said excitedly. I stop the bike making her body pressed some more at my back.
"Oh Lord... ang daming bulaklak." She said. Her eyes were dancing under the ray of the sun. She's looking over the fields of flowers. Different colors are on the field.
"Kuhanan mo ako ng picture." She gave me her phone and asked me to climb down from my bike. She takes off her helmet. And her cheek has some color. The wind is blowing her hair and she is smiling. This makes her happy?

"Gandahan mo ha." She instructed. She made sure my bike is perfectly stable before she lay down on it like a sexy badass girl. I was stun for a minute.
"Okay na?" She asked.
"Not yet. Don't move." I said scolding. She lay still, hair still moving by the wind.
I took some of her pictures and gave back her phone.
"If you keep asking me to stop every field, we will be there in my estate by midnight," I said to her. Glaring if my I add. But instead of being annoyed, she chuckled and put her helmet back on.
"Minsan, kailangan mong huminto para makita ang ganda ng mundo." She said.
"Tara na." I glared at her and didn't say a word.

My staff, especially Morris, my butler is looking dumbfound when I arrive with a Lady.
"Morris, this is Lady Xykie. Please give her a room in the east wing." I ordered after I met the old man at door.
"Xykie, if you need anything, ask Morris. He is my butler." I told her.
"Hi, Morris. Nice to meet you." Xykie greeted him smiling which made my butler lost his speech for a while.
"My Lady, the pleasure is mine," Morris replied after he found his voice.

"Henry, pwede mo ba akong ilibot?"
"I have so many things I need to do," I replied. Her face fell.
"Oh, okay. Maybe I will just roam around on my own." She said.
"Suit yourself." I leave her alone with Morris.
I can sense her stare at my back. I don't have time for her games. She can sulk in her room for all I care.

"My Lord, I already informed Lady Xykie where her room is," Morris informed me. I am at my library checking the deliveries, inventories, and stocks of our estate.
"Thank you, Morris," I replied without looking.
"She asked me who the Lord on the next estate is. She saw his manor from her room." Morris said but I didn't reply.
"I informed her that it is the Duke of Heron that lives in there and she asked me to saddle a horse for her to visit the next estate." Morris continued on his report.
"So now My Lord, I shall ask the kitchen to prepare your lunch." Morris bow lightly.
"Ask Xykie what she wants to eat," I replied.
"Lady Xykie already left, My Lord. I think the Duke of Heron is waiting for her now. She called him before she left." Morris said but before he left me I saw a small smile on his face.

"Morris..." I shouted and Morris immediately came back to the library.
"Call that blasted woman..." I ordered.
"She may not hear my call, My Lord." He replied. "Riding while talking on the phone is not a good idea." He added.
"Fucking hell... Saddle my horse!" I shouted again.
"As you wish, My Lord." Morris left me and I throw all the papers that I am reading at the table.

Xykie!!! She will not make it to the next estate...She will be lost in the woods. Fucking, annoying...child!!!

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