Chapter 3- Clash

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"Good morning, Henry." Xykie greeted me without smiling.
I came across this run-away child at the Library.
"How's your first day as run-away?" I asked.
She brings down her book and looked at me. "Technically, it's my 4th day today from running away." She replied.
"Congratulations then. You are a free child for 4 days now." I mockingly replied.
"I am not a child." She replied.
"Ows? You act like one." I answered.

She closed the book and return it to the shelf.
"I am not the one who went to the library just to pest someone who is reading. So matured." She said and went out of the room. She is wearing denim shorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. I follow her outside just to scowl at her. Does she have any decency?

"Miss, you cannot wear that kind of... clothes in the palace," I said.
"What's wrong with these?" Xykie asked. She motioned from her clothes with the wave of her hand.
"It's not...proper," I answered. What the hell is wrong with her?
"There are gentlemen around and it's not proper for a Lady even without a status like you to walk around like you are calling for attention."

Xykie crossed her arms over her chest.
"Mr. Henry..." She started.
"Sir Henry." I corrected her.
"I will not change the way I dress just to keep those gentlemen that you are referring to preserve their dignity just because they can't keep their eyes on themselves. It's not my responsibility to keep their eyes in line. The weather is bloody hot and you expect me to wear clothes as thick as your drapes and die from heatstroke? No, thank you very much. They can keep staring on my legs and die with blue balls for all I care!" Xykie said and left.

What the bloody tarnation... That spoiled brat.

"Well, she has a point. The weather is bloody hot today." William said from nowhere. He is choking with laughter when I see him emerge from his workroom.
"You, at least, keep your visitor in check. Your whole household will have a feast with her lack of clothes." I scowled him that made him laugh some more.
"You need to chill, man. You are acting like an old log." He replied.
"Find someone so you can get laid." HE added and walk towards the weapon room. I followed him.
"My sex life is none of your concern, Your Highness," I replied mockingly.
He chuckled.
"We both know my friend that having a blue ball can get you in a very nasty mood."He said before he opens the door.

Princess Jacqueline and the brat child is in there with two rattan stick in each hand. The speaker is blazing with angry music. I remember the song is from Led Zeppelin.
"Well...well...well...what do we have here?" William asked. Eyes sparkling with amusement.

"You need to focus, Xyk." I heard Princess Jacqueline said.
"You are on your own and you need to protect yourself. Do not hold back." She added before she runs towards the child and sways her stick-like her favorite two swords.
Xykie didn't hide much to my dismay. I thought she will run as fast as she can but she waited for Jackie's attack. To my surprise, she knows how to move.

"Isn't it hot when women move like that?" William asked me. I didn't reply to his monologue.

Xykie just blocking Jacqueline but she didn't do an offensive attack.
"Dammit, you have to make a move to attack me. That's the purpose of this." Jackie said to her.
"You know, I don't like to hurt people." She replied.
I snort. You will die in 5 seconds in war, I thought.
"That's why I stayed behind computers." Xykie smoothly ducks Jackie's stick.
"Lumaban ka, Xykie," Jacqueline shouted. What does that mean? Damn, my TAGALOG is still not perfect. Xykie shook her head. The Princess stop on her track.
"This will be useless." She said.

"Can I try?" Both of them stops and stared at us. William is smirking with them and wave his hand to his wife.
"I thought you were a geek." He jest to Xykie.
"Everybody underestimates me." She replied.
"Then fight me, then," I said.
"I don't want to hurt you." She looked like she means it which made me snort. I tower her with my height and I am way bigger than her.
"Do not feed your ego, kid," I told her.
Her lips form in a straight line. Jacqueline gave me the rattan stick and went beside William.

The music still blazing in the speaker. Xykie's eyes chance when I faced her. And like a dancer dancing in this warrior song, Xykie moved with a speed I didn't know she possessed. Her rattan sticks hit me on my ribs, neck, and at the back of my knees. She uses her legs to make my knees bend before she elbowed my face. I didn't get a chance to move before my back hits the floor and her one foot is in my throat.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry." Her face changed in an instant. Worry is now written on her face. Her eyes are light brown again and she is kneeling beside me.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
William and Jacqueline are laughing their ass out at the corner.
Besides my ego, I'm perfectly fine.
"I am not fucking ready when you attacked me." I hide my embarrassment thru my anger.
"Well, you called me" She shrugged and left me sitting on the floor.

She left the room like a fucking sandstorm leaving chaos behind.

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