Chapter 23- Doggie

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Days had passed through, and Xykie and I are due to go back to the palace.

"Take care always, Lady Xykie. And don't forget to visit us." Morris bid us a farewell. This time, we used one of my cars and we hit the road after lunch.

"Did you have a great time?" I asked Xykie. She's looking at the road and unexpectedly quiet.
"Yes. Thank you." She replied.
"Is there something wrong?"
She's frowning when she looked at me. "There is nothing wrong with me." She said.
"Then, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?"
"I am just thinking of something."
"Do you have access to the CCTV on palace?" She asked. It's not what I expected her to say.
"Can you help me get an access? I have someone I need to look at." She asked.
"God knows who she is..." She exhaled loudly.
"There was a woman, older woman that I encountered in your estate boarder a few days ago. I was trying to log-in with Knights' HQ but I think my dad blocked my access so I don't have any information about her."
"What does she looked like?"
"Tall, browned hair, a white woman around 50's I think." She described.
"That's very common in our country," I told her.
"I know. But if I can just get access with the street cam, then I can find her. She's not my favorite person as of now."
"What did she said to you that you are willing to waste your time looking for her?" I ask chuckling.
She shook her head.
"That's the downside of being a shadow... I want to know all." She said.
"Then, by all means, I would like you to rest and forget that woman who obviously offended you," I suggested.

It was afternoon and the sun will soon set when we arrived at the palace.
"See you, Xykie." I drop her at the palace and went home to my apartment.
I haven't open all the lights on when my phone ring. It's Bernadette. I didn't answer her call and allowed it to go to voicemail.

But Bernadette doesn't know the meaning of NO. After I ate my dinner, I heard a knock on my door and Bernadette was there.
"Hello, Sir." She said seductively.
"Lady Bernadette." I went outside my door so she won't force herself to be invited.
"This is not the way to your house."
She laughs at my obvious attempt to shut her. "Silly me. I might get lost." She said coyly.
"Then I will call a guard to escort you home," I said dismissing her.
"My... if I didn't know how naughty you are, I will think that you purposely avoiding me," Bernadette commented. She steps one closer and closer until I can smell her perfume and see her face from the light coming from my porch. Then it hits me why Xykie called her a catfish. For Lady, Bernadette has a mustache. Soft hair on her upper lips that are only visible when you look closely.

"What's funny, Henry?" Bernadette asked. I didn't know that I was laughing.
"Nothing," I replied. Bernadette pouted.
"Oh really? Are you imagining that my mouth is on your manhood, Sir?" She said seductively which made me laugh even more.

Bernadette got frustrated. She throws herself on me and I need to hold myself not to push her too strong that she will end up butt first on the ground.

From there, my mobile phone ringed. And Xykie is calling. I am thinking if I should answer it when the ringing stops.
"Who's that?" Bernadette asked. She is throwing a dagger stare at my phone.
My phone started to ring again. And I answer it without leaving my eyes on Bernadette.
"Hello. I'm quite busy right now." I said to her.
"I can see that," Xyxkie replied in boredom. I looked around to see if she is in the area.
"On CCTV, Henry." She said. Then I looked at the CCTV on the street.
"Say Hi to big sister...who is watching," Xykie said.
"Where did you get an access?" I asked. I forgot that Bernadette is still on my porch.
"I am resourceful." She replied. "What does the catfish wanted?"
I laugh softly. "She is on her way home. Right, Bernadette?"
"I am not..." Bernadette replied. Xykie chuckled on the other line.
"...going home," Bernadette said.
"Christ," I murmured.
"Hmm..." I heard a few keys from the keyboard on the other end. "Did you know that the owner of the door next to your apartment has a pitbull?"
"What are you planning?" I asked her suspiciously.
"And the poor dog doesn't like pink colors," Xykie said.
Bernadette who is wearing a pink dress is raging with irritation.
"Xykie..." I warned her. I heard her chuckled again.
"Hope she knows how to run fast," Xykie said.
"Who the hell is Xykie?" Bernadette asked so loud Xykie replied to her question.
"Xykie is her worst nightmare," Xykie replied. Then I heard a deep bark from next door.
Our apartment doesn't have fences. Our front door has a small porch and that's it. This row of apartments is designed for bachelors. A big, brown pit bull appeared on the porch that I do not know how his bloody door got opened.
"I like smart home. I can easily access it." Xykie said.
The dog barked and snip into the air.
"What was that?" Bernadette asked. She looked scared of that big dog.
"Do not move," I told her.
"Oh, this will be fun," Xykie said over the phone.
"Christ...Xykie." I said out of frustration.
The dog heard us and he runs towards Bernadette who immediately run away from my apartment.
The dog still running towards Bernadette and I don't know whether to knock on the owner or to run to get that dog.
"Man, she can win an Olympic medal for that sprint." She commented.
"Xykie...that is not funny," I said. I want to reprimand her for her antics.
"It is. I will send you the slo-mo." She replied. "Night Henry."

I am shaking my head when I enter my apartment. What a naughty little kid...

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