Chapter 33- Morris strike Again

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Days feel like years without Xykie. I am completely lost and Morris is not helping with his cold treatment to me.

"My Lord, the Crown Prince and Princess are in here," Morris announced. He gave me a stern look when he saw the glass with brandy on my hand.
"They are waiting for you in Parlour." Morris left me and didn't wait to be dismissed.

William and Jacqueline were indeed waiting for me.
"Your Highness." I bowed to them.
"Oh please idiot," William said. His face is full of irritation.
"Look at you? Have you been drinking? You smell like shit..."
"You came all the way here just to insult me in my own house," I replied deadpan.
"What is happening to you, Henry?" William asked.
"I am fine," I replied.

"Isa ako sa mga hindi naniwala kay Xykie noon, Henry." The Princess said. Hearing Xykie's name made me want to weep.
"I thought that she is too young to have a true feeling for you so I brush it off when she said she likes you."

"Sit down, man. You look like you are about to faint." William dragged me to the nearest settee.

"Akala ko, she will outgrow her feelings for you. That it's a childish crush and not real. She was our darling baby in Country Club. And her father is so protective of her that we did the same for her. Xykie grew up under our eyes but we are blinded by our protectiveness for her that we thought she is still a child." Jacqueline inhales deeply and I was speechless for what she said.
"I never thought she loves you so much Henry, that when she went back to the palace silently crying, my heart broke for her. She didn't say anything to me. A silent cry Henry is more painful than the one who is weeping loud. A silent cry is what she did." Jacqueline started to cry and I felt my eyes get watered too.

"One time, Xykie told me that she will marry you one day and I laugh at her," William said seriously.
"I thought it was a joke and she sees you like a challenge because you keep pushing her away."
William shook his head as if that memory pains him.
"What happened, Henry? Why she went back to the Philippines when she did all she can to be with you?"

"I hurt her," I replied. My voice is about to be broken and my throat feels like I ate sand.
"I believe that if she left me alone, I will shield her from my family's drama. And I got scared..." I said honestly.
"I got scared that history will repeat."
"You are not your mother and certainly not your father, Henry. You are the person you choose to become." William pointed out.

"It is all said and done. And if you don't have feelings for her then what you did is for the best." Jacqueline said. She is looking at me with determination in her eyes.
"We will leave tomorrow because I need to check on her personally."

She stands up without leaving her eyes on me. "Thank you for being a gentleman to her. I am grateful for that, Henry."
"But looking at you right now, you are denying both you and Xykie the happiness you both deserve. If you want to win her back, you have to face her father. And I will tell you honestly that facing him is like facing a grim reaper. The choice is yours, Henry."
"Our plane will leave at 10 am tomorrow." William slapped my shoulder. Both of them leave the Parlour and I was left alone.

"My Lord, how much luggage do I need to prepare for your trip?" Morris asked smiling for the first time since Xykie left.
"You blasted, Morris. You are listening to us!" I can't bring myself to hate him.
"Oh, of course, My Lord. I called Prince William to knock some senses with you. Good gracious, he did. Now, be sober and I found from the Duke of Heron that Lady Xykie's father can beat the shit out of you. Come now, stop drinking, and be prepared on what you will say."
Oh, Morris!... I don't know if I will be thankful for your intervention and will curse you for that.
"Should I come with you, My Lord? I am afraid that you will die alone in the Philippines and your body will not return home?" He asked and he made a sign of the cross. I shook my head and massage my temple.

We made it to the airport before 10 am the next day. Morris insisted that he should come so now we are on our way to the Philippines.
"Princess, do I need to say a little prayer for Lord Henry?" Morris asked and it added to my nerve.
Jackie and William chuckled.
"I think so, Morris. Tito Kyle may be a loving father and an uncle to all of us but he was a ruthless assassin before." Jackie replied making William laugh a little.
"This is what you get when you become an idiot, My Lord." Morris hissed at me.
"Shut up, Morris. You are not really helping." I said. I am in a nerve wreck.
"I told you to send that blasted entertainer you hired just to make Lady Xykie run away. Now she runs away and you are running after her. How bloody idiot that can be? If Mr. Kyle will not beat you, I will do it when we return home." Morris shouted at me that made Jacqueline giggled.
"You do not have a job with me when we return home," I growled at him.
Morris crossed his arms and said. "You will die stinky when you fire me."

Aarrrrgggghhhh Morris...

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