Chapter 29- Retribution

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I was told that Xykie was in the hospital so I went there as fast as I could. The outside of her hospital room has two guards and they didn't question me when I come in.

Xykie was in the middle of the bed with a bag of dextrose and blood on her vein. On her side is Lucas who is staring at me with murderous eyes. Prince William and Princess Jackie are also inside the room.

"What happened?" I asked when I found my voice.
"She was almost murdered in the daylight of six people who are towering her because of your Lady Bernadette." The Princess shouted.
"What?" I dumbly asked.
"She was stabbed and fought without even one of your damned people helped her. The people who I vow to protect and serve yet they can't even protect my cousin in return." Jackie is very angry I can see.
"Jacqueline, calm down."  William reached her and tried to talk to her in low voice.
"Where are they?" I asked Xykie who is looking at me.
"Lucas shot the three." She answered weakly. My heart hurts at the pain I saw in her. I grit my teeth at the knowledge that Xykie fought earlier and I was not there to save her.
"I will pay someone a visit. Excuse me." I said in a cold tone.
"Your acquaintance is as good as dead by now," Jacqueline said.
"I won't apologize for it for she will be dead if Tito Kyle will find out this incident, which I don't doubt he will not know."

Xykie's father... And of course, Jacqueline will act as soon as she can. How can I forget?

"If in case you still want to see Bernadette, please do tell her to hide for when Tito Kyle found her, retribution will be served. And she won't like it." 

I shiver inward as to what I imagine Xykie's father can do. The man is a legendary US assassin. Xykie avoided my eyes and look at Lucas who is looking at me intently.

I still went to Bernadette with the intention of wringing her neck when I found out that she was brutally tortured. Her tongue was cut and her limbs were fractured that she will never stand straight again. Her face has an X on it and was cut with a sharp blade.

Bernadette cried when she saw me to the point that she was given medicine to calm and sleep.

She is as good as dead.

Who does she think she is? This is not supposed to be like this? Jacqueline should never do this thing again...
I went to the palace with my mind as clear as the sky. Our law should be honored...whether she is the Princess.

"Jacqueline..."  I called on her. She stops and waited for me.
"It's not your call to hurt somebody... Have you seen what you did with Bernadette?"
She didn't speak. Didn't talk at all but her eyes are blazing.
"You are a foreigner in my country. Insisting your barbaric way of retribution to someone who offends you. Is this really how low you are?" I shouted at her.
"Henry... Watch your fucking language with my wife."  I heard William's voice roaring from the end of the hallway.

"What I did to Bernadette is to dislocate her arm. If you see anything beyond that, it's not me who did that."  She said.
"Her face was scarred and her tongue was cut. She will be limping from now on... And probably she is in depression."  I said...My anger is in full swing.
"Then the retribution that I was saying has been given upon her."  She said seriously.
"Straighten your facts, Henry. I do not appreciate the way you talk to the Crown Princess." William said seriously.
"I obey your law, Henry. As much as I hate some of it. But my family is my family. I know what your people say about me. How I am not worthy...and seriously, right now...I do not care. I only care for my family. Your people are selfish asshole and bitches who think they are above us because we are Asian." She inhales deeply to stay calm.

"And I am aware of your hostility to me because you felt I snatched you the one thing you have, being a Knight. I am a Knight of the Leaders and will always be a knight and I will protect not only your people but those who will need my protection. Whether they are worthy of my protection or not... But remember Henry, my family is my family. Be thankful, your Bernadette is still alive. If I am not bound with your law, she will be dead by now."  She said in an icy tone. Eyes blazing with anger. She turned and leave William and me.

"I didn't know we will come to this situation that I need to let you go as my Knight, Henry. What you said to Jacqueline is unacceptable to me. From this day forward, you no longer serve the crown as a Knight." William followed his wife's footstep and leave.

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