Chapter 21- Glory of Love

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It doesn't feel like Monday. Morris is banging his head, my staff is in a queue with that microphone. Songs after songs have been played. The mood is nice, my staff is happy and alive. And that's because of Xykie.

My workers from the field came into the garden and they join the small celebration that started with that microphone that Xykie bought earlier. Wines and spirits are passed together with the food that some came from my staff's home.

"Ikaw naman ang kumanta." Xykie gave me her microphone. I shook my head and she started to tease me.
"Killjoy. Killjoy." She chanted. And my staff or rather Morris, my blasted butler, joined Xykie on her chanting.
"Just one song..." she said. Her eyes are pleading.
"Just one," I said in resignation.
Morris gave me a book that has a lot of song titles.
"I don't know what to sing." He said.
"Let me choose, My Lord," Morris suggested. He snatched the book in my hand and look for the song he fancy. He keys in the number code of the song and I almost choke with my saliva when I see what he chose.

"Go on, My Lord." Morris encouraged.

"Tonight it's very clear, as we're both standing here,
there are so many things I want to say
I will always love you, I will never leave you alone."

I am not that bad when it comes to music, but I am not a singer as well. So when this blasted butler clap his hand and encourage my staff to clap as well, I almost turn red with embarrassment. But Xykie is just looking at me with her smile so I continue.

"Sometimes I just forget, say things I might regret,
it breaks my heart to see you crying.
I don't want to lose you,
I could never make it alone."

My staff cheered, some are whistling. Morris is like a proud goose clapping his hands so hard. He must be drunk from the wine he took.

"I am a man who would fight for your honor,
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of.
We'll live forever, knowing together
that we did it all for the glory of love."

"Very good, My Lord," Morris shouted. Xykie laughs at the boldness of my butler. In all fairness with Morris, he became a father figure to me when my father died and my mother left.

"Just like a knight in shining armor,
from a long time ago.
Just in time, I will save the day,
take you to my castle far away."

When did the last time my staff has this kind of festivity? I don't remember if I allow them to be just like this... carefree and happy and loud and glad... My house became home once again because of her.

I gave the microphone to Xykie after the song ended. They cheer as if I won the first prize in the singing contest. We ate our dinner while some are singing. Foods are flowing and shared by everybody. It's nice... It's a breath of fresh air.

Xykie knows no boundary. She extends her hand to those people that we considered lower than our status. For her, everybody is equal. She joked around. Accept the drink shot from my staff. She eats with her hand. She just doesn't care as long as she's enjoying.

They pack it up at around 11 pm. Xykie is helping my staff to clear the area. Morris asked her to sleep now and they can clean it up without her help. So I watched her making arguments with Morris until she sways a little that I need to hold her just to steady.

"Xykie, go now. You drank too much wine." I told her.
"But..." She protested.
"We can take care of this, Lady Xykie. Off to bed...Marrisa will help you clean up." Morris replied.

I take her to her room. She is saying something which I don't understand. She will have a killer headache tomorrow. A girl who I assumed is Marissa is waiting in her room when we arrived. Xykie can't walk straight so I need to hold her while walking.

"Why the walls are spinning?" She asked.
"Because you are drunk. Now clean up and good night."
"Good night my Knight." She replied.
I heard Marissa giggled. She scrambled to the toilet when I look at her.

"Thanks for this night, Henry." She whispered and capture my lips in a kiss.

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