Theresa Caputo

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"Their Royal Highness Princess DeAnn Dutchess of Kensington, Prince William of Cambridge and Prince Henry Duke of Sussex." The royal gaurd announced as the three Royals walked into the room to meet Theresa Caputo the meduim from America.

"Your Highness."She said with a curtesy.

"Miss Caputo. Its a pleasure to meet you." DeAnn said shaking Theresa's hand. Her brother's followed her lead before taking a seat.

"Please to meet you all. I'm so excited. Should we start?" Theresa asked her tape recorder and notebook already laying infront of her.

"Everyone walk away." DeAnn command. The staff immediately cleared out the room along with Theresa's camara crew.

"This is going to be a tough one everything about you is already in the news." She laughed along with the three royals.

"There are three souls stepping forward. Two male two female." She explained. "I believe the female is your mother. She's shouting excitedly for me to pick her first. I'm like okay I get it I'll do you first. So to valid she told me to mention, guitar, family and sweets. Does that mean anything to you?"

"Before we came here we thought of three things she should bring up if she is here." Harry replied.

"No ways. I'm thinking like that makes no sense whatsoever." Theresa laugh. "First your mother wants me to tell you she was there with every mile stone in your life. Your graduation, weddings and children's baptism. She says you heard her tell you how beautiful your children are."

"Both William and I heard our mother mother's voice tell us how proud she is and how beautiful our children are."  DeAnn laughed lightly.

"A validation to tells you she's always around. She says Theresa tell Harry I'll be there for his children too. Then she talks about your guilt. She says that she wants you not to feel guilty about wanting to go play with your cousins. She says Theresa I feel my boys feel guilty on my birthday and anniversary of my death. Tell them they could not have known. I did not know. She also tells me to tell you DeAnn thank you for being strong for everyone around you. She goes Theresa my daughter is going to be the Queen. Never in history have this happened before."

"Oh my goodness. The only people who knows this is close family and parliament." DeAnn cried.

"I went wait this is suppose to be a secret!" Theresa exclaimed "Then she replied with Theresa I had to tell someone."

"That sounds like mum. Whenever she was proud of us she would tell everyone no matter if it's a secret."

"She just wants you to know she's happy and watching over you. She thanks you for honoring her legacy. Then a male is stepping forward. His showing me a his death was sudden and unexpected."

"Roman." DeAnn announced letting out a sob.

"Does the quote 'Tomorrow is another day' mean anything to you?"

"Whenever we had a bad day or something he would always say tomorrow is another day. It was his way of telling us everything will get better."

"Validation. He then talks about Little Bit?"

"Rosalie. We call her Little Bit ."

"He goes Theresa she is so beautiful. They are so beautiful. My twins are so cheeky. Liam is like a mini me. His going to give DeAnn all her days."  DeAnn let out a laugh and nob.

"He said that his happy that you moved on. He said Mike is a good guy. He said he is happy you forgave Mike for the accident. Then he says his looking after Matthew and Alexia and the one you haven't named along with your mother. He said DeAnn it's another boy we named him Kyle like you wanted to."

"That's wow no one knew I wanted to name my son Kyle. I haven't told anyone that." She breath.

"He said he loves you and is always there for you and he said that. Oh this is for your brothers. He said thank you and you still owe him a strong drink."

"If I had any dought before you have just proven me wrong." William laughed along with his siblings.

"I told you she's the real thing." DeAnn sassed her brother.

"You did."

"Always have to be right." Harry replied DeAnn gave him a side eye making him shut up.

"Can we go on to the Queen Mother cause she does not want to wait any longer." 

When the session ended the royals left with a relieved feeling of knowing their love once are safe and happy.

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