Chapter 4

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"Okay ladies, follow me!" Page announced. "Lucky for us, we get the nicest cabin."

"Alright!" Riley pumped her fist in the air.

"Except, it is farther away from camp."

"Ugh," All the girls, except Riley, groaned in unison.

We walked up the big hill into the trees holding all our luggage. Page looked amused, "It's okay ladies that means we get more exercise!"

"Miss, I'm genetically incapable of doing exercise! So, we're gonna need to buy a ski lift or something," Eva said, making the rest of us giggle in agreement.

I already liked most of the girls in our group, except Brittney. Tiny and Tiffany seemed to be wary of her. But that's not really a reason to dislike her. Wait, no, she disturbed my sleeping, that is a perfectly valid reason to dislike someone. In all seriousness, despite not having a valid reason to dislike her, I just don't like the vibe she gives off. She's unapologetically rude, self centered, and loud. Her twin sister, Riley, is always apologizing on behalf of her behavior.

She definitely my least favorite, compared to rest of the girls.

There was Asmaa Almasi, who was clearly Muslim. She seems really quiet, but boy is she gorgeous. She's wearing black Vans, black jeans, and a camouflage t-shirt under a leather Jacket. She had on a green hijab, and only someone as pretty as she could pull off the green lipstick she's wearing.

Then there was Megan Lance. She had short, black hair that she was growing out, grey eyes, flawless eyebrows, and a face full of freckles. She seemed self-conscious about them. Although personally, I think the freckles looked REALLY good on her. She seemed quieter than the rest. She was wearing a red, grey, and black plaid shirt along with some black jean shorts and converse.

Another girl was Eva Mills. Despite being "incapable of exercise," she seems to have lots of energy. She was also really sweet and affectionate before Page called us over she tackled each and every one of us with a hug. She also seemed to be really into make-up. She was on a rant with Natalie Ward on how Kylie Jenner's brush set was incredibly overpriced and made cheaply. And how brush 23abcd something worked horribly on her... concealer? I don't know, I suck at make-up. 

Speaking of Natalie Ward, she completely breaks the stereotype on how pretty girls are dumb. She's very intuitive and down to earth. She was a bit shy at first but ever since Eva got her talking she hasn't stopped. She's wearing a white and blue t-shirt with light blue shorts and white vans which are currently getting filthy in the mud.

Then there's Nicole Vaga. She's unapologetic, which I admire. Also, extremely sporty. She said she played volleyball, basketball, track, soccer, kickboxing, gymnastics, ice hockey, competitive swimming, and softball. She has short blonde hair, a black snap-back, a black oversized t-shirt, black spandex shorts, and black Nike running shoes.

Finally, last but not least, our counselor, Page Randall. She really loves nature. Right now, she's talking about the chemical something trees release to communicate with each other and how we can understand what they're saying by the smell of the chemicals. She has incredible red hair, which is currently in a messy bun. She has a golden horseshoe necklace that her father had given her sitting around her neck and she's wearing a black tank top with jean shorts and a pair of Nikes.

"We're here!" Page exclaimed.

I looked up to a cabin, which was nicer than what I thought it would be. The ones down at camp were smaller and only one story.

"I mean, it's smaller than my parents 12 bedroom cabin, but I guess it'll do," Brittney sighed and looked down at her nails, causing the rest of us to roll our eyes.

"Brittney, our parents don't own a 12 bedroom cabin, if anything our cabin is a lot smaller than this," Riley said, calling out her sister.

Most of us tried to suppress our laughter, except Nicole. She didn't hesitate to let it all loose and laugh at Brittney's face. Which, to be honest, Brittney kind of did deserve.

"Well, what are we standing around here for? LET'S ALL TAKE A LOOK!" Eva exclaimed, making a run for the cabin, with the rest of us not far behind. Page opened the doors into a . It was beautiful and ridiculously spacious. We didn't really need all this space but hey, I'm not complaining. I followed Tiny up the stairs into our ten-bed. I immediately threw my duffel onto bed number one to show I had claimed it. Tiny claimed number two and Tiffany claimed number 8 right under my bed.

"Hey, save number seven for Riley," Tiny instructed Tiffany.

"I CALL THIS BED!" We heard Riley announce from the next room.

We followed to where her voice came from. This room was amazing, it was big, it had a desk, a queen sized bed and an amazing view outside of a huge window. We could see the clouds rolling away and trees stretching for miles. It might sound boring, but I love the greenness of nature, it's really soothing. We're currently about 2 hours away from Branson, Missouri so these parts are full of vegetation. 

"Nice try kid, but this is my ," Page walked in, leaning against the door frame.

"It's okay, Riley. We saved a nice little bunk for you!" Tiffany mockingly teased.

"Okay, girls, get your stuff organized. We're leaving in an hour and a half for dinner."

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