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Thank you all for reading my book!

I realize many of you may have questions, so give me a moment to explain myself.
First I want to apologize for the abrupt ending. I love the first 75% of this story. The last 25% not so much. The story blew way out of proportion and I didn't like where it was going. Due to many of your comments, I had reason to believe you didn't like it either. I decided to cut it off before I had a chance to make it worse. I blame myself for not really planning the book out or setting a plot. I kind of just went along with the flow. And vaguely planned ahead. So yeah...

I want to say thank you to all of you for your support!
I will keep on writing, in fact I have been working on a story that I am very excited by. I am hoping to release the first chapter sometime this upcoming August.
Hopefully you will all love it as much as I do!

Au Revoir! Until next time!
           Aurelia Adams

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